
Michael Cignarale: 爱的时光机

missthang Elevator上海 2021-05-21

Enchanting nights, we fall for him 

Michael Cignarale,美杜莎背后的大魔头,总是引领着这个城市里的人们穿梭时光,来到那一个个生气勃勃,无所畏惧的年代。



Michael Cignarale - the diva behind MEDUSA. His beefy and archival music selection often teleport us back to that vibrant, merciless, and monumental era. 




在我们做美杜莎之前,很多时候不得不在去一个激烈的酷儿俱乐部或是一个音乐好听的地方做选择。美杜莎是我跟Mau Mau的解决方案:将两种选项都放在同一个地方。




融合 -- 夜生活本就应该很有趣,是一个可以让不同的人走在一起的机会。美杜莎是一个让同志们可以相遇的地方,也是许多baby drag开始放飞自我的地方。因此美杜莎像是一个源头,我将这归咎于音乐的魔力。自从我到上海以来,上海一直是一个头条城市:大型的巡回演出,以及RA上的名牌派对是吸引大批人参加聚会的方式,但我认为这已经发生了很大变化,人们希望将钱花在一些当地的音乐才能身上。

Chris Cruse,The Carry Nation,还有Eris Drew & Octo Octa 是我们通过派对建立的几个非常有意义的联系。我们通常会联系在当地也会组织酷儿派对的DJ。我们有幸为他们展示了中国和这里的场景。

Opinions on Shanghai’s scene?

Shanghai doesn’t have a lot of pretense-  no houses, or big established points of references; until recently. I’ve always appreciated the sense of community that really backs up every club, party and person; I really value that.

How did it shape your music?

No pretense, so everyone gets a fair shot here. I had no one to please but myselfand hoped I could convince everyone this music is dancefloor worthy.

What inspired Medusa?  

Before we did Medusa you more or less had to choose between going to a club that had fierce gays and lesbians to another club to hear and dance to good music.  Medusa was Mau Mau and I’s solution to putting all that in one place at one time.

What were some challenges getting Medusa started?

Sadly the gay community can be a little stubborn, so it took a lot of convincing that Medusa was a gay experience; but once the word got around, it started to take more shape.


What are some challenges when running it?

The biggest challenge we have today is scheduling. The queer community is only so big, and personally I would like every queer party here to have their own time, space, and identity. So preventing overlap is really important but impossible. And of course as with anything that becomes popular, making sure the room is filled with responsible, and respectful party goers.  I said it early, community is vital to this city’s scene, so finding ways to integrate new party people into the ethos is a challenge; but we love the challenge; they probably need to be educated by these queens more than we do; just for the love of god do not snatch their wigs (that happened, and yes it’s a sure way to be banned).

How has Shanghai’s queer scene changed over the years? How/do you see Medusa being part of this change?

Integration- nightlife is supposed to be queer, it’s supposed to be an opportunity to get a whole lot of different people in a room together and do something together. Medusa was a great party for queer people to meet; it was a birthplace for a lot of baby drags, and so many coming outs have started at Medusa; I’ll blame that on the music. Shanghai since I have been here has always been a headliner city, big touring, RA famous acts really were the way to get big crowds to a party, but I think that’s changed a lot, people want to spend money on some of the local talent.

Are there any changes with Medusa now that it has arrived at a new home?

We have a lot more space to decorate, does anyone want to help us?? Seriously we need more people to help us decorate all the extra space. Please contact us.


What was the wildest thing that has happened in Medusa?

Hmmmm, you’ll have to ask them.


What has been the most memorable connection you have made through Medusa? And in your knowledge, what has been the most memorable connection Medusa has allowed people to make?

Chris Cruse, The Carry Nation, and Eris Drew & Octo Octa were three really meaningful connections we’ve made through the party - We generally try to book DJs that also organize queer parties in their respected part of the world,…this was one of a few queer stops DJs would make when they came over here. So we’ve had the privilege of showing them china for the first time.

