
写作 | 英语写作高分范文60篇:24 - 献血(附音频可背诵)

蔡雷英语 2020-11-17





Many university students donate blood because they either get marks or benefit in some other way while others see it as helping others in need. Do you think that students should get something in return for donating blood?

写作范文Universities Should Reward Blood Donors

Should university students be rewarded for donating blood or should they do it out of altruistic reasons? As far as I am concerned, I believe that students should not make the donation merely in order to obtain rewards. Yet, institutions ought to devise some incentives to promote blood donation.

To begin with, the act in question is to help or even save the lives of people in need. In view of the notion that prize and punishment should be meted out accordingly, donors should be rewarded for their selflessness. Second, the implementation of various incentives also serves to encourage students to donate blood. As the saying goes, "One good turn deserves another." Even if donors do demand some repayment, it is utterly justified. Meanwhile, the establishment of the incentive policy also reinforces an advantageous societal system where good deeds are encouraged. Nevertheless, the foregoing points do not justify able-bodied students eschewing blood donation if no rewards are offered. Otherwise, our world would be replete with mercenary individuals; and no society can survive let alone thrive when it is corrupted with selfishness.

In the final analysis, students should make donations in an altruistic fashion".However, universities ought to present some rewards to express their gratitude. (205 words)


1.It is undeniable that people are more inclined to donate blood when there are rewards being offered.

2.It makes sense that society should promote this laudable course of action by providing some rewards.

3.It is a praiseworthy act and should be justly credited.

4.If this policy manages to increase the much-needed blood donation, then government should enforce it.

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