The Innovation Geoscience | 气候变化:缓解与适应策略
导 语|Introduction
The sustainability of life on Earth is under increasing threat due to human-induced climate change. This perilous change in the Earth's climate is caused by increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, primarily due to emissions associated with burning fossil fuels. The effects of climate change, such as heatwaves, wildfires, droughts, storms, and floods, are expected to worsen, posing greater risks to human health and global stability. These trends call for the implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies. This review, compiled by 66 scientists from 18 countries and 64 research institutions, aims to discuss the current status and prospects of global climate change, focusing on mitigation and adaptation strategies.
图1 图文摘要
Fig. 1 Graphical Abstract
Drivers of Climate Change
与历史上的气候变化相比,目前温室气体的增加速度几乎史无前例(图3)。以5580万年前的古新世-始新世极热事件(PETM)为例,PETM期间,全球温度在3000-20000年间升高4-7℃,大气CO2浓度的增加达到每年0.04-0.42 ppm,但依然远低于如今的每年增加约2.5 ppm。
过去半个世纪,科学界对气候变化的机理已经有了深入的了解,数值模拟和气候归因分析日益成熟,我们不仅可以借助这些工具了解气候敏感度和全球变暖的原因,而且可以预估未来全球变暖的幅度和区域影响,两位气候科学家,真锅淑郞和Klaus Hasselmann也因此获得2021年诺贝尔物理学奖。
图2 自然的温室效应(左侧)和人类活动影响的温室效应(右侧)
Fig. 2 Natural- (left) and human-enhanced (right) greenhouse effect
Climate change has been a natural occurrence throughout Earth's history, with fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric composition occurring over millions of years. Natural drivers of climate change include volcanic eruptions, solar radiation, movements of tectonic plates, uplifting of plateaus, Weathering of rocks, and changes in the Earth's orbit. However, human activities during the past two centuries have greatly contributed to climate change by increasing the amount of GHGs, primarily CO2, methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) (Fig. 2). These gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, causing a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. As a result, the planet's surface temperature has risen by about 1.2°C since pre-industrial times, and this trend is projected to continue unless significant action is taken to reduce GHG emissions.
图3 过去80万年地球大气中二氧化碳浓度的变化和主要气候驱动因子
Fig. 3 Evolution of atmospheric CO2 over the past 800,000 years (800 kyr), and major climate change drivers
Climate Change Evidence in Earth’s Spheres
Climate change is causing a wide range of changes in various spheres of the Earth (Fig. 4), from more frequent and intense wildfires to higher sea levels, shifts in precipitation patterns, changes in soil moisture and nutrient availability, and shifts in the distribution and behavior of plant and animal species. These events have caused significant damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and human lives. It is anticipated that climate change will cause these events to become more severe in the next decades, making it necessary to implement strategies for both mitigating and adapting to its effects.
图4 全球气候变化及其对环境的影响
Fig. 4 Evidence of global climate change and its effects on the environment
Strategies for Mitigation of Climate Change
Mitigating climate change requires a combination of natural and technical strategies (Fig. 5). Natural strategies such as afforestation, soil management, and conservation agriculture can help sequester carbon in ecosystems. Technical strategies such as renewable green energy, carbon capture and storage, and energy efficiency can reduce GHG emissions from human activities.
图5 基于自然和技术的缓解气候变化策略
Fig. 5 Nature- and technology-based solutions for climate change mitigation
Adaptation to Climate Change
Adaptation to climate change in ecosystems and communities requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account the unique characteristics of each system (Fig. 6). Helping ecosystems and communities adapt to the impacts of climate change can be achieved by promoting biodiversity, ecosystem-based approaches, and community resilience. Biodiversity can help ecosystems to be more resilient to climate change by providing a range of species that can adapt to changing conditions. This can be achieved through the protection and restoration of natural habitats, as well as the introduction of new species that are better adapted to changing conditions. Communities can also adapt to climate change by developing strategies that increase their resilience. This can involve a range of measures, such as improving infrastructure, developing early warning systems for extreme weather events, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.
图6 基于生态系统管理的适应气候变化措施
Fig. 6 Ecosystem-based management options for the adaptation to climate change in global systems
Carbon quantification, modeling, and pricing
Carbon quantification, modeling, and pricing are all critical components of efforts to address climate change. The amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere can be quantified in a number of ways, such as through direct measurement of emissions from smokestacks or tailpipes, or through indirect measurement by analyzing energy consumption data. Carbon modeling involves using computer models to simulate the behavior of carbon in the atmosphere and its impact on climate change. Carbon pricing is a policy tool that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by putting a price on carbon (Fig. 7). Overall, by accurately measuring emissions, simulating future trends, and creating economic incentives for reducing emissions, these tools can help us transition to a more sustainable future.
图7 全球碳定价政策发展现状
Fig. 7 The status of carbon pricing initiatives worldwide
Global Implications and Future Perspectives
As the effects of climate change become increasingly evident on a global scale, action is required to transform local and global food and socio-ecological systems to mitigate and adapt to climate change more effectively. Here, we can rely on new scientific and technological advances from various fields of research. Also, theories and policies exist to combat climate change, yet, within current global development systems, there are still significant obstacles to overcome in adapting to and reducing the effects of climate change.
