
LINSEED 艺术家 | 陶斯祺 Tao Siqi



展览现场 | 月光乍泄 Moonstruck Noon
陶斯祺 Tao Siqi

陶斯祺(Portrait of Tao Siqi)

陶斯祺1994年出生于湖北武汉,2016 年毕业于湖北美术学院油画系,现工作生活于中国上海。陶斯祺的绘画实践源于其对物像背后隐喻的猎奇。物与物之间正负交缠的形态,启发了她以画面为基础进行的深藏着情愫的绘制探究。糖果色的身体、柔软的毛发、微妙的触碰,都超越原图像的能指,映射出其画作中的真实与虚幻之间的张力。艺术家看似随性地建立、瓦解、延异现有的图示,结合由此引发的个人情感体验,用绘画言说着其对于所处时代的敏锐认知。

陶斯祺 Tao Siqi
重度依赖 Overdose, 2022
亚麻布面油画 Oil on linen
40 × 30 cm

从左往右 (Left to right):娜娜·沃克 (Nana Wolke)、陶斯祺 (Tao Siqi) (2)、赛巴斯汀·伯格 (Sebastian Burger)

展览现场 | 月光乍泄 Moonstruck Noon
陶斯祺 Tao Siqi

艺术家近期个展包括:“陶斯祺:嫩刺”,2021,胶囊上海,上海;“暂存”,2015,chi K11 艺术空间,武汉。近期主要群展包括:“月光乍泄”,2022,LINSEED, 上海;“Notes o n Ecstatic U nity”, 2022, OTP Copenhagen, 哥本哈根;“Mouthed Echoes”,2022,Lyles & King,纽约;;“Nine Lives”,2021,Fortnight I nstitute,纽约;“IMPORT-EXPORT/ 输入输出”,2019,IMPORT EXPORT PROJECT,洛迦诺;“匿于眼后”,2019,胶囊上海,上海;“苹果序曲”,2018,梦办,北京;“力的能见度”,2017,J: Gallery,上海;“春日地陷”,2016,RS_PROJECTS,武汉。2022 年,艺术家将于米兰Clima和纽约Fortnight Institute 举办个展。

陶斯祺 Tao Siqi
珍珠 Pearls, 2022
亚麻布面油画 Oil on linen
30 × 24 cm

TAO Siqi was born in Wuhan, China in 1994. She graduated from Hubei Institute of Fine Art with a BA in painting in 2016. She currently lives and works in Shanghai. Tao’s practice originates from her seeking of hidden metaphors under the appearance of different objects. The positive and negative grounds of an object intrigue her to explore its emotional undercurrent on the canvas. The sugarcolored bodies, soft hair, and subtle touches in her paintings evoke a sensuality of imagery, reflecting the tension between reality and illusion. Through the construction, extension, and deconstruction of images, her work, carrying the evoked personal emotional experiences, presents her keen observation and sensitive perception of the times we live in.

陶斯祺 Tao Siqi 
月色 Moonstruck, 2022 
布面油画 Oiloncanvas 
30 × 40 cm

Her recent solo exhibitions include: “Tender Thorns”, 2021, Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai; “Transient”, 2015, chi K11 Art Space, Wuhan. Her selected group exhibitions include: “Moonstruck Noon”, 2022, LINSEED, Shanghai; “Notes on Ecstatic Unity”, 2022, OTP Copenhagen, Copenhagen; “Mouthed Echoes”, 2022, Lyles & King, New York; “Nine Lives”, 2021, Fortnight Institute, New York; “IMPORT-EXPORT”, 2019, Import Export Project, Locarno; “Right Behind Your Eyes”, 2019, Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai; “The Apple Incident”, 2018, Dream Co., Beijing; “On Drawing: Visibility of Power”, 2017, J: Gallery, Shanghai; “Chūn rì dì xìan”, 2016, RS_PROJECTS, Wuhan. She is anticipating solo exhibitions at Clima in Milan and Fortnight Institute in New York.

从左至右 (left to right) :娜娜·沃克 (Nana Wolke)、陶斯祺 (Tao Siqi) (2)

从左至右 (left to right) :娜娜·沃克 (Nana Wolke) (2)、陶斯祺 (Tao Siqi) 

展览现场 | 月光乍泄 Moonstruck Noon


陶斯祺 Tao Siqi


Past Exhibitions

过往展览 | Deep Water

Clima 米兰,意大利

2022年6月23日 - 9月4日

过往展览 | 陶斯祺:嫩刺 Tao Siqi: Tender Thorns


2021年5月22日 - 7月3日

陶斯祺 Tao Siqi, 中枪 Shot, 2021, 布面油画 Oil on canvas, 30 x 24 cm

过往展览 | Mouthed Echoes
Lyles & King 纽约

2022年1月8日 - 2月5日

* 根据疫情防控相关规定,请访客持72小时内核酸阴性证明及个人健康码,做好疫情防护措施,观展过程请全程佩戴口罩。


* In accordance with the covid-19 prevention and control measures, visitors will be required to present their health QR code and the covid PCR Test result (updated within 72 hours) before entry. Please wear a mask throughout your visit. 

Appointments are required on Saturdays for the current exhibition; please book your appointments through email 48 hours prior to your visit; thank you. 

Email address: contact@linseedprojects.space


