
四六级 | 四六级作文话题预测:1-13

谭剑波 蔡雷英语 2020-11-17

CET-4 · 听力练习 




Currently, with the society becoming increasingly competitive, an increasing number of people are pursuing a diploma. For my part, achieving a diploma is the fundamental requirement for modern work life. There is no doubt in saying that a diploma will, directly or indirectly, bring a great influence on our career development.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to beconsidered is that a diploma is of great importance since it is the first requirement for many job descriptions. There is no doubt that the high unemployment rate of those without a diploma plays an indispensable role in leading to the phenomenon. In the second place, it is also of great importance to consider the fact that a diploma becomes a crucial criterion for the interview during the first round. In the last place, importance should be attached to the role played by a diploma in one’s career development. It is still a necessity for many people to pursue a higher diploma after employed. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by the diploma. Only by doing this can we make remarkable progress in our career development.





Currently, with the society becoming increasingly competitive, it is necessary for us to have the quality of persistence. For my part, we should always bear it in mind that no one can achieve success easily without persistence. There is no doubt in saying thatpersistence will, directly or indirectly, bring a great influence on our success in life.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to beconsidered is that persistence is of great importance since it is the first requirement for completing a task. There is no doubt that it is difficult to the point of impossibility for those without persistence to have a position in the workplace. In the second place, it is also of great importance to consider the fact that it is persistence that makes us develop a capacity to judge our own work and make a considerate judgment about what to do next after failure. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by persistence. Only by doing this can we make remarkable progress.





Currently, with the society becoming increasingly competitive, despite strong capability, it is necessary for us to have good luck to achieve success in life. For my part,we should always bear it in mind that no one can achieve success easily without good luck.There is no doubt in saying that good luck will, directly or indirectly, bring a great influence on our success in life.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to beconsidered is that good luck is of great importance since it is one of the three factors that determine our success. There is no doubt that it is difficult to the point of impossibility for those without good luck to survive, let alone achieve success. In the second place, it is also of great importance to consider the fact that it is good luck that leads us to the destination we are eager to reach. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by good luck. Only by doing this can we make remarkable progress.





Currently, with the society becoming increasingly competitive, despite strong theoretical knowledge, it is necessary for us to put what we have learned into practice. For my part, we should always bear it in mind that no one can achieve success easily without practice. There is no doubt in saying that practice will, directly or indirectly, bring a great influence on our success in life.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to beconsidered is that as the old saying goes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.There is no doubt that practice plays an indispensable role in seeking for the truth. In the second place, practice is essentially a summary of the wisdom of humans for hundreds of years. In the last place, nothing can illustrate the importance of practice as learning to ride a bike and learning to swim. However much theoretical knowledge is learned, we will never make it without practice. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by practice. Only by doing this can we make remarkable progress.





Currently, with the society becoming increasingly competitive,it is necessary for us to have knowledge to achieve success in life. For my part, we should always bear it in mind that no one can achieve success easily without knowledge. There is no doubt in saying that knowledge will, directly or indirectly, bring a great influence on our success in life.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to beconsidered is that as the old saying goes, it is never too old to learn. There is no doubt that knowledge plays an indispensable role in leading to the success in life.In the second place, knowledge is essentially a summary of the wisdom of humans for hundreds of years. In the last place, nothing can illustrate the importance of knowledge as the phenomenon that the more knowledge one has, the higher salary he earns. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by knowledge. Only by doing this can we make remarkable progress.





Currently, with the society becoming increasingly competitive, it is necessary for us to have capability to achieve success in life. For my part, we should always bear it in mind that no one can achieve success easily without capability. There is no doubt in saying that capability will, directly or indirectly, bring a great influence on our success in life.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to beconsidered is that as Jack Ma says, capability is indispensable for those who want to start their own business. There is no doubt that capability plays an indispensable role in leading to the success in life. In the second place, capability is essentially the comprehensive assessment of one. In the last place, nothing can illustrate the importance of capability as the phenomenon that the more capability one has, the more success he earns.The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by capability. Only by doing this can we make remarkable progress.





Currently, with the society becoming increasingly competitive, whether internal factors or external factors are more likely to determine our success is a question to be answered. For my part, internal factors are more likely to determine our success.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to beconsidered is that when facing trouble, we’d better adapt ourselves to the environment rather than try our best to adjust the environment to us. There is no doubt that such internal factors as knowledge, experience, capability and quality play an indispensable role in leading to the success in life. In the second place, compared with external factors, internal factors are under our control. In the last place, nothing can illustrate the importance of internal factors as the phenomenon that those who always complain about the external factors when confronting failure are not likely to succeed in life.The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by internal factorsOnly by doing this can we make remarkable progress.





