

菜单栏有“精品团购”,今日推荐: 小卡可编程积木 原价299元 抢购价199元,《中国经典动画珍藏版》70本 原价160元抢购价99元;限量发售!


部分 听力(40分)


(  )1. A. UK      B. USA      C. UFA

(  )2. A. China  B. Canada  C. Australia

(  )3. A. tea  B. teacher  C. today

(  )4. A. sister  B. pupil  C. student

(  )5. A. he  B. she  C. you


(  )1. A.  B.  (  )2. A. B. 

(  )3. A.  B.  (  )4. A.B. 

(  )5. A.   B. 


(  )1. My name's Zhang Peng. I'm from Beijing.

(  )2. This is John. He's from the USA.

(  )3. This is Mr White. He's my teacher.

(  )4. This is Amy. She's a new student.

(  )5. Hi, I'm from China. Where are you from?


(  )1. Chen Jie is from ________.

A. Beijing     B. Shanghai     C. Shandong

(  )2. Chen Jie likes ________.

A. pandas  B. Canada  C. cats

(  )3. Chen Jie's dad is a ________.

A. student  B. pupil  C. teacher

(  )4. The bag is ________.

A. black  B. white  C. red

(  )5. Lucy is from ________.

A. the UK  B. the USA  C. China

            第二部分 笔试(60分)



(  )1. A. UK    B. USA   C. China     D. Amy

(  )2. A. he  B. she  C. boy  D. we

(  )3. A. pupil  B. new  C. student  D. teacher

(  )4. A. cat  B. dad  C. bag  D. today

(  )5. A. hand  B. fat  C. what  D. have


Canada  UK  She  He  students  pupil

1. My name's Mike. I'm from          .

2. Tom is a new          .

3. Lucy and I are 11 years old. We are          .

4. This is Amy.   is from the                  .

5. Look! I have a new friend.  is a boy.


(  )1. A. Hello, I'm Panda. I'm from China.

B. Hello, I'm Eagle . I'm from the USA.

(  )2. A. My name's Li Ming. I'm from Shanghai.

B. My name's Li Ming. I'm from the UK.

(  )3. A. This is Li Li. He is my new friend.

B. This is Li Li. She is my new friend.

(  )4. A. This is Mr Liu. He is a teacher.

B. This is Miss Liu. She is a teacher.


(  )1. 开学了,班上转来了一名新同学,我们会说:

A. Welcome back! B. Welcom C. Welcome back to school!

(  )2. 你想知道对方是哪里的人,你会问:

A. How are you?  B. What's your name?  C. Where are you from?

(  )3. 你想告诉好朋友张琳站你身边的女老师是新来的格林老师,你会说:

A. Hi, Zhang Lin. This is Miss Green. She is our new teacher.

B. Hi, Miss Green. This is Zhang Lin. She is my friend.

C. Hi, Zhang Lin. This is Mr Green. He is our new teacher.

(  )4. 妈妈让你写作业,你说等一下,你会说:

A. No.       B. Wait a minute!      C. OK!

(  )5. 你想问问对方是不是弄明白了你要表达的意思,你会说:

AI see. B. You see!  C. You see?


A. He is from Beijing.         B. I'm from Shanghai, too.

C. He is your new teacher.         D. Nice to see you again.

E. Nice to meet you.

Miss Liu:Welcome back to school, boys and girls. 1. ________

Students:Nice to see you,too.

Miss Liu:We have a new friend today. This is Mr Li. 2. ________

Students:Welcome,Mr Li! 3. ________

Mr Li: Nice to meet you too.

Students: Where are you from?

Mr Li:Miss Liu is from Shanghai. 4. ________ What about you?

Li Yang:I'm Li Yang. I'm from Tianjin. This is my deskmate(同桌). He's Zhang Ming. 5. ________


Boys and girls, we have four new friends today. This is Li Hong. She is from Nan­jing. She is nine years old. She is a lovely girl. She likes cats. This is Tim. He is from the USA. He is ten years old. He is a funny boy. He likes dogs. This is Jim. He is from Canada. He is ten years old, too. He likes birds very much. They are our new classmates(同班同学). Look. He is Mr Black. He is our fourth (第四位) friend. He is our new teacher. He's from the UK. Boys and girls, let's welcome our new friends!

(  ) 1. How many new friends do we have today?

A. Four.           B. Five.

(  ) 2. Where is Li Hong from?

A. She's from Nanjing. B. He's from Nanjing.

(  ) 3. How old is Tim?

A. He's nine years old. B. He's ten years old.

(  ) 4. Where is Jim from?

A. He's from the USA. B. He's from Canada.

(  ) 5. Where is our new teacher from?

A. He's from China. B. He's from the UK.


一、1. Hello. I'm from the UK.

2. I'm Mike. I'm from Canada.

3. Miss Green is our new teacher.

4. Lucy is a student.

5. Look at that boy. He is my new friend.

二、1. I'm a boy.

2. You are girls.

3. She is a teacher.

4. We are good friends.

5. I have a new eraser today.

三、1. My name's Zhang Peng. I'm from Shandong.

2. This is John. He's from the USA.

3. This is Miss White. She's my teacher.

4. This is Amy. She's a new student.

5. Hi, I'm from China. Where are you from?

四、 Hello, I'm Chen Jie. I'm from Shanghai. I like pandas. This is my dad. He is a teacher. He has a cat and a bag. The cat is black. The bag is white. This is Lucy. She is my friend. She is from the USA.


一、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A

二、1. B  2. B  3. A  4. B  5. A

三、1. F  2. T  3. F  4. T  5. T

四、1. B  2. A  3. C  4. B  5. B

五、1. D  2. C  3. B  4. D  5. C

六、1.      2.        3.

4.               5.  

七、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A

八、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C

九、1. D 2. C 3. E 4. B 5. A

十、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B

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