

啰嗦探案 离床医学 2023-11-22


We reviewed patients who were treated by the isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol regimen or by the isoniazid, rifampicin, and ethambutol regimen. 
The association between the patient data on admission and the survival outcome was evaluated.


Some risk factors for death from TB have already been revealed, these include old age, dehydration, respiratory failure, decreased activity of daily living, and malnutrition . 
However, much still remains to be clarified.


Although the blood cell count has different meanings depending on the clinical background, leukocytosis most commonly implies elevated inflammation due by bacterial infection, while a decreased hemoglobin level suggests iron deficiency and chronic inflammation, and a low platelet count indicates a high risk of bleeding. 
In addition, recent studies have revealed that―in addition to white blood cells - platelets are involved in the defense mechanism . 
Thus, a low platelet count might indicate the lack of a proper immune system.


To the best our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate whether the three components of the blood cell count have prognostic implications in HIV-negative Japanese inpatients with smear-positive pulmonary TB. 
Among the three components, the platelet count was the only marker that predicted in-hospital death.


Our observational study cannot directly answer why a low platelet count is associated with a high risk of death. 
One possibility is that a decreased platelet count indicates a decreased liver function. 
The platelet count may be a confounding factor between the liver function and TB death. 
The liver is a vital organ for nutrition storage, albumin synthesis, and drug metabolism. 
Actually, in the analysis of this study, some liver-related laboratory tests (i.e., total bilirubin, albumin, and aspartate aminotransferase) were included in the final Cox model. 
Among these factors, a low albumin level was found to be a key risk factor of TB death. 
Thus, our primary hypothesis is that a decreased platelet count is a surrogate marker for the liver function and nutrition.


Another credible explanation for the link between the low platelet count and a high risk of death is that the platelet count can work as a marker of the defense mechanism to TB bacilli in the lung. 
Direct phagocytosis of invading particles and bacilli is one of the defense mechanisms used by platelets.
In addition, platelets activate cytotoxic T lymphocytes. 
Platelets also release antibacterial protein, thrombocidins, which are lethal to a range of bacteria. 
Furthermore, platelets activate the immune system of the lungs via numerous cytokines. 
In vivo studies have revealed that the platelet count and platelet factor level are elevated in TB patients, especially in cases with extensive pulmonary infiltration. 
A decreased platelet count may indicate a decreased defense against co-morbid infection.


A low platelet count usually suggests a risk of bleeding. Thus, platelet transfusion was indicated for a patient with platelet count of <20,000/μL. 
However, the patients in our cohort did not die of major bleeding due to a low platelet count. In all of the fatal cases, the patients had a platelet count over 20,000/μL at admission . 
Furthermore, only one patient who died from major bleeding had a platelet count of 172,000/μL at admission. 
Thus, we do not think that bleeding caused by low platelet count was the main reason for in-hospital death.

低血小板计数通常表明有出血的风险。因此,血小板计数< 20000 /μL的患者需要输血。
然而,在我们的队列中,患者并没有死于血小板计数低的大出血。在所有的死亡病例中,患者入院时血小板计数超过20000 /μ。
此外,只有一名因大出血死亡的患者入院时血小板计数为172000 /μL。

The present study was associated with some limitations. 
First, it was retrospective in nature, which might have induced bias. However, we believe that this simple study using a hard endpoint was not strongly biased by the study design. 
Second, our TB cohort mainly consisted of elderly individuals that reflected the East Asian epidemiology .Thus, the findings should be validated in other cohorts, especially cohorts with younger patients, in the future. 
Third,our data showed that a low platelet count was related to TB death. 
However, the true causative factor of death among the patients with low-platelet counts was unclear.


Eventually, our results showed that a low platelet count was clearly related to a poor life prognosis in the patients of the present study.