(1) There is a persistent and critical challenge of achieving a higher quality of life and economic growth while reducing the negative impact of energy consumption on the environment.
(2) To effectively feed the growing population, agriculture is developing rapidly, and its contribution to global GHG emissions is also increasing as a result of the production and use of chemical fertilizers and other agricultural management practices.
(3) Environmental degradation and pollution create new challenges in our quest to adapt to and mitigate climate change. The ongoing loss of ecosystem carbon, its sequestration potential, and ecosystem services leave an unnecessary debt to future generations
In short, collaborative efforts are needed to address climate change and environmental degradation, regardless of global political or economic tensions. Individuals, organizations, and governments must work together toward a sustainable future. This can involve reducing carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy sources, protecting natural habitats and biodiversity, and implementing policies that prioritize environmental protection. Failure to take action could result in irreversible damage to the planet and its inhabitants.
本文内容来自The Innovation姊妹刊The Innovation Geoscience第1卷第1期以Review发表的“Climate change: Strategies for mitigation and adaptation” (投稿: 2023-05-14;接收: 2023-06-16;在线刊出: 2023-06-23)。
引用格式:Wang F., Harindintwali J.-D., Wei K., et al., (2023). Climate change: Strategies for mitigation and adaptation. The Innovation Geoscience 1(1), 100015.
The study is dedicated to the 12th anniversary of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
王 芳,中国科学院南京土壤研究所研究员,德国洪堡资深学者,农业农村部神农青年英才;从事土壤污染修复研究,发表论文200余篇;担任Environ Technol Innov共同主编、Sci Total Environ副主编。
魏 科,中国科学院大气物理研究所季风系统研究中心副主任,中科院青促会会员。主要从事平流层-对流层相互作用、东亚季风、极端气候灾害和大气动力学。
Sabine Grunwald,美国佛罗里达大学教授;从事碳建模、土壤固碳、气候智能农业实践、地理空间技术、人工智能-机器学习和深度学习算法、统计和地质统计建模等研究,发表SCI论文200余篇。
伍 星,中国科学院生态环境研究中心副研究员,中科院青促会会员。主要从事气候变化和人类活动对生态系统格局与过程的影响等研究,发表论文60余篇。
Erik Jeppesen,诺贝尔和平奖获得者,丹麦奥胡斯大学教授;从事水生态学、气候变化、水体修复以及富营养化控制研究,发表SCI论文700余篇,国际湖沼学会Naumann-Thienemann奖章获得者。担任The Innovation 、The Innovation Geoscience顾问。
焦念志,中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士;从事海洋生态过程与资源环境效应研究,获国家自然科学二等奖;发表论文200余篇,连续多年评为高被引学者;担任The Innovation Geoscience 、《中国科学:地球科学》副主编。
陈镜明,加拿大皇家科学院院士,多伦多大学教授,加拿大首席科学家;从事植被遥感、生态和气候变化研究,发表SCI论文400余篇;现任Remote Sens Environ主编,The Innovation 、The Innovation Geoscience顾问。
Wulf Amelung,德国科学院院士,波恩大学教授;主要从事土壤中营养循环、土壤恢复和土壤新型污染物环境行为,发表SCI论文300余篇,获德国土壤科学学会Emil Ramann奖章。
James M Tiedje,美国科学院院士,中科院外籍院士,密歇根州立大学杰出教授,中科院爱因斯坦讲席教授,现代微生物生态学之父,创建国际微生物生态学学会,获联合国教科文组织Finlay奖,美国微生物学会终身成就奖,发表论文700多篇。担任The Innovation 、The Innovation Geoscience顾问。
Matthias C. Rillig,德国科学院院士,柏林自由大学教授,主要从事土壤生态学和全球变化微生物学方面的研究,特别是丛枝菌根真菌和腐真菌。
韩布兴,中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士;主要从事物理化学与绿色化学的交叉研究,在绿色溶剂体系化学热力学、绿色溶剂-催化剂体系构建及其在CO2、生物质、废弃塑料等固体废弃物催化转化中的应用研究方面取得系统性成果。担任The Innovation 主编。
Andreas Schäffer,德国科学院院士,亚琛工业大学环境研究所所长,科技部高端外国专家,中国科学院杰出学者。从事污染物多界面化学迁移与代谢,污染修复和风险评估等研究,发表论文200多篇。
程 海,奥地利科学院院士,美国地球物理联合会士;从事高精度同位素质谱测量技术、 U-系测年技术;同位素地球化学在全球环境变化、海洋学、古人类演化等科学前沿上的应用。担任The Innovation Geoscience主编。
Christoph Spötl,奥地利科学院院士,因斯布鲁克大学教授,主要研究方向为第四纪气候和环境变化,喀斯特洞穴和石笋,地下水地球化学,同位素地球化学,沉积地球化学。担任The Innovation Geoscience主编。
朱健康,美国国家科学院院士,南方科技大学讲席教授。主要从事植物对非生物胁迫的应答机制和调控技术研究以及基因编辑技术的开发与应用研究。担任The Innovation顾问、The Innovation Life主编。
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