
英音- 01 | Tim's Pronunciation Workshop - 英音发音工作室

2018-02-07 蔡雷英语

本视频来源为BBC Learning English,视频主讲人为Tim,视频在小木屋(workshop)中拍摄,命名为Tim‘s Pronunciation Workshop。同时,视频中有街拍真人实例发音,比较有说服力和代表性,大概每集在5分钟以内,适合碎片化时间学习,大家一起加油吧!


  • 仔细观看视频(两遍以上),熟悉每一个发音位置;

  • 依据视频,进行大量跟读模仿;

  • 把自己的音频录制下来,与视频中发音进行比对;

  • 找出不足,回头再学习视频中的发音技巧,进一步练习;

  • 找一位同伴或英语教师(Native speaker最好),为自己纠音。


  • 发音需要大量练习;

  • 一定要模仿正确的音,要打破之前的发音习惯;

  • 不要短期期待效果,坚持坚持在坚持;

  • 有条件一定要结伴同行,可以是学生,最好是老师;

  • 发音好不等于英语好,因此还要大量输入语言素材,不要只关注发音。

Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: 'Have to'



Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. Here I'm going to show you how English is really spoken. It'll help you to become a better listener and a more fluent speaker. Are you ready? Come on, follow me. 

Now, are you an early bird? Do you catch the worm? Do you even have the faintest idea what I’m talking about? Well, in English, an early bird is someone who gets up early in the morning. Now I hate waking up early, but because of my job sometimes I have to get up before 11 o'clock in the morning. I know - that's terrible, but I do it, just for you. Let’s find out about some other Londoners.


  • I have to get up in the morning at six a.m.

  • I have to get up at half past six every morning.

  • I have to get up in the morning at 6.45.

  • I have to get up at 8 o'clock.

  • I have to get up at 5 or 6 o'clock.

  • I have to get up at half six.


The word ‘have’ ends in the sound /v/, doesn’t it - or does it? Listen again: what sound can you actually hear? Also, pay attention to the pronunciation of the word ‘to’.


  • I have to get up in the morning at six a.m.

  • I have to get up at half past six every morning.

  • I have to get up in the morning at 6.45.

  • I have to get up at 8 o'clock.

  • I have to get up at 5 or 6 o'clock.

  • I have to get up at half six.

When we use the verb ‘have’ in its modal form: ‘have to’ meaning an obligation, the /v/ at the end of the word changes to an /f/. Also the vowel sound in the word ‘to’ changes to a schwa - /ə/. ‘Have to’ becomes /hæftə/. Here are some more examples.


  • They have to be there by 10.

  • We have to find another flat.

  • You have to tell me the gossip.

  • I always have to take the train.

Right, so you’ve heard the examples, and now it’s your turn. Are you ready to start? Listen and repeat.


  • They have to be there by 10.

  • We have to find another flat.

  • You have to tell me the gossip.

  • I always have to take the train.

Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn more about pronunciation, then please visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that is about it from the workshop for this week: I'll see you soon. Bye bye. Right, now as I got up at the crack of 11.00 in the morning, I’m exhausted – I have to grab 40 winks before the next shoot. Night night. Ah, that's good...

