Provoda: 话不多,都在音乐里
“Born in USSR, he grew up surrounded by industrial landscapes and started to polish the craftsmanship of DJing a couple years before he was legally allowed to buy alcoholic beverages in a local store.”
( Press 'float' here to keep listening
to the mix in the background. )
他是Provoda, 上海地下音乐场景的中坚力量,本土厂牌VOID和aqualung的主理人之一。从2011到2019, 他给这座城市带来了无数个美妙的夜晚。在他离开上海之前,让我们听着他为电梯准备的告别录音,和他聊聊天,走进他简介背后的世界。
我刚来到上海的时候在这里一个人都不认识。所以在去了一些糟糕的EDM俱乐部之后,我发现Shelter和Void是最适合我,以及能够让我放我喜爱的音乐的地方。我给Shanghai Ultra发一条消息,其中有我最近在俄罗斯一个派对上的录音。后来我当面见了VOID的成员,也受邀在他们派对上放歌。我之前在俄罗斯也办派对,这些经历对我刚来到上海很有帮助。
爱它! ------ 一个黑暗的,充斥了汗水的,混凝土箱体结构。Shelter有着出色的音响系统,是一个纯正的“techno”俱乐部。我在那里度过了许多美好的夜晚。
平衡这些角色并不难,因为团队中的每个人都在勤恳地组织工作。我更喜欢DJ,但是能邀请你喜欢的DJ /制作人来表演,以及为来跳舞的人组织一个完美的夜晚也非常让人享受
哦,这里可以列出太多了……我和Shanghai Ultra的b2b一直都很让我享受。同样,有一晚在All,我在Dj Stingray之后放的set也让我难以忘怀。由于天气不好,他飞往上海的航班延误了,所以我们重新安排了演出阵容,我被排到了在他后面放。stinggray以150bpm的疯狂electro结束了他的表演,所以在他之后放歌并不容易,但最终结果还是不错的。
DJ Stingray
重生……那么……drexciya live+本土dj支持
IG:@provoda87, 或者 (如果你的微批恩好使的话)
- 有没有什么对上海想说的?
I’ve started DJing around 2004 in my hometown Rostov-on-Don, south of Russia. So I had some experience by the time I arrived to Shanghai in 2011. Before moving here I searched online for techno here and saw there promoters Void who were bringing acts like Surgeon, Rob Hood, Neil Landstrumm etc, which definitely was my cup of tea.
Opinions on Shanghai’s scene - from where you came from, or have been to, what are the biggest differences? Is there anything that seems unique about the scene here?
Yea, I think Shanghai’s underground scene is quite unique in a way. It’s like a big melting pot, a lot of different cultures, crowds and influences are mixed here. It’s a fast-paced city and I it reflects in the music scene also I think.
How did you come to join VOID?
Well, when I came to Shanghai I didn’t know a single person here, so after checking out few shitty EDM-kinda clubs and discovering Shelter and Void I realized that it would be the best fit for the music I love and play. I dropped a message to Shanghai Ultra with a link to my recent mix recorded at a party in Russia, then met the guys in person and got invited to play at the party eventually. I organized parties back in Ru, so this experience also became handy.
Can you tell us about your time at Shelter?
Loved it! :) Dark sweaty concrete box with loud soundsystem, proper “techno” club. So many great nights were spent there.
What inspired aqualung?
At some point me and Illsee realized that we have a lot of less straightforward and more “experimental” weirder techno\electro music that we don’t have many chances to play at other parties, so we decided to do a dedicated club night for these kind of sounds.
It’s not that hard to balance between them, since everyone in the crew does their part of organizational work. I enjoy DJing more, but organizinga good night and bringing your favorite DJs/producers to perform at it is also very satisfying.
What was your most memorable night in Shanghai behind the decks, and on the other side of the booth as a dancer?
Oh, there are too many to list here… Our b2b sessions with Shanghai Ultra were always super fun. Also, closing the first big night at All after Dj Stingray was memorable. His flight to Shanghai was delayed coz of the bad weather, so line-up was rearranged a bit and turned out that I’m playing after him. Stingray finished his set with some murderous 150bpm electro, so it wasn’t the easiest slot to but it turned out quite well at the end I think.
(How) did the scene in Shanghai shape your music?
It did, of course. So many great nights were spent here and so many great and inspiring DJs visited Shanhgai over these years. I think as a DJ you learn even more being on the other side of the booth sometimes. Never trust a DJ who doesn’t dance, haha.
What does this mix represent?
I always somewhat struggling with home/studio recorded mixes, to be honest. Prefer the live recordings from the parties, even if they’re not so ideal sometimes. No deep concept here, just some tracks I’ve been enjoying recently (some of which you might have heard during my recent late-night Elevator sets) put together.
How do you prepare for your gigs spiritually?
I’m not a very “spiritual” person tbh, so I just make sure I have enough sleep before the night and enough new tracks that I’m excited to play out.
“Are you nuts? Turn down the volume of that monitor before you become deaf!” by some sound technician at a festival in Crimea in late 00’s. It was a very valuable advice, and my hearing is still ok at this point, thankfully.
Pick three artists for your dream line-up of a night at Elevator. What's the time table? Assume you have unlimited budget and booking powers, including reincarnating past talents to take the decks again.
Reincarnating…hmm…Drexciya live definitely then + local support
What other creative outlets do you practice besides music?
I mess with photoshop sometimes and made pretty much all flyers for Void during last 5-6 years. Does this count?
We can’t stress enough how much you will be missed. Can you share us your plans so we know where to catch you next?
Gonna spend the winter somewhere warm in Southeast Asia, then go back to Russia for a while. Then somewhere else, probably, at some point. We`ll see :)
@provoda87 on Instagram, or (considering your VPN works well)
Shanghai feels like a second home to me, so I’m sure I`ll come back for a visit at some point, but it’s to early to tell exact time right now. I’ll probably start missing all of you badly sooner than I expect.
Farewell words to Shanghai?
Jia you!
Dance to what has accompanied him long before "he was legally allowed to buy alcoholic beverages in a local store"
For a proper farewell...
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