

海国图智001 海国图智研究院 2021-02-07





摘要:乌克兰国会议员安德烈·德尔卡奇(Andrii Derkach)发布了一些录音,据说是在乌克兰前总统彼得·波罗申科与当时的副总统乔·拜登之间进行了秘密对话,如果该对话被实锤将会对拜登选情造成不可磨灭的打击。值得注意的是目前还没有任何主流媒体报道该发现。而且该录音并未被证实真伪,最新动向是波罗申科表示该录音为伪造,是克里姆林宫阻止美国两党对乌克兰的支持。

报道 ●

截稿时间是北京时间8:30,在撰稿时,主流媒体并未对此进行报道,而在北京时间八点左右,第一个主流媒体报道的是Washington Post:


乌克兰议会独立成员安德烈·德尔卡赫(Andriy Derkach)此前曾与亲俄罗斯派系结盟,他周二在基辅举行的新闻发布会上说,他已收到录音带,其中包括拜登和波罗申科在位期间进行的电话交谈剪辑片段-该医院说这些泄露的录音来自“调查记者”。该议员还声称这些录音是波罗申科录的。

德尔卡赫过去与俄罗斯情报部门有联系。他曾在莫斯科的捷尔任斯基高中(Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB)就读。他的父亲在1990年代后期成为乌克兰独立情报部门的负责人之前,曾担任克格勃军官数十年。他父亲因为卷入一位乌克兰记者的绑架谋杀丑闻而被革职。




背景介绍 ●

Hunter Biden

对话内容发生在:时任乌克兰总检察长的维克托·肖金(Viktor Shokin)在调查位于乌克兰的能源公司Burisma,该公司聘请了副总裁的儿子汉特·拜登(Hunter Biden)担任董事会成员。
通话始于2015年12月3日,时任国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)开始着手解雇肖金,声称“阻止了检察长办公室的清理工作”,并称拜登“非常关注此事动向” 波罗申科对此回应说,新任的总检察长办公室(NABU)将无法对汉特·拜登提起腐败指控,而且无缘无故开除肖金也很困难。后来在2016年2月18日泄漏的音频中(克里谈话之后不到三个月),波罗申科发表了一些“好消息”。

音频解析 ●



Kerry:But before Vice President Biden comes in, I just wanted to try to urge you to see if there is a way to get by this problem of replacing the Prosecutor General, you know, Shokin. Because to my preception he's blocked the cleanup of Prosecutor Generals' Office and I know Vice President is very concerned about it. And I think it would be good to try to have some resolution of that before the Vice President comes, if it's possible. And have real clarity as to the step that we are going to take forward. I think his visit and his speech to Rada are a good opportunity to showcase your successes as we continue forward, but...


Poroshenko:And I think, I doubt that any other General Prosecutor can do that, but we provide absolutely transparent procedure for the selection commission. 


And their procedure was widely accepted both inside the country, including my opponents, all the NGO, all the parliamentary forces. 


They widely accepted as an absolutely transparent and effective situation.


And as I promised the very next day before the Ist of December, exactly as I promised to Vice President Biden, this person who was selected by the selection commission has appointed. 


Now, all of us should understand that the Prosecutor General Office has no any opportunity under the law to make any cases against corruption because it's immediately goes already from the 1st of December, the day before yesterday, to the new Anti-Corruption Bureau and the new Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. 


And I was very proud that Jean-Claude Juncker, Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and everybody welcome it as a very strong position of Anti-Corruption Prosecutor and General Prosecutor's Office. 


For the Prosecutor position and for Inspector General, I am also proud that exactly as we agreed with your Ministry of Justice guys and your embassy, the Ofice of Inspector General is already established.


It is coordinated not by General Prosecutor but the Deputy of General Prosecutor Mr. Sakvarelidze, exactly as we agree with the Vice President and with the ambassador.


For the other continuation with the Prosecutor General Shokin and other things, I think I will speak with Vice President Biden.


And I doubt that it would be theoretically even possible to make any decision without any arguments before.


Kerry: Vice President is going to take up with you and will have a more detailed discussion about it. 


Poroshenko: Thank you. Thank you, John.




Biden:Petro, can you hear me?


Poroshenko:Yeah, now it's better.


Biden:I can hear you better too. I'm sorry your were saying. I missed what you were saying


Poroshenko:Yes. So first of all, I'm very happy to hear you. Second, this is very valuable for me, that you find time for me even in Minnesota. And I'm dreaming some days we will be together in Minnesota.


Biden:Man, I tell you what, I'd like to be with you instead of Minnesota right now. But go ahead.


Poroshenko:The third, I have some positive and negative news. I will start with positive news.




Poroshenko:Joe, I have a second positive news for you. Yesterday, I met with the General Prosecutor Shokin


And despise of the fact that we didn't have any corruption charges, we don't have any corruption charges, we don't have any information about him doing something wrong,


I specially asked him - no, it was day before yesterday - I specially asked him to resign. As his position as a state person.


And despite of the fact that he has a support in the power. And as a finish of my meeting with him, he promised me to give me the statement on resignation. And one hour ago he bring me the written statement of his resignation.




Poroshenko:And this is my second step for keeping my promises.


Biden:I agree.



Biden:Hey, Mr. President. Joe Biden. How are you?


