

幽哥 职场蛙 2021-07-27






Workplace Anxiety Isn't Always a Bad Thing


New research on anxiety in the workplace has uncovered some intriguing findings: in some instances it can help boost employee performance.


There are a lot of theories and models of anxiety that existbut this is the first model situated in the workplace focusing on employees,” says co-author Julie McCarthy from the Department of Management at U of T Scarborough and the Rotman School of Management.


McCarthyalong with her former grad student and lead author Bonnie Hayden Chengnow an assistant professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitylooked at both the triggers of workplace anxiety and also its relationship to employee performance.


If you have too much anxietyand you're completely consumed by itthen it's going to derail your performance,” says McCarthywho is an expert on organizational behaviour.On the other handmoderate levels of anxiety can facilitate and drive performance.


If employees are constantly distracted or thinking about things that are causing them anxiety, it will prevent them from completing tasks at work and that can eventually lead to exhaustion and burnoutsays Cheng.


But in certain situations anxiety can boost performance by helping employees focus and self-regulate their behaviour. She compares it to athletes who are trained to harness anxiety in order to remain motivated and stay on task. Likewiseif employees engage in something called self-regulatory processingthat is monitoring their progress on a task and focusing their efforts toward performing that taskit can help boost their performance.


After allif we have no anxiety and we just don't care about performancethen we are not going to be motivated to do the job,” says Cheng.


She says that work-anxious employees who are motivated are more likely to harness anxiety in order to help them focus on their tasks. Those who are emotionally intelligentcan recognize their feelings of anxiety and use it to regulate their performanceas well as those who are experienced and skilled at their jobare also less likely to have anxiety affect their performance.


The model of workplace anxiety Cheng and McCarthy developed is broken into two categories.


One covers dispositional aspectsthat is those that align with individual character traits. If someone already experiences high levels of general anxiety for exampletheir experiences with workplace anxiety will be different from those who don't.


The other covers situational aspectsthose that arise in specific job tasks. Some employees may be more affected by job appraisalspublic speaking or other tasks that can distract them and lead to poor performance.


The studywhich is published in the Journal of Applied Psychologyalso outlines many of the triggers for workplace anxiety. The most prominent include jobs that require constant expression or suppression of emotion - think service with a smile- as well as jobs with constant looming deadlines or frequent organizational change.


Office politics and control over work are other important factors. Employee characteristics including agegender and job tenure can also affect the experience of workplace anxiety.


Managing anxiety can be done by recognizing and addressing triggers of workplace anxietybut also being aware of how to leverage it in order to drive performance,” says Cheng.


She says there are many strategies organizations can use to help employees. Some of these include training to help boost self-confidenceoffering tools and resources to perform tasks at workand equipping employees with strategies to recognizeuseand manage feelings of anxiety through emotional intelligence development.



