

菜单栏有“精品团购”,今日推荐: 小卡可编程积木 原价299元 抢购价199元,《中国经典动画珍藏版》70本 原价160元抢购价99元;限量发售!


听力部分 (40分)


(  )1. A. four           B. floor        C. first

(  )2. A. classroom                B. music room         C.art room

(  )3. A. library                      B. playground         C.gym

(  )4. A. dinner                      B. computer            C.water

(  )5. A. read a book              B. water the flowers     C.play football



(  )1. Our school isbeautiful.

(  )2. The music roomis on the first floor.

(  )3. Do you have alibrary?

(  )4. We have acomputer room.

(  )5. This is theteachers’ office.


computer room art room teachers’   office


1. ___________

music room

2. ___________

my classroom

3. _________

(  )4. My classroom ison the second floor.

(  )5. I love myschool.

笔试部分 (60分)


(  )1. A. lunch                B. hungry               C. dinner

(  )2. A. twenty                       B. second                  C.first

(  )3. A. library                        B. playground           C.teacher

(  )4. A. my                             B. our                        C.you

(  )5. A. on                              B. here                      C.in


(  )1. ________. Where is the park?

A. Hello            B.Excuse             C.Excuse me

(  )2. The computer room is ________ the first floor.

A. on                             B.in                          C.under

(  )3. This is the teachers’ ________.

A. floor                           B.office                     C.class

(  )4. How many ________ are there in your school?

A. students                     B.student                 C.students’

(  )5. The school is ________ to the park.

A. near                           B.far                         C.next

(  )6. We can play football on the ________.

A. music room                B.library                   C.playground

(  )7. Is that ________ art room?

A. a                                B.an                         C./

(  )8. —________ is the gym?

—It’s next to the lunch room.

A. Where                        B.How                      C.What

(  )9. —________ you have a library?

—Yes, we do.

A. Are                            B.Do                         C.Is

(  )10. —________ that the computer room?

—Yes, it is.

A. Do                             B.Is                           C.Are


1. is Mike Where (? )


2. is playground That the (. )


3. is my This classroom (. )


4. next It’s to art room the (. )


5. The on library floor is the second (. )



A.    This way, please.

B.    Yes, we do.

C.    Where is the lunch room?

D.    Is that the gym?

E.    Thank you.


Tom: This is my school.

Mike: Cool! Do you have a music room?

Tom: 1.      

Mike: 2.

Tom: Yes,it is. Let’s go to play football.

Mike: But I’m hungry. I want to have lunch.3.

Tom: It’s on the second floor. 4.

Mike: 5.


Look! This is my school. It’s beautifuland clean. There is a garden in it. We water flowers in the garden. We have a new library. It is on the second floor. It’s big and nice. There are many books in it. We can read books in the library. The computer room is next to the library. There are forty computers. My classroom is under the library. There is a playground. We often(经常) play football there. I like my school.

(  )1. The new library is ________.

A. small             B. beautiful        C. big and nice

(  )2. We water flowers in the________.

A. library                    B.garden                  C.playground

(  )3. Where is the computer room?

A.  library        

B.  calssroom               

C.  garden

(  )4. My classroom is on the________.

A. second floor           B. first floor               C.third floor

(  )5. We often ________ on the playground.

A. play football           B. play basketball      C.read books



一、1. floor 2. music room 3. library 4. dinner   5. play football

二、1. This is the teachers’ office.

2. Go tothe playground. Play football.

3. M: Is that the computer room?

W: No, it isn’t. It’s a library.

4. W: Is this the music room?

M: Yes, it is.

5. W: Do you have an art room?

M: Yes, it’s on the second floor.

三、1. Our school is so big.

2. Themusic room is next to the art room.

3. Do youhave a library?

4. Wehave a computer room.

5. Thisis the art room.

四、  Look! This is my school. My classroom is on the first floor. It’sunder the art room, and it’s next to the teachers’ office. The music room is onthe second floor.  The computer room isunder it. The library is on the second floor too. I love my school.


一、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C

二、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B

三、1. F  2. F  3. T 4. T  5. F

四、1. art room 2. teachers’ office 3. computer room    4. F   5. T

五、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B

六、1. C 2. A 点拨: 在具体的楼层前用介词on。

3. B 点拨: 固定搭配teachers’ office表示“教师办公室”,所以选B。

4. A 点拨: How many后面加可数名词复数,用来询问数量的多少。

5. C 点拨: 固定搭配next to 表示“紧邻;在……近旁”,所以选C。

6. C 点拨: 踢足球的地方是操场。on the playground表示“在操场上”,所以选C。

7. B 点拨: art以元音音素开头,用冠词an表示“一个”。

8. A 点拨: 根据答语可以看出问句是询问地点,选疑问词Where。

9. B 点拨: 根据答语可以看出问句是以Do开头的一般疑问句。 10. B

七、1. Where is Mike?     2. That is theplayground.

3. Thisis my classroom.    4. It’s next to the art room.

5. Thelibrary is on the second floor.

八、1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E

九、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A

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