
四六级 · 新闻听力 | CNN NEWS Zika virus [ 习题+答案 ]

2016-10-21 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 新闻听力 

2016 Nobel Prize for medicine


听力练习Listening Practice

1. Why the United Nations has declared an international public health emergency?

  1. it`s because of the fast spread of the Zika virus

  2. it`s because of the fast spread of wild fire.

  3. it`s because of the war in Uganda

  4. it`s because of lacking of preventative methods.

2. The Zika viruses spread by ______?

  1. water 

  2. dragonflies 

  3. mosquitoes 

  4. butterflies

3. Which statement is not right about Zika according to the material?

  1. Zika is not a clinically serious infection to many  people

  2. Babies who infected the virus would like to have abnormally small heads

  3. Babies who infected the virus would like to have  serious developmental problems.

  4. Zika cases have increased in China and Russia. 

4. Zika was named after the ________.

  1. nation  

  2. forest  

  3. mountain 

  4. tree

5. Zika was discovered in ________.

  1. 1946  

  2. 1964  

  3. 1947  

  4. 1974

录音文本、答案Transcript & Keys



CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: Great to see you this Wednesday. I`m Carl Azuz, covering current events on CNN STUDENT NEWS.

Got an update on the U.S. presidential race coming up in a few minutes. But we`re starting with news from the World Health Organization. 


The medical branch of the United Nations has declared an international public health emergency, and (Q1)it`s because of the lightning fast spread of the Zika virus. The emergency declaration has hoped to speed up international cooperation in research in fighting the virus.

(Q2)What`s interesting about Zika is that unlike some other viruses spread by mosquitoes. So, think malaria痢疾and dengue登革热 fever. Doctors say Zika is not a clinically serious infection to many people

(Q3)but it`s been linked to an alarming increased in babies born with microcephaly头小畸型. A condition that causes them to have abnormally small heads and serious developmental problems.

Zika cases have increased in Brazil and French Polynesia. But to explore the history of the virus, you have to go to East Africa.


DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Armed with traps, scientists push into the Zika forest in Uganda.

They discovered around 70 types of mosquito here, some carrying deadly viruses.

(on camera): This is a very precarious危险的; 不确定的;  climb up this tower for me to get high up to try to get the different species of mosquitoes.

(voice-over): We`re in an ecological 生态(学)的 hot zone, where (INAUDIBLE) disease thrive.

(on camera): So, it`s got a light to attract the mosquitoes and carbon dioxide coming up the dry ice and we should get some overnight.


MCKENZIE (voice-over): And they do. Mosquitoes that could be carrying yellow fever, dengue, and yes, the Zika virus.

(Q4)The forest gave the virus its name. (Q 5)Back in 1947, scientists discovered Zika by accident, while studying yellow fever. Their research station is still here.


