
HSK微课堂•进阶训练‖第35讲 京城付费自习室突然火了




Market is generated due to demands. Since recently more and more working people started to use their spare time to study and equip themselves, the demands to study sites forced the emerging of a batch of paid study room, which created a new spectacle in the society. Study rooms with all seats occupied also reflected the passion of learning and fierce competition in this knowledge explosion society. So how is the environment of the paid study rooms, how about their market reactions? Let’s find out together.   



(1)嘈杂:表示环境喧嚣,声音很大,很多杂音。如,小明可以在嘈杂的环境中专心下来做作业。Noisy: means the environment is noisy, the voices are loud, and there are a lot of noises. For example, Xiao Ming can concentrate and focus on his homework even in noisy environment.


(2)扎堆:凑在一块,表示集中。如,这栋最近才红起来的建筑被人扎堆围观。Gather together: flock gather, means centralize. For example: this building which is get popular recently is visited by people gathered together.  (3)开业:开张,第一次开始营业。如,店铺开业一般会推出优惠活动。Open for business: begin doing business, first time open for business. For example: generally a store just opening for business will have special offer.(4)尽管:在这里表示即使,相当于虽然。如,尽管小明平时学习很认真,但是这次考试他还是没有考好。Although, means even though in the context, equivalent to although. For example, although Xiao Ming was very earnest in his study at ordinary times, he did not get good score in this exam.


(5)肃静:严肃、安静。如,在这种场合里保持肃静是应有的礼仪。Solemn silence: solemn and silent. For example, it is a courtesy to keep solemn silence in this occasion.(6)类似:与……相似。如,这栋类似钢琴的建筑是当地的一大特色。Similar: similar to something. For example, this building similar to a piano is a major feature of the locality.  (7)价格不菲:不菲,表示不低,不少。价格不菲就是价格不低,类似用法有代价不菲。例句如,这本精装书非常漂亮,可是它也价格不菲。Not cheap price (jià gé bù fěi): bù fěi, means not low, not a small amount. The whole word means the price is not low, you may take this form in analogy and make similar word, such as not low costs. Example sentence: this hardcover is very beautiful, but not at cheap price.

(8)初衷:初心,最开始的心愿、想法,或最开始做某事的目的。如,设计这款产品的初衷是为了向科学家致敬。Original intention: the original aspiration, means the will and idea at the beginning, or the purpose of doing something at the very beginning. For example, this product is designed with the original intention to pay a tribute to the scientist.(9)创始人:创办人。如,这个公司的创始人是个刚毕业的大学生。Founder: people who created. For example, the founder of this company is a college student who is just graduated.


1.关于付费自习室,可以知道(  )A.价格十分优惠B.首家诞生于北京C.分布在学校附近D.环境相对封闭2.谈谈你对付费自习室的看法

本文改编自北京日报《花费不菲却一座难求 京城付费自习室突然火了》,图片选自网络,版权归原作者及网站所有。

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