
LINSEED | 展览现场 | 汤姆·豪斯:鸽子草地野鸭宫殿


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汤姆·豪斯 Tom Howse

鸽子草地野鸭宫殿 Pigeon Grass Mallard Palace

2021.5.29 - 2020.7.11


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About the artist


Alcove Still Life With Duck,2020
亚麻丙烯 Acrylic on Flax
120 x 100 cm

艺术家近期个展包括:“鸽子草地野鸭宫殿”,2021,LINSEED Projects,上海;“仿生月蕨峡谷”,2021,荔枝一号画廊,伦敦;“前寒武纪沼泽爵士”,2019,奥普达画廊,挪威;“后天体土壤”,2017,罗德·巴顿画廊,伦敦;“二手蟾蜍诗歌”,2017,坦尼亚波画廊,慕尼黑;“大叶蚁塔沼泽”,2015,坦尼亚波画廊,慕尼黑。近期主要群展包括:“舞台之惠”,2020,Frestonian画廊,伦敦;“我一定是出现了幻觉”,2019,Ratskeller画廊,柏林;“万花筒”,2019,萨奇画廊,伦敦;“Condo伦敦”,2019,Koppe Astner,伦敦;“约翰·摩尔绘画奖展览”,2018,沃克画廊,利物浦。汤姆·豪斯于2018年获英国约翰·摩尔绘画奖,并曾于2012年和2011年获卡特琳奖与普鲁内拉·克罗奖提名。


A Really Lovely Time,2021

亚麻丙烯 Acrylic on Flax

71 x 56 cm

Tom Howse was born in 1988 in Chester, UK. He graduated from Wimbledon College of Art in 2011 and currently lives and works in London. Howse’s paintings balance between realism and fantasy. With his unique anthropological perspective, his works explore what the artist describes as the dichotomy between our quest to know and our fallibility to comprehend, explaining the mysteries of the cosmos, the earth, humanity, and the existence of natural phenomena that has bewildered humankind since ancient times. Taking its form in folklore and myths, he is interested in how humans are drawn towards explanations found within these stories and how they are used to soothe the fear of the unknown. Howse’s aesthetics is often based on nature and daily life; the lucid worlds he visualized reveal a touch of absurdity without losing innocence, lending to the experimental and the otherworldly. The perspective in his works is utilized via shifting flat planes, opposing a singular vanishing point that allows for a feeling of moving through a singular world. As we subsequently cross through into a whole new universe at each dimension of the paintings’ existence, Howse’s works trace the interweaving among lives and the infinite universe.


Pigeon Sits At The Window Dreaming That One Day Someone Will Love Them When In Fact Many Already Do,2020

亚麻丙烯 Acrylic on Flax

150 x 120 cm

His solo exhibitions include: Pigeon Grass Mallard Palace, 2021, LINSEED Projects, Shanghai; Moonwort Gorge Replica, 2021, Lychee One, London; Precambrian Swamp Jazz, 2019, Galleri Opdahl, Norway; Post-Celestial Compost, 2017, Rod Barton Gallery, London; Secondhand Toad Poems, 2017, Tanja Pol Galerie, Munich; Gunnera Bog, 2015, Tanja Pol Galerie, Munich; and his selected group exhibitions include: The Stage More Beholding, 2020, Frestonian Gallery, London; I Must Be Seeing Things, 2019, Ratskeller Galerie, Berlin; Kaleidoscope, 2019, Saatchi Gallery, London; Condo London, 2019, Koppe Astner, London; John Moore’s Painting Prize, 2018, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. In 2018, Tom Howse was one of five artists to receive the John Moore’s Painting Prize and was shortlisted for the Caitlin Prize (2012) and the Prunella Clough Painting Award (2011).


About the exhibition space

陕西北路549号晋公馆建于1924 年,其新古典主义与装饰艺术派相结合的建筑风格及独特的海派气息散发着历史沉淀的魅力。2021年秋季, HAO MARKET将在此开幕,首次将这栋承载着时代故事的建筑融汇潮流、艺术、时尚、文化,以全新的设计理念对公众开放。

Jin Mansion was built in 1924. With its Neoclassical and Art Deco architectural style, the building exudes a unique Shanghai-style charm. 2021 autumn, the venue will inaugurate HAO MARKET, a brand-new experience integrating fashion, art, and culture, presenting the story of the place with contemporary designs and concepts of life-style. 

LINSEED Projects是一个生活景象中的展览现场。
LINSEED Projects is an exhibition site in the literature of living.

For more information:

Instagram: linseedlinseed
Website: www.linseed.space



