
热词 | 天舟一号、蹲式窗口、赞赏功能、杨洁导演去世 … 新闻热词荟

2017-04-26 蔡雷英语


  • 天舟一号  Tianzhou 1

  • 蹲式窗口  squat-style counters

  • 赞赏功能  tipping function/cash reward feature

  • 杨洁导演去世  director Yang Jie dies


天舟一号  Tmatchianzhou 1

China has taken another step toward its goal of putting a space station into orbit around 2022, by sending its first cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1 into space on Thursday evening.


天舟一号(Tianzhou-1)是首艘我国自主研发的货运飞船(the first cargo spacecraft developed by China),也是我国目前为止体积最大、重量最重的航天器(the largest and heaviest spacecraft)。由于它只运货,不送人,所以被形象地称为太空"快递小哥(space courier/delivery man)"。

此次任务是中国载人航天工程空间实验室阶段(space laboratory stage of China manned space engineering)的收官之战,对于空间站工程后续任务顺利实施具有极为重要的意义,标志着中国载人航天工程胜利完成"三步走"发展战略中的"第二步"任务,为空间站建设任务奠定坚实的技术基础(lay a solid technological foundation)。


  • 载人飞船 manned spacecraft

  • 航天医学 space medicine

  • 永久载人空间站 permanent manned space station

  • 遥感系统 remote sensing system


蹲式窗口  squat-style counters‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

The scene about "squat-style counters" in the popular anti-corruption TV drama "In the Name of the People" is not an invention of the scriptwriter. Netizens have revealed that the counter of the police station in Zhuzhou railway station in Hunan is only 80 cm from the ground, and residents have to squat when talking to the police officers.


电视剧《人民的名义》中,达康书记批评光明区信访局(bureau for letters and calls)窗口低矮让人印象深刻。如今,剧中的光明区"蹲式窗口(squat-style counter)"有了许多现实版,多地服务窗口(service window)相继被网友反映过于低矮、"让人站也不是,蹲也不是(make it uncomfortable whether to stand or to squat)"。继郑州社保局被曝出有蹲式窗口后,近日,又有网友反映,在株洲火车站派出所等单位也有此类窗口。目前,上述两家单位已及时进行整改(make rectifications),并正式实施开放办公。

有评论分析,蹲式窗口主要出现在基层政府(community-level government)部门,面对普通民众办事,本来是服务型窗口,却因设计不当(ill-designed)令民众叫苦不迭,充分暴露出部分基层单位"门难进、脸难看、事难办"的现实尴尬,折射出一些政府机构高高在上的服务姿态(expose the arrogance of some government organizations when serving the people)。


  • 全心全意为人民服务 serve the people wholeheartedly

  • 简政放权 streamline administration and delegate government powers

  • 懒政怠政 be lazy and neglectful of one's duties

  • 推诿扯皮 shirk responsibility

  • 玩忽职守 dereliction of duty

3赞赏功能 tipping function

Tencent has disabled its popular tipping function for WeChat content providers on the iPhone to comply with Apple's policy on in-app purchases.


19日下午,腾讯微信团队表示,受苹果公司新规(new rules)影响,当日17时起,苹果iOS版微信公众平台赞赏功能(tipping function, cash reward feature)将被关闭(be disabled, be shut down, be abolished),安卓等其他版本微信赞赏功能不受影响。关闭赞赏功能后,公众号(official WeChat account)运营者可在文中展示二维码(have QR codes embedded in posts),通过个人转账(individual account transferring)方式获取支持;二维码可选固定金额(fixed amount)和非固定金额(variable amount)两种。然而,这种过渡方案(interim plan)仅仅持续了几个小时。20日凌晨,微信团队再次发布通知称,紧急对19日下午上线的iOS版微信公众平台文章个人转账进行关闭。苹果公司对此事回应称,微信可以选择提供"应用内购买(in-app purchase)"让用户赞赏他们喜爱的公众号运营者。

微信部分个人类型公众号可以收取图文消息小费,支持从1元到256元不等的赞赏金额。微信推出赞赏功能旨在鼓励原创内容(encourage the creation of original content),由读者给作者打赏,自2016年10月开始内测(private beta test)至今,已成为很多写原创文章的作者的一部分收入来源(a source of revenue)。目前,微信并不对赞赏收取费用,也不采取分成(share revenue)模式,所有收入都归公众号运营者。分析人士称,微信倾向于认为这是读者鼓励原创作者持续创作、给予小费的行为,而苹果则认为这是付费阅读(pay to read)行为。


  • 微信朋友圈 WeChat Moments

  • 点赞 like, give a like

  • 转发 forward, repost

  • 屏蔽 block

  • 信息流 news feed

  • 推送/通知 notification

4杨洁导演去世  director Yang Jie dies

Yang Jie, director of the popular and critically acclaimed TV adaption of the Chinese literature classic Journey to the West, died of a heart attack in Beijing on Saturday. She was 88.


In China’s 30 years of TV production, few Chinese dramas match the influence of Yang’s adaptation of the 16th-century novel, which accounts the arduous westward pilgrimage of a Tang dynasty Buddhist monk, in the company of three disciples including the Monkey King, Pig Demon and Water Buffalo, in search of Buddhist sutras.


Since its first episode aired on the Chinese mainland in 1986, the first mythology-themed show in China has lit up domestic TV screens almost every year with avid followers that cross generations, and inspired many global adaptations. The story of its success often overshadows the difficulties behind the production, which took Yang two attempts to complete the full 41 episodes, with 17 years between them.



  • critically acclaimed  广受好评

  • heart attack  心脏病

  • sutras  经典,佛经

  • mythology  神话

  • light up  照亮,点亮

  • overshadow 使失色;使阴暗;遮阴;夺去…的光彩




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