
感恩有你 | 顾阳教授于学勤书院高桌晚宴欢迎辞全文(双语)

Master's Speech

High Table Dinner

23 Nov. 2018


Distinguished Guests, Dear Teachers and Students,

Good evening! Welcome to the 2018 Diligentia College High Table Dinner!

September in 2017 witnessed the opening of Diligentia College, the sweet home for our Diligentians on the hill. Today, a year later, it is fitting that we savor this feast for Thanksgiving in the name of “Diligentia Family”. It is truly a great opportunity to extend our whole-hearted gratitude to our families, friends, and more importantly, to the dedication and commitment of those who continue to develop the College, our residential tutors, wardens, teachers, and College Office colleagues. My heart-felt THANKs to all of you!

In retrospect, I would like to thank Genzon Foundation and the University for their constant support in the past year, which enabled us to develop an intimate and cordial residential community for our students, promoting an all-round education beyond the classroom to enhance the intellectual growth and moral development of our students.

At the very beginning of the semester, the WeChat micro-lecture series created by our College Office provided essential information for our new Diligentia students to cope with College life. This was followed by a series of exciting Diligentia “Night Talks” which brightened our students’ evenings. A set of college cultural events related to the study of classical texts of Zhuangzi introduced our students to a kaleidoscope of Chinese traditional wisdom. Our students also had tea with the College Master and chatted about their lives before and after joining the University. “Diligentia et Sapientia” enabled our students to relish in dialogues with literary and art masters. “A Letter from Home” provided our students with the opportunity to express their nostalgia for their family and friends and hometown. Yoga classes helped to cultivate in our students positive attitudes toward life, and an Art Workshop enabled our students to discover their creative potential.

When super typhoon “Mangkhut” came, we weathered the storm thanks to cooperative efforts from all Diligentians: our colleagues, wardens, tutors, the property management and security staff, and all our students. In mid-October, the College launched a mountain climbing activity, fittingly called “A Summit-Conquering Trip”. This trip beckoned our students into the wild, challenged them to persevere when the going got tough, and rewarded them with a mountain-top experience from Shenzhen’s lofty peaks. Our Resident Student Association organized colorful activities, such as “A Sharing of Tales from Around the World”, and community-oriented activities, such as “Waste-sorting”. The activities organized by Open Rain saw our students helping the needed children and people in the home for the elderly. Publication of Pioneer (勤风) gave us a journal to record our memorable experiences of life in Diligentia. Miss Li Zhixuan (李芷璇) and Miss Yan Danyang (严丹阳), two of the first batch undergraduate students from Diligentia who have set up their own business, donated a million yuan to the University to express their gratitude to their alma mater.

If we compare yesterday's Diligentia to a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, learning to speak in Mother’s arms, then today’s College is still a little one but has begun to learn to walk and run. We are pioneers and also explorers, inheriting the warm and inclusive college culture from CUHK, and at the same time breaking new grounds and building new bridges. A number of friendship bonds have been established, one with Chung Chi College on the green golf course in Longgang, and another on the Shatin campus as Diligentians joined in the 11th Anniversary celebrations for Wu Yee Sun College (伍宜孙书院). And today we have with us members from Lee Woo Sing College (和声书院), who are joining us tonight to celebrate this enchanting event and who will be singing a special song for us together with a number of our Diligentia students.

This year will be the third year for Diligentia College. I am grateful to be able to witness the growth of the College with all of you. Our college had our first batch of bachelor degree graduates last year, and I sincerely hope all Diligentia students will carry on to strive for excellence with vision and passion, and a grateful heart. As our President, Professor Xu, has said, “Gathered, we burn like a fire; parted, we shine like a sky of stars.”

We hope our students will not only take a broad view of the world, but will also be down-to-earth and will always grasp the pulse of society. Strategically located in Shenzhen, “City of the Soaring Eagle”, Diligentia College will work closely with Genzon Foundation to provide our students with internship opportunities and guidance from corporate tutors through our College’s project “Grand View of Diligentia”. As we all know, there are currently three famous Bay Area economies in the world, namely, the Tokyo Bay Area, the New York Bay Area, and the San Francisco Bay Area. By aiming to be the fourth and potentially the largest Bay Area economy in the world, the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area” offers a great opportunity for all of us. We hope our students will be able to take up leadership roles for the development of the region’s Bay Area economy, and by extension to the One Belt and One Road Initiative, they will contribute to greater peace and prosperity for all in society.

Looking back over the past three years, we Diligentians have much to be thankful for. And I am confident we can look forward to many more happy years as we continue our efforts to make Diligentia a wonderful home away from home.

And now let’s have a GREAT evening!




回首过去的一年,感恩正中集团和大学对于书院建造的多方支持和协助,使我们得以营造一个相互关爱、交流学习的书院群体,致力于开展课堂教学以外的全人发展教育,促进学生的智能发展和道德品格的养成。新学期伊始,书院办公室精心制作的“开学微课”为每一位刚步入大学生活的小精灵们送去了贴心的帮助;每一场精心策划的“学勤夜话”都在黑夜里为同学们亮起一盏灯;“庄禅解义”系列和学勤文化节系列活动带大家畅游中国传统文化,汲取先圣的智慧;在“院长下午茶”中同学们畅谈分享与奉献的意义;“学勤问道”让同学们与文学和艺术大家对话,问询真理,收获洞见;“一纸家书”说不尽对故乡和亲人的绵绵情意;书院特色瑜伽课和美术课,教会同学们课堂以外的人生正姿态,发掘自己的创造潜力。当超强台风“山竹”来袭,感恩所有书院同事、舍监、导师、物业及安保同事的积极应对和同学们的全力配合,我们共渡难关;十月的“峰行记”带同学们征服深圳的山川,于领略秀丽的山顶风光的过程中,磨练坚韧不拔的勇气,体悟登高抒怀的心境;宿生会同学的组办的“世说新语”带大家领略斑斓多彩的文化、“垃圾分类”要我们从小处着手,为他人着想、为地球献力;书院的Open Rain 公益组织带领同学们走访孤儿院、老人院,对需要的人士伸于援手,以自己的点滴努力回馈社会;以学生为主体的院刊《勤风》的出版,记录了小精灵们生活的点点滴滴;学校首届本科毕业生中学勤书院的李芷璇和严丹阳同学自主创业,毕业时为母校捐资100万元,回馈母校养育之情……正因我们时常怀抱感恩之心,才更能体会到丰收的喜悦。






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