Medusa pres. The Carry Nation



Can you let us in on some inspirations or mood board when developing Medusa’s visual branding?

90’s club posters, pink, glitter, more pink, silk screening and cartoonish hand drawings….use the same colors and xtube, they’ll give you some ideas.

What do you do during the day?

I'm a graphic designer.





Huan Huan -- Diamond Lil !她真的很棒,但是对自己的制作很低调,我不明白为什么,因为她是值得关注的明星。她经常为美杜莎暖场,并且特别懂得如何将舞池放入一个穿梭回1986的大型同志时光机中。(嘿嘿一个同志时光机,听起来像是一个不错的派对主意) 还有House of Kawakubo,多么有才华的一群舞者!

每次和The House of Kawakubo一起办的Ball都无比的难忘,因为那些夜晚充满了生命与活力,是无比真实的,社区性的聚会。我在那些夜晚DJ的时候,舞池里的氛围使我充满能量。至于我不放歌的时候嘛……Mau Mau DJ的时候,我都会称霸整个舞池嘿嘿

电梯注意到了我的想法,就是将舞蹈音乐(一种历史上属于酷儿群体的音乐)与酷儿舞者结合在一起。现在很难将Medusa与电梯分开,因为感觉效果也不会特别好。随着派对的发展,我们作为DJ也成长了起来。在美杜莎之前,我们没有这么多庞大,神话般的酷儿群体来演奏如此庞大,神话般的酷儿名曲,因此我们没有意识到Junior Vasquez,Size Queen和Kevin Aviance的足迹具有多大影响力。

我跟Mau Mau很快就想到了我们的派对名Medusa,但我其实不太会起名字。我尝试过用一些别名,但是它们都挺糟糕的。所以最后我就用我的真实姓名了。每个人对我的名字都有他们独特的发音,然后这也通常是海报上最长的名字 >_<

演出那天我必须控制自己的精力,否则我容易想太多。晚上我会穿粉色的服装,花1-2个小时把脸上涂满亮片,没有什么比想象着能够穿女士服装放歌更能让我能进入派对的心情了了。我认为这种准备是一种精神上的承诺。你想,没有人会把脸上涂满亮片看netflix吃瓜,这是一种向往被别人看到的承诺。但是,就像所有事情一样,有的时候blingbling的夜晚也会有卡裆的瞬间。因此,我会寻求精神指导。我看着DJ台,心想Alyssa Edwards会怎么做。她应该会用一种狂热的自信站在那里,就像她刚用现金买下了整个DJ台一样。所以我会照她的意思去做,可能会放 Crystal Waters的“ 100% Pure Love”然后让舞池感受到我们今晚就要像女王一样做这场演出。香槟也有帮助的呵呵。

What other creative outlets do you practice besides music? 



How did your other creative outlet shape your music in anyway?

You can guess how…

Who do you respect or look up to in the local music community? Who are your favorite artists right now in China?  

My girl Huan Huan aka Diamond Lil, just crushes it…she’s very shy about her production; idk why, she’s the star to watch out for. She opens for us a lot, and really knows how to suck everyone into a big gay time machine destined for 1986. Oooh a gay time machine, that sound like a fun party idea; she’ll have to play that one. Alsoooo the House of Kawakubo; such talented dancers!

What was your most memorable night in Shanghai behind the decks, and on the other side of the booth as a dancer?  

All the Balls we’ve done with The House of Kawakubo have been on another level, for one they were living and breathing, community driven balls; they were real; the stakes from the competitors felt real. And with all that energy; I just fed on it as a DJ later that night. As for dancing- hmmmmmm….when Mau Mau DJ’s I will take over the whole front of the dancefloor; and just werk it boo boo.

How and why did you start a residency at Elevator? 

