上海市黄浦区茂名南路57号兰心大戏院三楼3F, No.57 Maoming S Rd., Lyceum Theatre, Shanghai * 根据疫情防控相关规定,请访客持72小时内核酸阴性证明及个人健康码,做好疫情防护措施,观展过程请全程佩戴口罩。 展览将于9月10日至9月12日中秋节假期间休假闭馆。因涉及剧院场地演出等活动安排,观展需提前预约;请前往LINSEED微信主页点击“预约观展”进入小程序查看展期并进行预约,或提前48小时发送邮件至:contact@linseedprojects.space * In accordance with the covid-19 prevention and control measures, visitors will be required to present their health QR code and the covid PCR Test result (updated within 72 hours) before entry. Please wear a mask throughout your visit. The exhibitions will be closed from September 10 to September 12 during the Mid-autumn Festival Holiday. The exhibitions will resume regular opening hours from September 13 (Tuesday). Appointments are required for the current exhibitions; please book your appointments through email 48 hours prior to your visit; thank you. Email address: contact@linseedprojects.space