强自旋轨道耦合下稳定的二维狄拉克线半金属 | Science Bulletin
Two-dimensional Dirac-line semimetals resistant to strong spin-orbit coupling
Deping Guo, Pengjie Guo, Shijing Tan, Min Feng, Limin Cao, Zhengxin Liu, Kai Liu, Zhong-Yi Lu, Wei Ji
Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(19): 1954–1957
doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2022.09.008
已经研究和报道较多的三维狄拉克节线半金属, 具有新颖的准粒子激发现象及有趣的输运性质. 然而, 在强自旋轨道耦合作用下仍具有稳定的狄拉克线的二维材料却罕有报道. 本文发现一个具体的有分数平移的C2v×Z2T对称点群, 在强自旋轨道耦合下也能保护稳定的二维狄拉克线. 这种对称性可以存在于铋的一种新的同素异形体(砖相)中, 也可以推广到具有相同对称性下的其他奇数层以及与铋同族的其他元素, 如磷、砷、锑. 三层铋砖相结构的价电子总数为30, 能够被2整除, 但不能被4整除, 这正好保证了狄拉克线处于半填充状态而穿过费米能级. 有趣的是, 三层铋砖相结构的费米能级处除了狄拉克线之外不存在其他多余的态, 使得铋砖相结构中出现了干净的狄拉克线. 费米能级处干净的狄拉克线不受其他杂态的干扰, 这更有利于实验上探测由狄拉克线诱导的相关输运性质.
Fig. 1 (a) Top and side (b) views of the geometric structure of the 3-AL Bi (‘‘brick phase”). (c) Rotated side view of the geometric structure of a 7-AL Bi, clearly showing its brick-like structure. (d) The first Brillouin zone of 3-AL Bi along with five high-symmetry paths marked in green solid lines. (e) Band structures 3-AL Bi with SOC. Signs ‘‘+’’ and ‘‘–’’ represent the parities of symmetries, respectively. The pink and blue (green and orange) dashed lines represent the two spin components, respectively, while other bands were plotted in the light-blue color for simplicity. (f) Three-dimensional diagram of the linear Dirac nodal-line state of 3-AL Bi with SOC around the S point. (g) Definitions of the lowest (NL-B) and highest (NL-T) energy of the Dirac nodal line, VBM (X-B) and CBM (X-T) at the X point and VBM (G-B) at the C point. (h) Variations of the energies of NL-B (blue circle), NL-T (blue star), X-B (green circle), X-T (green star) and G-B (gray dashed line) when applying compressive or tensile uniaxial strains along the x direction. The gray shaded area represents the energy windows where the ‘‘neat” Dirac nodal line remains.
Fig. 2 Top (a, c) and side (b, d) views of the geometric structures of mono- (a, b) and five- (c, d) atomic-layer Bi. (e) Relationship between formation energy and atomic layer thickness in P, As, Sb, Bi element. Black dotted circles indicate the presence of imaginary frequencies in phonon spectrum. (f) Phonon spectrum of the 3AL Bi brick layer. Electronic band structures (with SOC) of 3-AL phosphorus (g), arsenic (h), and antimony (i) layers along the same high-symmetric paths and the same color code adopted in Fig. 1d.
刘正鑫 中国人民大学物理系教授。研究兴趣:(1)低维阻挫量子磁性系统,包括量子自旋液体以及磁有序相的相变、低能有效理论、动力学和输运行为等;(2)磁性拓扑半金属、周期性磁结构中的拓扑物态及其物理性质等;(3)拓扑序、对称保护拓扑序及拓扑量子计算,包括分类研究、模型实现、数值模拟及其潜在应用等;(4)节点(线)超导体中的激发谱、非常规超导的机理等;(5)量子多体算法,包括变分蒙特卡洛方法、张量重整化群方法等。
刘凯 中国人民大学物理系教授。研究方向:计算凝聚态物理。主要采用第一性原理方法和多体经验势方法从事实际材料的计算与模拟研究,包括(1)过渡金属化合物中新奇宏观电磁现象的微观机制,主要关注超导材料和磁性材料体系;(2)固体表面吸附体系的电子态、振动谱和动力学等。
季威 中国人民大学物理系教授。研究方向:(1)新兴低维信息材料与器件物理:二维信息、磁性、光电材料物性预测、低维小量子体系输运性质预测、低维光电转换材料设计、透射电子显微镜电子激发态模拟;(2)表面和界面上的物理、化学过程:未接触原子力显微镜模拟、表面小量子体系中的特殊电子态预测、电子激发态下的物理化学过程模拟;(3)低维材料新颖生长和剥离策略的实验和理论探索。
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