Ciszak Dalmas | 与香气相遇
Following Aesop’s customary attitude of architectural restraint, the 1923 building’s neoclassical façade has been preserved, along with its history of residential use and mid-twentieth-century commercial transformation.
building exterior
An in-built system in the front window diffuses Aesop’s aromas into the street, awakening the olfactory sense of passers-by. Product testers in the portico serve as a prologue to the warm-hued interior, where soft arches and decorative tiling evoke Madrid’s Moorish legacy and neo-Mudéjar architecture. A convivial basin of red Spanish travertine embraces two central columns and becomes the focal point for all interactions.
空间的后方悬挂着一张由María Asunción Raventós创作于1970年代的大型流苏花边编织挂毯;其层次鲜明的纹理及分量感与游客对体量的感知相得益彰。
At the back of the room hangs a large macramé tapestry woven by María Asunción Raventós in the 1970s; its weighty, layered textures playing with visitors’ perception of volume.
Here, customers can explore and select from a complete range of skin, hair and body care products, distinguished by botanical and laboratory-generated ingredients of the highest quality.
Ciszak Dalmas是一家位于马德里的精品工作室,由Alberto Gobbino Ciszak和Andrea Caruso Dalmas于2009年创立,致力于室内建筑和产品设计领域。
ATELIER XU | 打造微型岛屿