

海国图智001 海国图智研究院 2021-02-06










  • AI技术的二元性困境对设计者意味着什么?

  • 人工智能在伦理上的模棱两可是普遍存在的,还是会因特定的文化背景而有所不同?

  • 为了让网络空间的公民身份有所不同,人工智能应用程序的哪个维度应该优先嵌入价值观?

  • 在数字经济的AI化中,法律作为调节者和价值推动者在透明度和问责方面有什么限制?

  • 国际技术竞争如何塑造人工智能应用固有的风险和漏洞?

  • 菲利普·斯塔布(Philipp Staab)教授,柏林洪堡大学

  • 蔡翠红教授,复旦大学

  • 科琳娜·阿贝莱(Corinna Abele),德国联邦外贸与投资署,上海

  • 罗杰·克里默斯(Rogier Creemers)教授,莱顿大学

  • 汉斯·乌兹科雷特(Hans Uszkoreit)教授,GIANCE 科技的创始人兼首席科学家

  • 哈亚·舒尔曼(Haya Shulman)教授,弗劳恩霍夫安全信息技术学院(达姆施塔特和耶路撒冷)

  • 孟天广教授,清华大学计算社会科学平台执行主任

  • 杰弗里·丁(Jeffrey Ding),牛津大学人工智能治理中心






The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation. In Germany, KAS offers a wide variety of civic education conferences and events. KAS offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. KAS is proud to bear the name of Konrad Adenauer. The first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany’s name and principles are our guidelines, duty, and obligation. KAS conferences and events attract people who 'have something to say'. In Germany, KAS offers more than 2,500 events per year which attract 145,000 participants. KAS provides moral and material support to intellectually gifted young people, not only from Germany but also from Central and Eastern Europe and developing countries. KASstays in close contact with our more than 10.000 alumni. The KAS offices in China aim to promote under understandings between Chinese and German partners, promote dialogues between China and Europe, and promote exchanges between China and Germany in academic, economic, technological, and social fields.

Intellisia Institute is one of the leading non-profit independent social think tanks in China. With our high-qualified and efficient research team and our strong resource-integration ability, we are dedicated to providing knowledge resources for the government, enterprises, media, academia and the public from an independent and objective research perspective, so as to help them better "see the world with open eyes", understand the relationship between China and the world, and to provide strategic insights and policy solutions for foreign affairs, as well as promote the growth and development of China's social think tanks in its cross border communication.In2019, Intellisia institute was listed as one of the first think tanks of the ChinaThink Tank Index (CTTI), and was ranked 5th among China's social think tank.

Asia-EuropeConsortium for AI Research (AECAIR) is a platform, initiated by partners in Asia and Europe, including KAS Shanghai Office, Intellisia Institute in Guangzhou, Dr. Fen Jennifer Lin (City University of Hong Kong; Greater Bay Area AI & Society Research Institute), and ProfMaximilian Mayer (University of Nottingham Ningbo China). This platform aims tooffer a thinking space for social science research – across the Eurasiancontinent and beyond – in order to gather researchers, experts, andpractitioners in the expanding field of AI aiming to channel their analysisregularly to policymakers. It aims at fostering and stimulatinginterdisciplinary collaborations as well as public conversations about thepotentials and limits of AI. 