Elevator saw my point about mixing dance music, a historically gay genre, with some gay people; which I explained earlier had been missing in the city.  After a few planning meetings and some glitter testings Medusa was kind of out into the world; Mau Mau and I DJ together and tbh its very hard to separate Medusa from Elevator, it just doesn’t work as well.… Obviously we had to grow as DJ’s because as the party grew we needed to feed the beast new music, but also before Medusa we didn’t have such a big, gay, fabulous crowds to play such big, gay, fabulous anthems for, so we didn’t realize how impactful tracks by Junior Vasquez, Size Queen, and Kevin Aviance were; we heard about their legend status but never really knew what to do with them until Medusa. It’s crazy to even think about my set without them now.

How did you decide to use your actual name as a DJ alias?

Oddly the party name Medusa came pretty quickly to Mau Mau and I, I’m pretty poor at coming up with compelling names….I’ve tried a few aliases as a DJ, but they all sucked at the end of the day. Sooo I just use my real name. everyone has their own pronunciation of it which I kind of like. And usually the longest name on a poster…


How do you prepare for your gigs spiritually? 

Yes, the day of, I have to manage my feelings and energy otherwise I’m going to overcook this bird. Also I get into a pink sparkly costume and on most nights, spend 1-2 hours applying glitter to my entire face- nothing will get you more into a party mood then the anticipation of playing music in lady’s clothing with sparkles on your face, its pretty spiritual, I think; or at least transformative…its committing. Think about it, there are no people hunched over, eating soup with glitter on their face binging Netflix; ain’t gonna happen; you’re committed to a least being seen. But like everything there are going to be nights when the glitter looks a little off, the booty shorts are ridding up your crack; and so, I look to spiritual guidance….I look at the booth and ask, What Would Alyssa Edwards Do. Miss thing she would point to where she is going to stand and with a delusional level of confidence prance over there, like she just bought the whole DJ booth cash.. and so I do, as she does, and then I probably will put on “100% Pure Love” by Crystal Waters, it will become completely transparent to everyone, that we are doing this gig tonight like a queen. Also champagne helps.


What would you put on your magic hospitality rider where every wish can be granted? 

Champagne; see previous question.

Michael Cignarale Slaying as Usual


我的音乐走了一大圈,但Murk,Danny Tenaglia和纽约Old School House以及Sylvester和Donna Summer的大型同志迪斯科名曲一直伴随着我。我几乎每次都会放 Murk的“ Tumbe”或Sylvester的“ Do To Want to Funk”,甚至Ultra Nate的“ Free”。当美杜莎正是热火朝天的时候,我会试图传送90年代的俱乐部偶像的精神,例如Junior Vasquez,DJ Duke,Angel Moraes和Peter Rauhoffer 。我认为这些人将我的音色带入了另一个维度,因为它们是同志生活历史的一部分。一个很好的例子是DJ Duke的“ Blow Your Whistle”,  或者任何bitch track,  例如 Junior的“Get Your Hands Off of My Man”就是一个很好的例子。最近我在尝试混合一些这十年之内创作的音乐。The Carry Nation的 “ Alive”是我最喜欢的派对开幕曲。最近我也超级喜欢底特律的原始音色, Kevin Saunderson的“Bounce Your Body”真是棒极了。抱歉超过三首了。。。


我收集一些特定的厂牌,Tribal America,Nervous,Twisted。我很喜欢集合专辑,那里有太多未被发现的音乐。当然,我也会去听DJ的录音并且从评论区来找他们在35:50播放的歌曲…

Could you pick 3 tracks that gives us a sense of your preference in music over the years? 

