
英曲 | The Rose - Westlife,让我们心怀玫瑰,爱,总会绽放

2017-02-10 蔡雷英语


《The Rose》是一首传唱了几十载的经典老歌,不知不觉飘进你我心里。爱就是一朵花,只要心中播种希望,春天来临时定有馨香玫瑰绽放。

想送给你,让我们心怀玫瑰,聆听天籁般的歌声,默记富含哲理的词句“Lies the seed that with the sun's love,In the spring becomes the rose”。

Some say love it is a river

that drowns the tender reed

Some say love it is a razor

that leaves your soul to bleed

Some say love it is a hunger

and endless aching need

I say love it is a flower

and you it's only seed

It's the heart afraid of breaking

that never learns to dance

It's the dream afraid of waking

that never takes the chance

It's the one who won't be taken

who cannot seem to give

And the soul afraid of dying

that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely

And the road has been to long

And you think that love is only

For the lucky and the strong

Just remember in the winter

Far beneath the bitter snows

Lies the seed that with the sun's love

In the spring becomes the rose

