
Impressive Presentation Writing Skill

2017-02-07 Ken CN玩具技術交流

Why Are Presentation Skills Important?

Most people will agree that presentation skills are important. But ask them to explain "Why?" and they are stumped.These folks might mumble something unintelligible and proudly declare "Because - everybody knows that it is".

I have been studing and teaching presentation skills in my department over 5 years so I've had the opportunity to think about this question.

Presentation Skills are Important to:

  1. Individual Success;

  2. Business Success;

  3. Stress Reduction;

  4. Time Management;

  5. Leadership;

  6. Public Image&Opinion.

How To Write An Impressive Presentation ?

Report Receiver Background

  • -Language

  • -Specialty (No jargon in your report)

  • -Taboo & Culture


  • Introduction ? (initial visit?)

  • What we are expecting from this report ?

Cover Page

  • Distinct Theme (Clear & Definite)

  • Font Color, Size, Patten

  • Art Title, Writer Name

  • Background Color & Music 


  • General to Specific (inductive)

  • From Specific to General (deductive)

  • Known to unknown

  • Concept to examples

  • Problem to Solution

  • Data to conclusions

  • Chronologically or Reverse-Chronologically

  • In spatial relation

  • Most Important to Least Important

  • Through Division and Classification

  • By Cause and Effect

  • Through Comparison or Analogy

  • By Process

  • Through Definition

  • SWOT 

General to Specific

Organize the structure:

The general-to-specific pattern is probably one of the more common patterns in college writing. It may be used in any of these familiar places:

  • introduction to a paper

  • background in a research paper

  • opening paragraphs for a discussion or an analysis

  • essay examination answers

As the name suggests, this pattern is characterized by a movement in your thinking from a generalization to specific details. Your opening paragraph would begin with a general statement and then add details that explain it. The details may become increasingly more specific. The pattern ends with a broad statement that summarizes your thinking that resulted from the details.

Writing is a complex sociocognitive process involving the construction of recorded messages on paper or on some other material, and, more recently, on a computer screen. The skills needed to write range from making the appropriate graphic marks, through utilizing the resources of the chosen language, to anticipating the reactions of the intended readers. The first skill area involves acquiring a writing system, which may be alphabetic (as in European languages) or nonalphabetic (as in many Asian languages). The second skill area requires selecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary to form acceptable sentences and then arranging them in paragraphs. Third, writing involves thinking about the purpose of the text to be composed and about its possible effects on the intended readership. One important aspect of this last feature is the choice of a suitable style. Because of these characteristics, writing is not an innate natural ability like speaking but has to be acquired through years of training or schooling.

In this example, the first sentence presents the general statement about the writing process. The succeeding statements consist of details and examples, introduced by the transitions first, second, and third. Finally, the pattern ends with a broad or general statement that summarizes what the writer wishes to conclude about the meaning of the details.

This paragraph could have introduced a longer paper in which the writer discusses the kinds of training needed to learn to write, analyzes the results of a study about learning to write, or even introduces a topical literature review about teaching writing. You can see that the general-to-specific pattern is one you will use frequently because of its versatility as well as its obvious ability to quickly and effectively introduce your readers to your ideas.

You may find this pattern useful for writing mission and vision statements, definitions, marketing analyses, reports of scientific investigations, topical literature reviews, feature articles, editorials, and formal arguments from principle. Also, this mode of writing reflects deductive reasoning, where your conclusion follows necessarily from your premises.


Issue:  One time snap latches on Right& Left feet are same, easily confused and displaced by consumer. (e.g., DWK97)

From Specific to General

Known to unknown

Data to conclusions

  • Data Collection

  • Trend Chart


Key words

now, at present, recently, 
after, afterwards, after that, after a while,
in a few days
at first, in the beginning, to begin with,
later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly,

all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment,
form now on , from then on ,
at the same time, meanwhile ,till ,
not *until , before,after,when,while

By Cause and Effect

Fishbone & Why&Why Analysis

Spatial Relation

Most Important to Less Important

  • RPN to Critical Factor

Division and Classification


  • A TO A, B TO B

  • Analogy

  • A comparison of two different things that are similar in some way.

  • Comparison in which different items are compared point by point, usually with the idea of explaining something unknow by some known.

  • Analogies are offered to provide insights, and can be very instructive.

  • Analogies tend to suggest that existing similarities imply even more similarities.

  • Foot:Leg as Hand:Arm

"His head was like the dome of cathedral"

Concept to Examples

Process (e.g., PDCA)

SWOT Tools

(Wrote on Dec 24, 2016 at Winson.)