Currently, with the society becoming increasingly competitive, whether it is better to complete a task through personal efforts or through teamwork is a question to be answered.For my part, I would rather complete a task through teamwork.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to beconsidered is that as the old saying goes, united we stand, divided we fall. There is no doubt that teamwork and cooperation play an indispensable role in leading to the success in life. In the second place, one can put what he is good at into full practice in the course of cooperation. In the last place, teamwork at the workplace has been demonstrated to increase efficiency, improve communication, distribute workload, and establish a culture in which each employee feels a sense of belonging. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by teamworkOnly by doing this can we make remarkable progress.





Currently, with the working pressure becoming increasingly great, the public have less and less time to do some physical exercise. For my part, I feel fairly delighted when I am engaged in some physical exercise.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to be considered is that physical exercise can make us keep fit. There is no doubt thatphysical exercise plays an indispensable role in leading to our healthy life. In the second place,physical exercise can benefit us both physically and psychologically and I always feel relaxed after some physical exercise. In the last place, my learning efficiency is greatly improved after moderate physical exercise. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by physical exercise. Only by doing this can we make remarkable progress.





Currently, with the working pressure becoming increasingly great, we have increasing tasks to complete. For my part, I feel fairly delighted when I am engaged in my work.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to be considered is that I have the opportunity to put what I have learned into practice when doing my work. There is no doubt that work plays an indispensable role inleading to my sense of fulfillment in life. In the second place, work is indispensable to support my whole family, since I am the mere bread earner in my family. In the last place, we can develop new friendship with others when we are engaged in one task. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to happiness brought by work. Only by doing this can wesuccessfully complete our task and enjoy our life.


那支持我的论点的原因是什么?需考虑的最重要的因素是我有机会在完成工作时将我学到的知识付诸实践。 毫无疑问,工作在引起我对生活的充实感中起着不可或缺的作用。 其次,工作对于支持我的整个家庭是不可或缺的,因为我家唯一的养家糊口的人。最后,当我们从事一项任务时,我们可以与他人建立新的友谊。上述因素是支持我的观点的主要原因。



Currently, with the working pressure becoming increasingly great, we have increasingly less time to do some reading. For my part, I feel fairly delighted when I am engaged in reading books.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to be considered is that I feel fairly peaceful and relaxed when reading. There is no doubt thatreading plays an indispensable role in leading to our wisdom. In the second place, reading is a way to directly communicate with great authors and their ideas, which can enrich our thoughts. In the last place, we can improve our capability of concentrating on a specific task through reading because we will never know what the book talks about without centering on it. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to happiness brought by reading. Only by doing this can we become learned and enjoy our life.





Currently, with the working pressure becoming increasingly great,good interpersonal relationship is of substantial importance in our daily life and the workplace. For my part, I firmly believe that mutual understanding plays an indispensable role in interpersonal relationship.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to be considered is that conflicts always come along together with misunderstanding in interpersonal interactions. There is no doubt that mutual understanding fosters great working atmosphere, which can, directly or indirectly, improve our working passion and efficiency. In the second place, there is no one on the earth who won’t do anything wrong. It is mutual understanding that makes us forgive the mistakes made by each other. In the last place, there is no doubt that we are inclined to develop and maintain good relationship through mutual understanding. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by mutual understanding in interpersonal relationship. Only by doing so can we get along well with others and enjoy our life.





Currently, with the working pressure becoming increasingly great, good interpersonal relationship is of substantial importance in our daily life and the workplace. For my part, I firmly believe that mutual help plays an indispensable role ininterpersonal relationship.

So what are the reasons supporting my argument? The most important factor to be considered is that through mutual help, the strength of everybody can be put into full practice. There is no doubt that those who receive assistance from others are always grateful and ready to help others. In the second place, there is no one on the earth who won’t meet any trouble. It is the help of others that makes us out of trouble.In the last place, there is no doubt that we are inclined to develop and maintain good relationship through mutual help. The factors mentioned above are the main reasons in support of my argument.

Based on what has been mentioned above, we can come to a conclusion that we must attach great importance to the role played by mutual help in interpersonal relationship. Only by doing so can we get along well with others and enjoy our life.




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