


MODULE 3(第三模块)

 Unit 1  What are they doing?他们正在做什么?

Activity 1 Listen,point and say. 活动1 听一听,指一指,说一说
What are the kids doing? 孩子们正在做什么?
They're listening to music. 他们正在听音乐。
What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?
They're playing football. 他们正在踢足球

Activity 2 Listen,point and find""-ing""." 活动2 听一听,指一指,然后找“-ing”
Let's get on the bus. 我们上公共汽车吧。
We can see lots of interesting things. 我们能看到很多有趣的事。
OK. 好的。
Look at the people in the park. 看看公园里的人。
What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?
They're doing taijiquan. 他们正在打太极拳。
Look at the people on the lake. 看看湖上的人。
What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?
They're rowing a dragon boat. 他们正在划龙舟。
Look at the men between the big trees. 看看在大树之间的人。
What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?
They're playing chess. 他们正在下象棋。
Look at these girls. 看看那些女孩儿们。
What are they drinking? 她们正在喝什么?
They're drinking Soya milk! 她们正在喝豆奶。
Look at the clock. 看看钟表。
It's twelve now. 现在12点了。
I'm hungry. 我饿了。
Me too.Let's go! 我也饿了。咱们走吧。

Activity 3 Listen and say. 活动3 听一听,说一说。
What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?
They're playing chess. 他们正在下象棋。
What are they drinking? 他们正在喝什么?
They're drinking milk. 他们正在喝牛奶。

Unit 2  What's the elephant doing?大象正在做什么?

Activity 1 Listen,point and say. 活动1 听一听,指一指,说一说

What are they doing? 他们在做什么?
They're playing football. 他们在踢足球。
What is it doing? 它在做什么?
It's drawing pictures. 它在画画。

Activity 2 Listen and say. 活动2 听一听,说一说
What's the elephant doing? 大象正在做什么?
It's drawing pictures. 它正在画画。
What are the tigers doing? 老虎正在做什么?
They're jumping. 它们在跳跃。
What's the bird doing.  小鸟正在做什么?
It's singing. 它正在唱歌。
Look!The horse is running. 看!马在跑。
No,it's dancing. 不是,它在跳舞。

Activity 4 Listen and say.Then sing. 活动4 听一听,说一说,然后唱
ROW,ROW,ROW YOUR BOAT 划阿划,划阿划,划大船,
Row,row,row your boat, 划阿划,划阿划,划大船,
gently down the stream. 轻轻进入梦乡里
Merrily,merrily,merrily,merrily, 好开心,好开心,好开心,好开心,
life is like a dream. 生活仅仅是一个美梦





















