LINSEED 艺术家 | 玛丽·斯蒂芬森 Mary Stephenson
从左至右(left to right):玛丽·斯蒂芬森(Mary Stephenson),程起天霖(Chi Tien Lin Cheng),玛丽·斯蒂芬森(Mary Stephenson)
展览现场 | 隔岸观火 Watch the Fire from the Shore
LINSEED Projects @ Design Republic
玛丽·斯蒂芬森1989出生于英国伦敦,2011年于格拉斯哥艺术学院(The Glasgow School Of Art)取得学士学位,现于皇家艺术研究院(The Royal Academy Schools)深造,工作与生活在伦敦。斯蒂芬森的创作时常将超现实的景象错综复杂地交织在一起,画面中的人物与静物互动形式多样,形成了层叠的多个叙事片段。看似醉酒的各种角色,在狂乱的派对场景中玩闹、舞蹈,整体呈现了一种狡黠的幽默感。层次多元的画中空间穿插着或细微或宏大的日常事物或场景,入微的刻画与不稳定的人物状态形成对比;这样充满矛盾感的情绪冲突,展现了艺术家对社交场合中人们如何面对欲望与恐惧的深入观察,以及个人身份与社会群体认同之间时常难以消解的沟壑。
艺术家近期个展包括:“Contrapunto”,2021,VinVin Gallery,维也纳;“Egg Roll Play”,2019,After Nyne Gallery,伦敦;“My Man”,2017,Downstairs At Mo ther,伦敦;“On Canvas”,2014, Downstairs At Mother,伦敦;艺术家近期群展包括:“隔岸观火”,2021,LINSEED Projects,上海;“DISCO”,2021,Fitzrovia Chapel,伦敦;“Fertile Spoon - Mary Stephenson & Grace Pailthorpe”, 2020, Bosse & Baum,伦敦;“Staying Sane”,2020,Skanor,瑞典;“Paintings On, And With Paper”,2020,Cob Gallery,伦敦;“Marigolds”,2020,Harlesden High Street,伦敦;“Maison Dakota”,2020,Super Dakota,布鲁塞尔;“Reserved Exposure”,2018,Pestana CR7,里斯本;“Carry On Bags”,2017, Nadie Nunca Nada No,马德里;“Suck’ It and See”,2017,The Brick Cube, 伦敦。
35 x 33 cm
玛丽·斯蒂芬森 Mary Stephenson
柠檬 Lemon, 2021
布面油画 Oil on canvas
90 x 70 cm
Her solo exhibitions include: “Contrapunto”, 2021, VinVin Gallery, Vienna; “Egg Roll Play”, 2019, After Nyne Gallery, London; “My Man”, 2017, Downstairs At Mother, London; “On Canvas”, 2014, Downstairs At Mother, London; and her selected group exhibitions include: “Watch the Fire from the Shore”, 2021, LINSEED Projects, Shanghai; “DISCO”, 2021, Fitzrovia Chapel, London; “Fertile Spoon - Mary Stephenson & Grace Pailthorpe”, 2020, Bosse & Baum, London; “Staying Sane”, 2020, Skanor, Sweden; “Paintings On, And With Paper”, 2020, Cob Gallery, London; “Marigolds”, 2020, Harlesden High Street, London; “Maison Dakota”, 2020, Super Dakota, Brussels; “Reserved Exposure”, 2018, Pestana CR7, Lisbon; “Carry On Bags”, 2017, Nadie Nunca Nada No, Madrid; “Suck’ It and See”, 2017, The Brick Cube, London.
展览现场 | 隔岸观火 Watch the Fire from the Shore