
四六级 | long conversation - D15 (音频+文本)

2017-11-21 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 新闻听力 

推荐 | 英语四六级考试最全攻略导 [推荐]

词汇 | 大学英语四级最新考纲词汇




四六级 | 新闻听力测试(音频+文本)





Listening Practice


  1. She is going to have a lot of vanilla(香草) ice cream.

  2. She won the spelling competition at school.

  3. She is going to the state capital for a competition.

  4. She spelled “ excellence” correctly, but others didn’t.


  1. His family moved to Sacramento to settle down.

  2. His family bought him a new suit and a new tie.

  3. He went to Sacramento for a spelling competition.

  4. He won the first prize in the state spelling competition.


  1. To make him feel better after he lost the first prize.

  2. To apologize for not buying him some ice cream.

  3. To wish him good luck in the next competition.

  4. To congratulate him on winning the first prize.


  1. Red. 

  2. Blue.  

  3. Green.  

  4. Yellow.




W: Guess what Dad! I  won the school spelling cometition today! I'm the best speller out of 450 students at my middle school! I won by spelling the word “excellence” correctly after Jimmy messed up on the word “vehicle”. He added an extra “k”after “c””..

M: Wow, that's great, sweetheart! I’m so proud of you. I still remember when I was 13 and I won my school's big spelling competition. I competed all the way to the state competition in Sacramento,California!

W: You went all the way to the state capital for a spelling competition? Our competition was just in the school cafeteria.

M: Yes! Our state competition was in a big theater in Sacramento. We drove two hours from our home to get there. I wore my new blue suit! I even wore my dad’s favorite green tie for good luck!

W: Did you win?

M: Almost! I came in second. I was so sad after I misspelled “knowledgeable”. But my mom gave me a big hug afterwards,and then we went out for ice cream. Um ... vanilla ice cream.

W: Wow Dad! Second place in the state competition! In my next competition, I’m going to wear my favorite new yellow dress for good luck! And we can go out and have vanilla ice cream, too!


  • Q1: Why was the girl excited?

  • Q2: What happened when the man was 13 years old?

  • Q3: Why did the man’s mom give him a big hug?

  • Q4: What color is the girl going to wear for her next competition?