My music has come full circle but Murk, Danny Tenaglia, and old school NY house and the big gay disco anthems a la Sylvester and Donna Summer have always been with me…of course playing it in a way that people enjoyed was a big challenge early on in my career.  “Tumbe” by Murk or “Do You Want to Funk” by Sylvester or even “Free” by Ultra Nate was in every set. As Medusa came into full swing and I channeled 90’s club icons, like Junior Vasquez, DJ Duke, Angel Moraes and Peter Rauhoffer I had more house to work with so I didn’t have to rely on the anthem we all knew to make my point. I think this took my sets to another dimension because it played with the history of gay nightlife and gave us some specific moments in time to jump from. A great example would be “Blow Your Whistle” by DJ Duke.. So New York; or any bitch track, “Get Your Hands Off of My Man” by Junior is a good example. Also figuring how to play gospel house in a way that suited the room….but it’s become signature to Medusa if you stay towards the end “Lift Me Up” by Junior and Connie Harvey has been heard many of times at Medusa….Currently I’m trying to mix it up a little; maybe play music made in this decade.. “Alive” by The Carry Nation, is my favorite party starter, it has a lot of the same 90’s house references condensed into 6 mins. The hook is This Bitch is Alive…Damn right she is.  Also I’m grabbing from Detroit these days, the sound is so raw… “Bounce Your Body” from Kevin Saunderson is amazing. Whoops that’s more than three.

Where do you like to scout to add new music to your collection?

I collect some specific labels, Tribal America, Nervous, Twisted, etc…I love compilations; there is soo much undiscovered music there… and of course listening to archived DJ sets and reading the comments to figure out what song they play at 35:50…


What were the biggest challenges you faced on your musical journey?

Subtlety….in the sense that people want to stay for 4,5,6 hours, you can’t burn them out with an extremely demanding performance. I have confidence that I can get people committed to the music, but keeping them for hours has been something I have had to learn. 


If you could time travel and give yourself two pieces of advice when you were just starting out, what would they be?

Come out. The music is better. And don’t use glue, use makeup.

Is glue or makeup used here?
姐你问题真的很多… 我DJ之前就在制作。我是一位性格十足的歌手,所以音乐一直存在于我的生活中,我只是想制作音乐来跳舞…挺天真的吧哈哈。


Grindr intermission bc 2 many Qs

Mau Mau为我决定,因为我做不到。但实际上,是当我能感觉到它能在set里开始放出的时候。

专心致志的Mau Mau和Michael Cignarale





When and why did you decide to get into production?

Damn these are a lot of questions….I was in production before DJing, that’s how I got into this mess…I’m a classically trained singer so music has always been in my life, and I just wanted to make music to dance to…it was very innocent.

How do you decide when your productions are considered finished? 

Mau Mau decides for me….because I can’t. Actually though, when I can feel it being played in a set.. its pretty much ready for the real world

What was the most difficult thing you have to overcome when it comes to production?

Confidence…there are a million reason why it’s not good enough, but also a million reasons why it’s good…don’t relish on the negative it slows you down.


Do you have a favorite piece in your tool kit? (hardware or digital)

My M1 is my favorite gear I own, if you haven’t figured out my now I’m a 90’s queen and that machine is it’s queen maker.

How did your music taste evolve over the years? What does the music you like right now mean to you?

I’m more a song person you could say, so my structure has had to grow more into a track structure because I want the tracks I make to have more sustained pleasure.

Where would you like to see yourself as an artist in 5 years?

Not burnt out lol, the next level for Medusa professionally speaking is touring regularly…


Where would you like to see Medusa in 5 years?

Let’s get some other fantasies in the room from Shanghai; let’s make sure medusa is a stop on everyone’s tour.


Words/advice for people who want to get involved in this scene?

Work hard, plan, and respect all of your guest and performers; yea have fun but this is a job, people are working to make the party come together, respect them and that concept.

Best advice you've received as a DJ or producer?

Work and put stuff out regardless.


What is one thing only your mom knows, and one thing you'll never tell her?

My mom thought I used the word Cunty too much in my live set, and she was right…my mom probably doesn’t know the extent of damage I do to my skin with all the glitter….she’s a beauty guru and that would keep her up at night. On the subject of family, my dad does not think my outfits are revealing enough, and heels not high enough…so stage dad anyone.

How do we find you in the digital world? 

Soundcloud.com/Cignarale or Instagram Medusa.Realness or M_Cignarale or wechat.


Soundcloud.com/Cignarale或Instagram Medusa.Realness或M_Cignarale或微信。

Y'all know where to catch this boo boo on Saturday



Together is beautiful and Medusa is BACK

