

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2023-09-24

Zhi Wu Architectural Design Studio知吾建筑设计工作室



项目概览 ©wm studio


Our inspiration is from the simple geometry. From digging geometric holes in the wall, we can’t only see the Yin and Yang of the real and virtual but also can see the fluidity of space and the overall form. Through these geometric holes of different sizes and shapes, the permeability of the space can be increased, so that each space is connected to each other, which increases the enjoyment of the space and also increases the natural lighting of the interior.

以简单的几何形体为灵感的空间设计 ©wm studio


We will enrich the original building space by adding mezzanine to increase the use of the area. The metal stair soar up , and the small compartment on the second floor makes use of the dislocated spatial design method to erect a  well-proportioned spatial structure. Which is an unexpected reasonable space and  light up before people’ eyes . The space between spaces is more meaningful than the space itself, but it is also easy to be ignored. It is because of the multiplicity , the complexity and the uncertainty of "between space " that make it become infinitely possible. 

轴测分析图 ©知吾设计 

室内外关系 ©wm studio


When entering the studio, we will firstly pass through a small enclosed landscape courtyard. Through the design of perspective, a good visual extension of the outdoor landscape to the indoor space. On the right side of the entrance , the design method of height difference is used to create a sunken communication and leisure space, which makes the overall space more layered and can realize the sense of dislocation between space transformation and functional areas. 

下沉式的交流及休闲空间 ©wm studio

回字形动线的公共办公区 ©wm studio


The main office area is located on the first floor, and the space functions are distinguished by different overall ground paving materials. On the left side, there are office auxiliary and water bar. The right side is used as the material display area and reading area, and the middle is the public office area. On the moving line, the whole moving line is in a zigzag shape, which facilitates the movement and communication of the staff. On the first floor, the space is divided by two irregular geometric shapes, with a tool room on the left, a bathroom on the right and a glass door in the middle.So that natural lighting from the backyard is well shine into the interior . 

材料展示及阅读区 ©wm studio

会议室©wm studio

接待室©wm studio     


The function of the second floor is mainly divided into meeting room, reception area and rest room. The”small box“ is used as a lounge, providing a private resting place for people who come home late from work .

“小盒子”休息室 ©wm studio


Light processing: We used software to simulate the sunlight in the interior space of the original building. According to the simulation, we added several holes of various sizes on the front and rear walls and the roof. To ensure that the room has uniform natural lighting and ventilation. Indoor space in the afternoon sunshine, create a warm and natural space atmosphere, and with the change of time and sun height, the indoor light slowly move, showing the light on the "transparent".

接待室 ©wm studio

太阳光线在室内空间的氛围营造 ©wm studio

光线的通透 ©wm studio


Material Handling: For the newly added space volume, we have used birch sea board and black painted steel plate to make it as simple and delicate as possible. For the original walls and floors, we used light gray micro-cement. We think that the design should be restrained. Even the use of extremely simple ways and techniques, but also can make the form and space more pure, more elegant, and varied. Here, there are infinite changes between spaces.

细节 ©wm studio

卫生间 ©wm studio

项目名称 | 知吾建筑设计工作室

Project Name | Zhi Wu Architectural Design Studio

项目类型 | 办公空间设计

Type of project | Workplace design

设计公司 | 知吾设计

Designer | Zhi Wu Design
完成年份 | 2022.2月

Completed year | February 2022

设计团队 | 知吾设计 昝靖平 倪元

Design team | Zhi Wu design ZanJing Ping  Ni Yuan

项目地址 | 北京市朝阳区崔各庄费家村高塔艺术广场7号院712室

Project address | Room 712, No. 7 Yard, Gaotao Art Square, Feijia Village, Cui Gezhuang, Chaoyang District, Beijing

建筑面积 | 180㎡

Floor area | 180 square meters

摄影版权 | wm studio

Copyright of Photography | wm studio

合作方 | 知吾施工团队

Cooperative partner | Zhi Wu Construction team

项目客户 | 昝靖平

Client | ZanJing Ping

主要材料 | 微水泥、桦木板、自流平、烤漆板、岩板、瓷砖

Materials | micro cement, birch board, self leveling, paint board, rock board, ceramic tile

品牌 | 微罗
Brand | Weiluo


慢珊瑚设计 | “进化”的实验场域

Serena Confalonieri | 自然而生动的折衷主义

云行空间建筑设计 | 清旷

The one studio | 放青松

