
英语新闻(常速听力) November 27, 2019 &号外 : 309

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November 27, 2019

This is VOA news. I'm Marissa Melton.

The impeachment process against U.S. President Donald Trump is moving into a new phase as the House Judiciary Committee gets set to take up the probe. AP correspondent Jackie Quinn.

The House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing for next Wednesday, December 4, to explore the question of "high crimes and misdemeanors," the constitutional requirement for impeachment.

The hearing will feature legal experts who will examine the constitutional grounds for impeachment and explore a framework "to respond to serious allegations of impeachable misconduct."

President Trump and his lawyers are invited to attend the hearing and request answers from witnesses but the president is scheduled to be overseas next week.

Jackie Quinn, Washington.






More on this and other stories, you can [found] find it online at voanews.com. From the VOA news center in Washington D.C., this is VOA news.

A stray aircraft caused some tense moments in the U.S. capital this morning. AP Washington correspondent Sagar Meghani.

Officials say a small plane violated airspace rules over Washington D.C., causing a brief evacuation of the Capitol and its office buildings.

Here at the White House, uniformed Secret Service officers carrying automatic weapons hurried journalists inside the press briefing room.

People were allowed back inside the Capital after about a half hour while those here were allowed to roam about shortly thereafter.

Sagar Meghani, at the White House.

At least 18 people were killed in Albania Tuesday in a powerful predawn earthquake that was felt across the southern Balkans.

Some 600 people were injured. Rescue teams were dispatched from nearby Kosovo, Montenegro as well as from Italy and Greece to help search for survivors and assist in a relief operations.

Sabina Castelfranco reports from Rome.

It was just before four o'clock in the morning when the powerful 6.4 magnitude quake hit Albania.

Residents were woken up and fled their beds and homes terrified. It lasted an endless 179 seconds.

Thumanë resident Shalip Vena described what it was like. She said, "when the quake hit, the lights went off and we couldn't see anything." She said, "everything fell apart and crumbled."

Rescuer workers and firefighters were digging through the rubble and using excavators in search of any survivors. Dozens of people were taken to the hospitals, some with more serious injuries than others.

Sabina Castelfranco, for VOA news, Rome.

Spanish police have managed to tow a sunken submarine believed to be carrying tons of cocaine into a northwestern port in order to extract its cargo.

AP correspondent Charles De Ledesma.

A team is hoping to crane-lift the 65-foot sub onto land so experts can easily get inside.

Meanwhile, Spanish media is reporting the vessel could be carrying 3 metric tons of cocaine, but officials say this can't be confirmed yet nor where the sub started from although police do suspect Colombia.

The sub had sunk as police tried to intercept it on Sunday. A police diver had got to pull out one package of the drug before the craft fully sank.

??? It wasn't clear if the crew, two of whom have been arrested, sank the sub on purpose.

I'm Charles De Ledesma.

Pope Francis on Tuesday closed his visit to Japan by telling students at a Catholic university of the need to work toward a "hope-filled future" that is more inclusive by addressing the disconnects in society.

In his address at Sophia University, the pope said he sensed in Japan a desire to create a more humane, compassionate and merciful society.

Marissa Melton, VOA news.

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