Poroshenko:Very well, indeed. All the time when I hear your voice, it's a great pleasure for me.


Biden:Well, I'm on Air Force Two and think we are going to stay connected. We just took off and I'm hoping this connection will stay open.


Biden:Tell me that there is a new government and a new Prosecutor General. I am prepared to do a public signing of the commitment for the billion dollars. Again, I'm not suggesting that that's what you want or don't want.


I'm just suggesting that that's what we're prepared to do.


And again, it wouldn't be finalized until, you know, the IMF pieces are written.


Poroshenko:Extremely strong motivation. One of the possible candidates was leader of my fraction - Lutsenko, who is the public figure.


If you think that the politically motivated figure would be not very good from your point of view, I recall this proposal. I do not propose, because nobody knows that I want to propose Lutsenko.


In this situation, I take all the politically motivated figures out from this process. 


Biden:All right, well, look, when you and I finish speaking, let me huddle with my team, talk over what you and I just talked about. I agree with you, there is a sense of urgency here.



Biden:Hey Mr. President. Joe Biden How are you?


Poroshenko:Very well, indeed. As usual, when I hear your voice. Thank you very much.


Biden:Well, you are doing very well, congratulations on getting the new Prosecutor General. I know there is a lot more that has to be done, but I really think that's good.


And I understand your working with the Rada in the coming days on a number of additional laws to secure the IMF. 


But congratulations on installing the new Prosecutor General, it's going to be critical for him to work quickly to repair the damage Shokin did.


And I'm a man of my word. And now that the new Prosecutor General is in place, we're ready to move forward to signing that new one billion dollar loan guarantee.


And I don't know how you want to go about that. I'm not going to be able to get to Kyiv anytime soon, I mean, next month or so. 


And I don't know whether you could either sign it with our ambassador or if you came here, we could sign or if you want, we're inviting Groysman here later. 


I'm going to be talking to him later this morning. Not for that purpose.


We're inviting him to Washington. And so I'll leave it up to you as to how you want that done and when you want it done.


Poroshenko:First of all, thank you very much indeed for these words of support. Believe me, that it was a very tough challenge and a very difficult job.


And Mrs. Tymoshenko and Mr. Lyashko fraction tried to break this. Because we are not only voted for the new Prosecutor General which we do in a very short period of time, within one day we changed the law. 


By the way, in this law we are presenting the set the new structure of the General Prosecutor's Office, including the General Inspection as we agreed with you.


And the second thing I immediately invited Lutsenko and said that he should contact your embassy and, I would be very pleased if you will have a certain person, who can come either from Washington or whatever.


We have here - I don't remember his name - the Ukrainian origin American prosecutor. He is a little bit old.


I sent to Jeffrey his name, and he was ready to come and to be assistant and adviser.


He has very good experience in the American system and he can be the person of trust within new prosecution system.


I think is exactly the right time to do that. And if he's still ready to come and to cooperate from the very first step, from the very first minute of the new Prosecutor, that is exactly what I'm looking for.


Biden:Well, let me get in contact with the Justice Department and pursue that. I'll get his name. And let me find out where that is. Because it is in our interest, obviously, to provide professional assistance as quick as we can. So this gets up and started it in the right direction.


So I will move on as soon as we hang up. I'll put that in train and I'll get back to you as to what I am able to do.


Poroshenko:Absolutely. Second... Thank you very much indeed, that is exactly what I'm looking for. The second thing is that I want to thank you that you give me your word that immediately when we change the legislation and I appoint the new Prosecutor General, and it would be Yuriy Lutsenko as we agreed on our previous meeting in Washington.


And when it happened we can have this loan guarantee and thank you very much.


作者:Zeus Sheen


  1. $1 billion of US taxpayers' money in exchange for maintaining Burisma schemes. YouTube. (2020). Retrieved 20 May 2020, from https://youtu.be/EbmDLhJ43cU.

  2. ESLAMI, A. (2020). Former VP Biden Call with Ukraine’s Poroshenko LEAKED: $1 Billion 'Quid Pro Quo' Discussed. Your Content. Retrieved 20 May 2020, from https://www.yc.news/2020/05/19/biden-call-between-ukraines-poroshenko-phone-call-leaked-1-billion-quid-pro-quo-discussed/.

  3. Durden, T. (2020). Phone Calls Between Biden And Ukraine's Poroshenko Leaked; Details $1 Billion "Quid Pro Quo" To Fire Burisma Prosecutor. Zero Hedge. Retrieved 20 May 2020, from https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/phone-calls-between-quid-pro-joe-biden-and-ukraines-poroshenko-leak-explicitly-details.

  4. Audio Released Of Joe Biden Pressuring Ukraine President To Fire Prosecutor Investigating Son Hunter. Ground News. (2020). Retrieved 20 May 2020, from https://web.ground.news/article/7e64e7e4-e02e-4c15-a978-f10a12dd53ea.

  5. Sonne, P., & Helderman, R. (2020). Ukrainian lawmaker releases leaked phone calls of Biden and Poroshenko. The Washington Post. Retrieved 20 May 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/ukrainian-lawmaker-releases-leaked-phone-calls-of-biden-and-poroshenko/2020/05/19/cc1e6030-9a26-11ea-b60c-3be060a4f8e1_story.html.


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