
BBC · 地道英语|Down in the dumps 心情跌入谷底

2018-02-21 英语微外教 蔡雷英语


Hello, I’m Neil… but where is Feifei? 大家好,我是尼尔……但菲菲去哪里了?

… sorry I’m late! Is it time for The English We Speak? ……抱歉我迟到了!是不是到地道英语的时间了?

It is Feifei – but catch your breath and have a seat. Are you ok? You look a bit of a… mess! 是的菲菲,不过你先喘口气,坐下来。你还好吧?你看上去有点……蓬头垢面啊!

Me? A mess! You would be a mess if you had been where I have been. 我?蓬头垢面!如果你去了我去的地方,你也会蓬头垢面的。

OK OK calm down… and what’s that smell? 好,冷静……什么味道啊?

So you think I smell now! I’ve been to the rubbish dump! 所以你现在觉得我身上有味道了是吧!我去了垃圾场!

The rubbish dump?! Why did you go there? 垃圾场?你为什么要去垃圾场呢?

Because I was looking for Rob earlier and someone said he was down in the dumps. 因为我刚在找罗布,有人说他“去了垃圾场”。

Feifei, that is the last place you will find someone who is down in the dumps. It’s just a saying that describes someone who is unhappy, fed up and sometimes feels there is no hope. 菲菲,要找到一个“心情低落”的人,那可是你最不该去的地方了。这只是描述某人不开心、厌烦,有时感到生活无望的一句俗语。

Oh I get it! Being depressed or unhappy is a miserable feeling – a bit like being at a rubbish dump, actually. 噢我懂了!感到沮丧、不开心是一种痛苦的情绪,事实上,这有一点像在垃圾堆里。

Exactly. Let’s hear some examples… 没错。让我们来听一些例子吧……

Don’t be so down in the dumps, you’re going on holiday tomorrow! 别垂头丧气的,你明天就要去度假了!

Oh it’s Monday again, no wonder I feel so down in the dumps. 噢又到周一了,难怪我觉得心情低落。

Reshma has been so down in the dumps since her boyfriend left her. 自从她的男朋友抛下她以后,瑞斯曼就一直情绪低落。

o that’s being ’down in the dumps’ – feeling unhappy and miserable. So I’ve had a wasted trip –but I wonder why Rob is ’down in the dumps’? 所以这就是“心情跌入谷底”——感到不开心或是痛苦。我这趟旅行算是白费了,但是我想知道罗布为什么情绪低落呢?

It could be because his football team lost… again. 可能是因为他的足球队又输了。

No, he’s used to that happening. It must be something more serious than that. 不,他已经习惯了。一定是有比这更严重的事情。

I know – he’s feeling sad because he’s not presenting this wonderful programme with you –it’s such a great script isn’t it! 我知道了,他感觉难过是因为没有和你一起做这期这么棒的节目 ,这个剧本简直太棒了对吧!

There’s only one place for this script Neil – down in the dump! 只有一个地方有这个剧本,尼尔——垃圾堆里!

Ha ha, very funny! 哈哈,很好笑!


