
LINSEED 艺术家 | 艾莉·普拉特 Ellie Pratt



展览现场 | 隔岸观火 Watch the Fire form the Shore
LINSEED Projects @ Design Republic
艾莉·普拉特 Ellie Pratt

艾莉·普拉特 Ellie Pratt
等——待(鸟)Waaaaaaiiiting (Birds), 2021
布面油画 Oil on canvas
140 x 115 cm

艾莉·普拉特1991年出生于英国肯特郡,先后就读于伦敦大学学院斯莱德美术学院(Slade School of Fine Art)和切尔西艺术学院(Chelsea College of Arts),并于英国皇家艺术学(Royal College of Art)院获艺术硕士学位,目前工作生活于伦敦。从艺术史、时尚杂志和流行文化汲取灵感,普拉特将已有的图像及其组合方式与个人生活经历结合,通过使用光与色彩,捕捉瞬态影像后创作重组图像。艺术家的架上绘画作品常以女性形象为主体,人物造型从昏暗的室内空间或壮丽景观中凸显,阐释内在与外在世界的奇异张力与疏离。普拉特利用背景与人物肖像之间紧密连接却又割裂的双重关系,探索潜意识与现实的模糊界限,以及指代这种界限的比喻。

艾莉·普拉特 Ellie Pratt
等——待 Waaaaaaiiiting, 2021
布面油画 Oil on canvas
65 x 120 cm

艺术家近期群展包括:“隔岸观火”,2021,LINSEED Projects,上海;“A Clearing”, 2021, Zona Mista, 伦敦;“ONE”,2021,San Mei Gallery,伦敦;“10”,2021, PM/AM,伦敦;“07”,2021,PM/AM,伦敦;“03”,2021,PM/AM,伦敦;“Silent”, Tourist,2019,Galerie l’inlassable,巴黎;“Paper Cuts”,2018,Tripp Gallery,伦敦;“Four Limbs”,2018,Cabinet Printemps,法国;“Sympathy/Nervous”,2017,Muddy Yard,伦敦;“Tannery Group Show”,2017 Tannery Arts,伦敦。其近期个展于2021年11月在PM/AM开幕。

Ellie Pratt was born in 1991 in Kent, she studied at Slade School of Fine Art and Chelsea College of Arts, later she went to Royal College of Art for her Master’s degree. She currently lives and works in London. Drawing influence from art history, fashion magazines and popular culture, Pratt often juxtaposes inherited forms of combination of images with personal experiences to shape and reconstruct pictures that capture transient scenes through the use of light and colour. Her paintings often depict young women as main characters, inhabiting dark domestic interiors or backlit by sublime landscapes. Showcasing the feminine figures in a mysterious way, this representation paints the alienation and tension between the inner and material world. By elaborating on such tight yet isolated relation, Pratt explores metaphors of the unconscious and the blurring boundaries between it and our reality.

从左至右(left to right):卢卡斯·莱西特尔(Lukas Leichtle),艾莉·普拉特(Ellie Pratt)

展览现场 | 隔岸观火 Watch the Fire from the Shore

LINSEED Projects @ Oniment

2021年11月12日 - 2021年12月04日

Her selected group exhibitions include: ”Watch the Fire from the Shore”, 2021, LINSEED Projects, Shanghai; “A Clearing”, 2021, Zona Mista, London; “ONE”, 2021, San Mei Gallery, London; “10”, 2021, PM/AM, London; “07”, 2021, PM/AM, London; “03”, 2021, PM/AM, London; “Silent, Tourist”, 2019, Galerie l’inlassable, Paris; “Paper Cuts”, 2018, Tripp Gallery, London; “Four Limbs”, 2018, Cabinet Printemps, France; “Sympathy/Nervous”, 2017, Muddy Yard, London; “Tannery Group Show”, 2017, Tannery Arts, London. Her solo exhibition has been recently opened in November 2021 at PM/AM in London.

从左至右(left to right):卢卡斯·莱西特尔(Lukas Leichtle)(2),艾莉·普拉特(Ellie Pratt)

展览现场 | 隔岸观火 Watch the Fire from the Shore

LINSEED Projects @ Oniment

2021年11月12日 - 2021年12月04日

For more information:

Instagram: linseedprojects
Website: www.linseedprojects.space



