LINSEED即将于11月在画廊及快闪空间呈现以下展览及项目:LINSEED is delighted to present the following exhibitions/projects in November: Opening: 5 - 8 pm, 11.11, 2022No.4, 165 Wuyuan Rd., ShanghaiSodomitical Maternity, 2022160 × 115 cm
Opening: 5 - 8 pm, 11.11, 2022Gallery terrace, No.4, 165 Wuyuan Rd., Shanghai(本项目为画廊露台户外项目“坐顶观天”首期。This is the first edition of the gallery terrace program "Outlook".)定福灶君 A Kitchen Blessing, 2022定点装置 Site-specific installation帕特里克·H·琼斯 Patrick H. JonesOpening: 5 - 7 pm, 11.12, 2022
帕特里克·H·琼斯 Patrick H. Jones
啁啾 Chatter, 2022
Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
160 × 200 cm
汤姆·豪斯 Tom Howse
四季之人 A Man of All Seasons上海市静安区陕西北路549号hAo mArket好市
hAo mArket, 549 North Shaanxi Rd.
汤姆·豪斯 Tom Howse
Pigeon Riddle in the Library, 2021
亚麻布面丙烯 Acrylic on linen
200 × 150 cm
Please stay tuned for the exhibition updates. For more information and previews, please contact:
玛丽·斯蒂芬森 Mary Stephenson
黄(二) Yellow 2, 2022
布面油画 Oil on canvas
90 × 200 cm
玛丽·斯蒂芬森个展“柔软供应”将延期至2022年12月开幕。The solo exhibition of Mary Stephenson, Soft Serve, will be postponed to December 2022.
* 根据疫情防控相关规定,请访客持72小时内核酸阴性证明及个人健康码,做好疫情防护措施,观展过程请全程佩戴口罩。观展敬请提前24小时预约,请前往LINSEED微信主页点击“预约观展”进入小程序查看展期并进行预约,或提前48小时发送邮件至:* In accordance with the covid-19 prevention and control measures, visitors will be required to present their health QR code and the covid PCR Test result (updated within 72 hours) before entry. Please wear a mask throughout your visit. Appointments are required for the current exhibitions; please book your appointments through the booking applet from our WeChat page services (service language is in Chinese), or via email 48 hours prior to your visit, and present your appointment confirmation at the entrance; thank you. Email address: