

咸阳发布 2023-08-25



Announcement of the International Competition for the Planning and Design Scheme of the Construction Project of  Xianyang Museum (New Museum)

I.Project Name
International Competition for the Planning and Design Scheme of the Construction Project of Xianyang Museum (New Museum)二、组织机构
II.Organizational Institution
1.Organizer: Xianyang Culture and Tourism Bureau地址:咸阳市经电南路1号
Address: No.1 Jingdian South Road, Xianyang ,Shaanxi province2、代理机构:陕西省采购招标有限责任公司
Agency:Shaanxi Provincial Procurement Tendering Co., Ltd.地址:西安市高新二路山西证券大厦二十一楼
Address:21st Floor, Shanxi Securities Building, Gaoxin Second Road, Xi'an三、项目概况
III.Project Overview咸阳博物院(新馆)建设项目建议书已经咸阳市行政审批服务局批准,依据《博物馆建筑设计规范》和国家级历史文化名城要求,咸阳博物院(新馆)需建面积4万㎡左右,建设内容包括陈列展览区、教育区、藏品库区、文物修复区、业务研究用房、游客服务区、行政管理区及道路、停车场等配套服务设施。
The construction project proposal of the Xianyang Museum (new museum) has been approved by the Xianyang Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau. According to the requirements of the Code for Design of Museum Buildings and the national historic and cultural city, the Xianyang Museum (new museum) needs to build an area about40000 square meters, including the museum exhibition area, education area, collection storage area, cultural relics restoration area, business research room, tourist service area, administrative area and roads Supporting service facilities such as parking lots.     项目位置:位于咸阳高新技术产业开发区高科一路东侧、西宝高速老线以南、河堤北路以西、星火大道以北。
Project location: Located on the east side of Gaoke 1st Road in Xianyang High tech Industrial Development Zone, south of the old Xibao Expressway, west of Hedi North Road, and north of Xinghuo Avenue.四、竞赛内容
IV.Competition Content本次国际竞赛依据咸阳市城市规划控制要求,结合项目选址图进行总体规划设计,并对博物馆建筑进行方案设计,明确基本的建筑落位及功能布局、场地内外及室外工程交通组织,及项目整体的建筑天际线及立面形象。获奖入围方案将作为后期设计的重要参考。
According to the urban plancontrol requirements of Xianyang City, this international competition carries out the overall planning and design in combination with the project site selection map, and carries out the scheme design of the museum building, to clarify the basic building location and functional layout, the traffic organization of the inside and outside of the site and outdoor works, as well as the overall building skyline and facade image of the project. The winning and shortlisted plan will serve as an important reference for post-design. 五、参赛单位资格要求
V.Qualification requirements for participating units1、国内外机构或团队均可参加,中国境内机构应具有经合法注册并在有效期内的营业执照;境外(含港澳台地区)机构应提供所在国(地区)政府主管部门核发的企业注册登记证明;
1.Domestic and foreign institutions or teams can apply to participate, and institutions within China should have a legally registered and valid business license; Overseas institutions (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) should provide a certificate of enterprise registration issued by the competent government department of the country (region) where they are located;2、国内参赛人应具备建设行政主管部门核发的工程设计综合资质甲级或建筑行业工程设计甲级资质或建筑行业(建筑工程)设计甲级资质;
2.Domestic participants should have a comprehensive engineering design qualification of Class A issued by the construction administrative department, a construction industry engineering design qualification of Class A, or a construction industry (construction engineering) design qualification of Class A;国外优秀设计机构或团队必须与国内具有相应设计资质的单位组成联合体,以联合体的形式参赛的机构或团队应满足上述要求,以联合体形式参加竞赛的,联合体各方应签订《联合体协议书》,连同其他报名文件由牵头机构一并提交。联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合体重复参加此次竞赛。
Excellent foreign design institutions or teams must form a combination with domestic units with corresponding design qualifications. Institutions or teams that apply for competition in the form of a combination should meet the above requirements,  If participating in the competition in the form of a combination, all parties to the combination shall sign the "Combination Agreement" and submit it together with other registration documents by the leading agency. Each party to the consortium shall no longer participate in this competition solely in their own name or in a combination with another design agency.3、参加竞赛的机构须具有同类项目设计经验,提供项目落地(或在建)业绩证明资料;
3.Institutions participating in the competition must have experience in designing similar projects and provide proof of project implementation (or ongoing construction) performance;4、主创设计师须具有创新设计理念,且必须直接参与国际竞赛设计活动全过程,以及参与主办单位要求的重要节点会议。
The main creative designer must possess innovative design concepts and must directly participate in the entire process of international competition design activities, as well as participate in important milestone meetings required by the organizer.六、竞赛规则
VI.Competition Rules本次国际竞赛分为两个阶段进行:第一个阶段为初步审查阶段,第二个阶段为方案设计及评审阶段。
The international competition is divided into two stages: the first stage is the preliminary review stage, and the second stage is the scheme design and evaluation stage.1、初步审查阶段
1.Preliminary review stage本次国际竞赛在陕西采购与招标网、中国招标投标公共服务平台、咸阳市人民政府网站、咸阳市文化和旅游局网站,“咸阳发布”、“咸阳文旅”微信公众号等媒体发布,公开向国内外优秀的设计机构或团队征集创意设计,代理机构将组建初审小组,对获取参赛单位提交的初步审查文件进行综合评审,审查内容包括参赛单位的行业声誉、项目业绩、获奖情况及拟投入项目的团队等资料,选出10家设计机构,再开展规划设计方案竞赛。
The announcement of this scheme competition was published on Shaanxi Procurement and Bidding Website, China Public Bidding Service Platform, the website of Xianyang Municipal People's Government, the website of Xianyang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, “Xianyang Fabu”,“Xianyang Wenlv”WeChat official account and other media, openly soliciting creative designs from excellent design institutions or teams at home and abroad.The agencywill form a preliminary review team to conduct a comprehensive review of the preliminary review documents submitted by the obtaining participating units. The review content includes the industry reputation, project performance, award status, and proposed project teams of the applicants. 10 design institutions will be selected before conducting a planning and design competition.2、方案设计及评审阶段
2.Scheme design and review stage通过初步审查的10家参赛单位,按竞赛文件及设计任务书要求提交有效的成果文件。方案评审委员会采用综合评审法,对所有方案进行评审排序,推荐前5名设计机构,代理机构对前5名设计机构的设计成果进行公示及公众投票。公示期及公众投票结束后,根据评审结果确定一、二、三等奖及入围奖,分别获得对应奖金。
10 participating units that have passed the preliminary review shall submit valid outcome documents in accordance with the requirements of the competition documents and design task books. The scheme review committee adopts a comprehensive evaluation method to rank all schemes, recommend the top 5 design institutions, and agencyto publicly announce and vote on the design results of the top 5 design institutions. After the public announcement period and public voting, based on the evaluation results, the first, second, third prizes, and shortlisted prizes will be determined, and corresponding bonuses will be obtained respectively.七、日程安排

VIII. Competition Bonus Setting一等奖(1名):获得奖金人民币80万元(含税);
First prize (1): get a bonus of RMB 800,000 (including tax)二等奖(1名):获得奖金人民币50万元(含税);
Second prize (1): get a bonus of RMB 500,000 (including tax);三等奖(1名):获得奖金人民币20万元(含税);
Third prize (1): Get a bonus of RMB 200,000 (including tax);入围奖(2名):各获得奖金人民币10万元(含税)/名,共计人民币20万元(含税)。
Finalist prize (2 winners): Each winner get a bonusof RMB 100,000 (including tax) , a total of RMB 200,000 (including tax).九、初步审查文件获取及递交
IX.. Obtaining and submitting preliminary review documents1、初步审查文件获取时间:2023 年6 月15 日至 2023 年6 月26 日,每日上午 9:00 时至 11:30 时,下午 14:00 时至 17:00 时(北京时间,下同)。
1.Preliminary review document acquisition time: From June 15, 2023 to June 26, 2023, daily from 9:00 am to 11:30 am and from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm (Beijing time, the same below).联系单位:陕西省采购招标有限责任公司
Contact Unit:Shaanxi Provincial Procurement Tendering Co., Ltd.联系人:高若翔、张媛、白国锋
Contact persons:Gao Ruoxiang, Zhang Yuan, Bai Guofeng电话、邮箱:
Telephone andemail:
2.Offline acquisitionmethod参赛单位持申请材料(介绍信及身份证等扫描件)在陕西省采购招标有限责任公司(西安市高新二路山西证券大厦21楼招标一部)获取初步审查文件。
Participating units shall obtainthe preliminary examination documents at Shaanxi Provincial Procurement Bidding Co., Ltd. (Bidding Department I, Floor 21, Shanxi Securities Building, Gaoxin Second Road, Xi'an City) with the application materials (scanned copies of Letter of introduction and ID card).3、线上获取方式:
3. Online acquisitionmethod:凡有意参赛单位,请于获取时间内(北京时间,下同),登陆中招联合招标采购网(以下简称平台,网址http://www.365trade.com.cn/)下载初步审查文件。参赛单位应充分考虑平台注册、信息检查、资料上传、费用支付所需时间和影响,在初步审查文件获取截止时间前完成下载初步审查文件。
Participating units who are interested in participating in the bidding process should log in to the China CNTC Joint Tendering and Procurement Network (hereinafter referred to as the platform, website) within the acquisition time (Beijing time, the same below) http://www.365trade.com.cn/)Download the preliminary review file. Participating units should fully consider the time and impact required for platform registration, information inspection, data upload, and fee payment, and complete the download of the preliminary review documents before the deadline for obtaining the preliminary review documents.4、初步审查文件的递交
4.Submission of Competition Review Documents(1)递交初步审查文件截止时间为 2023 年 7 月 3 日 9 时 30 分,地点为西安市高新二路山西证券大厦8楼第一会议室。
 (1) The deadline for submitting the preliminary review documents is 9:30 am on July 3, 2023, at the first meeting room on the 8th floor of Shanxi Securities Building, Gaoxin Second Road, Xi'an City.(2)逾期送达或者未送达指定地点的文件,不予受理。
 (2)Documents that are overdue or not delivered to the designated location will not be accepted.

Xianyang Culture and Tourism Bureau

June 15th, 2023




审核:闫莉  签发:王鹏飞


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