
Viktoria & Woods 挡不住的温柔细腻

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

Golden Studio

Viktoria & Woods flagship


Viktoria & Woods 于2005年创立,秉承打造体现简约和当代风格的随性衣橱主打款式。品牌为女性提供随性无拘而又高质的设计师款式系列。

零售空间的设计是为了吸引人们去购物,由Golden设计的Viktoria & Woods旗舰店做到了这一点。将空间与澳大利亚时装公司的主旨相结合,室内设计作为品牌的具体呈现。

Retail spaces are designed to draw people in to shop, and the new Viktoria & Woods flagship designed by Golden does so victoriously. Aligning the physical space to the Australian fashion company’s ethos, the interior acts as a physical manifestation of the brand. 

Located in one of Melbourne’s

renowned shopping destinations,Chadstone,

the effortlessly minimalist interior sits

in contrast to its surroundings.

Golden focused on the store layout, 

the joinery and the textures

to achieve a luxurious feel with

an honest material palette. 






Upon entry, the transparency of the shopfront contributes to the spatial cues inside, drawing people within to appreciate the design and the fashion. The double ceiling height provides the perfect backdrop for natural light to be infused through an atrium, softly illuminating the stucco wall finish of the façade. Curves are introduced to gently lead the eye around the store. 


Inside, symmetry frames the experience and prolongs the view, culminating in the styling suites at the rear of the store that act as the focal point of the design. Rendered walls and tonal concrete floor accompany the sustainably sourced Mongolian goat hair carpet. The change rooms are equipped with full-length mirrors and suede curtains that imitate a soft and lightweight movement, adding to the overall calming experience. Golden installed recessed lighting to enhance the store’s perimeter, where clothing rails and shoe plinths reminisce an art gallery – enabling light to reflect the onyx-like qualities of the Nestos marble shelving.

Faye Toogood的松软扶手椅邀请伴侣坐下来放松



With its soft green hues, the point-of-sale Quartzite counter is the true hero of the fit-out. Positioned in the centre of the space, its sideways orientation is welcoming without disrupting the spatial flow. A product table of a similar shape is clad with handcrafted Japanese mosaic tiles. 

Golden与James Howe的共同创作了更衣室中手工编织凳,反映品牌对当地艺术和设计的热爱,Lucy Montgomery富有曲线美的 Le Sirenuse 镜子悬挂在更衣等候区,向Positano 俯瞰地中海的梦想致敬。

Reflecting the brands’ love of local art and design, Golden’s collaboration with James Howe resulted in custom handwoven stools found in the changerooms. Lucy Montgomery’s softly curved Le Sirenuse mirror hangs in the styling suites as a nostalgic nod to the dream destination in Positano overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. 

Golden 经过深思熟虑的室内设计模仿了Viktoria & Woods 产品的品牌调性。随着品牌扩大其产品供应,同时以多种方式展示适合未来的配饰和家居用品。

The considered physical design curation by Golden emulates the feeling of wearing Viktoria & Woods’ clothes. Effortless, inviting and calm, the environment is adaptable for future accessories and homewares as the brand expands its product offering while showcasing the current collection in more ways than one.  

Golden Studio

Kylie Dorotic拥有视觉艺术这方面的天分,促使她研究设计和美学。她有很强的设计理念,寻找具有积极情感影响、兼具功能性和深刻印象的设计方案。

Kylie Dorotic出生于墨尔本,在RMIT学习视觉艺术,并在Swinburne大学获得室内设计学士学位。

Alicia McKimm专注于功能以及每个设计细节背后的独特性。她的主旨是通过设计表达智慧、极简主义和美丽生活空间。

Alicia McKimm出生于墨尔本,从那时起就一直住在海边。并在Swinburne大学获得室内设计学士学位。





时空裂缝 坠入未来


