
LINSEED 艺术家 | 内尔·布鲁克菲尔德 Nell Brookfield



展览现场 | 隔岸观火 Watch the Fire from the Shore
LINSEED Projects @ Oniment
内尔·布鲁克菲尔德 Nell Brookfield

内尔·布鲁克菲尔德 Nell Brookfield

负重 Heavy Lifting, 2021

布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas

74 x 63 cm

内尔·布鲁克菲尔德1994年出生于英国伦敦,于伦敦大学学院(University College London)获学士学位,后于纽约普瑞特艺术学院(Pratt Institute)获得硕士学位,现工作生活于伦敦。布鲁克菲尔德的作品常取材于个人日常生活经验,探索人际间荒诞不经或充满张力的时刻,并在这样的时刻中,理解情感与生活、人的精神世界与现实的关联。艺术家多从观察、记忆和想象等方面入手,组织完整画面,使用丙烯和油画材料在画布上创作。画面中人物、动物和静物造型饱满,用色明亮厚重,画作细节丰富肌理层次分明,布鲁克菲尔德的创作旨在利用出现在平面上的复杂材质效果,去引导观众去想象触碰到画面中元素实体的感受。

内尔·布鲁克菲尔德 Nell Brookfield
如履蛋壳 Treading on Eggshells, 2021
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
59 x 91.5 cm

艺术家近期主要群展包括:“隔岸观火”,2021,LINSEED Projects,上海;“On Reflection: 700 Years of Dante Alighieri”,2021,The Crypt Gallery,伦敦;“Art on a Postcard”,2021,Hoxton Gallery,伦敦;“Amongst the Chaos”,2021,155A Gallery,伦敦;“In Reverie”,2021,ACAVA,伦敦;“Buildings”,2020,Matchett & Page Gallery,英国萨默塞特郡;“A Crowded Room”,2020,Matchett & Page Gallery,英国萨默塞特郡;“A High Hang”,2019,Eccleston Project Space,伦敦;“Ash & Rind”,2019,Medicine Gallery New Cross,伦敦;其近期个展将于2021年11月在伦敦Eve Liebe Gallery开幕;近期的主要驻地项目包括:Winter Session Residency / Drawing Marathon at Rhode Island School of Design,美国普罗维登斯;Borgo Pignano Painting Residency with the Royal Drawing School,意大利。

内尔·布鲁克菲尔德 Nell Brookfield
姐妹与我 Sisters with Me, 2021
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
38 x 51 cm

Nell Brookfield was born in 1994 in London. She graduated from University College London with a Bachelor degree, and studied at Pratt Institute for her Master’s degree. She currently works and lives in London. Brookfield takes inspirations from daily life, investigates the emotional and physical spaces between people that are present in both intimate or tense moments, and the feelings of alienation this provokes. Using sight, imagination and memory, she responds to the human and the surrounding natural world. Her paintings usually draw attention to figures, animals and objects with a full or puffy look; vibrant colours of acrylic or oil paint are appreciated with a sense of brightness. Brookfield’s works are covered in detailed patterns and textures, accentuating the charged moments. With such complex textured visual effects, Brookfield hopes to guide viewers to consider what it would be like to reach out and touch the fabrics she paints or exist within the work. 

内尔·布鲁克菲尔德 Nell Brookfield

凌晨两点 2AM, 2020

布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas

48 x 66 cm

Her selected group exhibitions include: “Watch the Fire from the Shore”, 2021, LINSEED Projects, Shanghai; “On Reflection: 700 Years of Dante Alighieri”, 2021, The Crypt Gallery, London; “Art on a Postcard”, 2021, Hoxton Gallery, London; “Amongst the Chaos”, 2021, 155A Gallery, London; “In Reverie”, 2021, ACAVA, London; “Buildings”, 2020, Matchett & Page Gallery, Somerset; “A Crowded Room”, 2020, Matchett & Page Gallery, Somerset; “A High Hang”, 2019, Eccleston Project Space, London; “Ash & Rind”, 2019, Medicine Gallery New Cross, London; and her upcoming solo show will be opening to the public in November 2021 at Eve Liebe Gallery in London; Her selected residencies includes: Winter Session Residency / Drawing Marathon at Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA; Borgo Pignano Painting Residency with the Royal Drawing School, Italy.

展览现场 | 隔岸观火 Watch the Fire from the Shore
LINSEED Projects @ Design Republic
2021年11月10日 - 2022年1月9日

For more information:

Instagram: linseedprojects
Website: www.linseedprojects.space



