
常速听力新闻 November 16, 2019 & 号外:​231TED中英雙語字幕: 遇到棘手問題?首先,告訴我你怎麼烤土司

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November 16, 2019

This is VOA news. I'm David Byrd.

President Donald Trump says he was not trying to intimidate a witness who was testifying in the House impeachment inquiry with his tweet about her.

But as AP's Julie Walker reports, former Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch says it was intimidating.

Tweeting from the White House during the hearing, Trump said everywhere former U.S. ambassador to [the] Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch served "turned bad."

Asked at the hearing about the tweet, she said, "It's very intimidating."

The president says for the first time he watched some of the hearings and he was not trying to intimidate.

"I have the right to speak. I have freedom of speech."

But House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff says it's part of a pattern to intimidate witnesses and obstruct justice and could be used as evidence against the president.

"We need to view the president's actions today as part of a broader and incriminating pattern of conduct."

I'm Julie Walker.

Twitter is detailing its ban on political adds. The AP's Ed Donahue has details.

Admitting this is not perfect, Twitter says appeals for votes, solicitations for campaigns contributions and any political content will be untweeted. The ban also covers all adds, even non-political ones from candidates, political parties and elected or appointed government officials.

What will be allowed is adds connected to political causes: gun control, abortion, climate change are examples.

News organizations will be exempt so they can promote stories that cover political issues.

Twitter is taking a stricter approach compared to Facebook, which says it will not intervene when politicians speak no matter what they're saying.

I'm Ed Donahue.





This is VOA news.

Longtime Trump ally and self-proclaimed dirty trickster Roger Stone was found guilty of witness tampering and lying to Congress about his attempts to contact WikiLeaks.

His trial highlighted how Trump campaign associates were eager to gather information about Russian-hacked emails damaging to Hillary Clinton's 2016 election bid.

President Trump tweeted about the conviction, "A double standard like never seen before in the history of our Country?"

Stone is the sixth Trump aide or adviser to be convicted of charges brought as part of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. He could face up to 20 years in prison.

The mayor of Venice, Italy, has closed St. Mark's Square because flood waters were too high to be safe as the high tide peaked at 154 centimeters.

Francesca Lynagh of Reuters has details.

The floods known as "acqua alta" are at the highest level (in more than) 50 years, threatening irreparable damage to historic treasures. The Saint Mark's Byzantine Basilica was flooded for the sixth time in 1,200 years, but the fourth in the last 20.

The national government allocated an initial 20 million euros to address the immediate damage on Thursday and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said on Friday the government will hold a meeting on November 26 to discuss "governance and the structural problems of the city."

That's Francesca Lynagh of Reuters.





For more, long on to our website voanews.com. I'm David Byrd, VOA news.

号外:231 TED 中英雙語字幕: 遇到棘手問題?首先,告訴我你怎麼烤土司

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