

傅高义 北京大学中外人文交流研究基地 2022-01-24



当地时间12月20日,哈佛大学费正清中国研究中心在社交媒体上发布消息称,著名中国问题学者、研究中心前主任傅高义(Ezra F. Vogel)去世,终年90岁。



1879 年,有一位女士在 72 天内环游世界,创造了当时最快绕行地球一圈的记录。从那时起,交通和通讯技术的发展拉近了人们之间的距离,也使得不同国家的公民必须找到在同一片天空下合作生存的方式。正在走向社会的青年人们要知道,像全球疫情、气候变化、军控等全球性议题迫切地需要国家与国家、政府与政府之间的协作——尤其是在两个最强大的国家之间:中国与美国。

In 1879, a woman made history by traveling around the world faster than anyone ever before, in 72 days. Since then continuing development in the technology of transportation and communication is bringing people of the world closer together. Now we have no choice but to find ways to work with each other. As you are embarking on your careers, the key problems the world confronts, -- pandemics, global warming, orderly international trade, the control of weapons of mass destruction require close cooperation between the people and governments around the world, especially between the two most powerful nations, China and the United States.


As you know, during the last several years instead of the United States and China making progress in working together, we have grown more contentious, making it more difficult to cooperate for our common good. A key challenge for your generation is how to manage our rivalry, to find ways for American and Chinese people and our governments to work together.



As the two countries compete for economic and political dominance, mutual antagonism has grown. As you know, throughout history an existing dominant power and a rising power often end up fighting because unplanned incidents set off conflicts. Military technology continues to advance, and a conflict could be more devastating than any war in history, leaving no winner, only losers.


The rivalry between China and the United States is now spreading to almost every field. Our governments and companies contend for economic supremacy. Our nations compete for political influence and for hearts and minds around the world. Militaries compete in advanced weaponry that might allow them to prevail in a military conflict.


The rivalries arouse deep passion in both countries. Americans, accustomed to dominating the world for three decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union, become upset at Chinese assertiveness. Chinese, pained by the memory of dominating foreigners for over a century of humiliation, are determined to stop yielding to foreigners. We need to find ways to manage the rivalry constructively.


The speed of changes around the world disrupts lives everywhere, making it difficult for national leaders to maintain wholehearted public support. Maintaining unity is hard to even for small countries like Canada, Spain, and Iraq. Large countries face even more difficulties.

美国在维护国家团结方面的困难。当我在 1950 年代开始我的职业生涯时,美国的民意还相对比较团结。那时的美国没有受到战争的摧残,而当时的经济依旧是世界第一。美国的工业实力在世界范围内仍旧没有对手,而其他国家都青睐美国制造的产品。那时候的美国就业充分,国民对自己的国家很有自信。民主党人和共和党人在那时为了国家利益而合作,而美国也全力支持国际组织的发展,大力援助其他国家而使其不致走上战争的道路。

American difficulties in maintaining unity. In the 1950s when I was embarking on my career, America was relatively united. We had not been badly damaged by war and our economy was by far the largest in the world. Our industrial base had no rival and other countries wanted our products. We had full employment and national confidence. Democrat and Republican leaders cooperated for our national good. We were prepared to be generous in supporting international organizations and helping other countries so they would not feel the need to go to war.

美国的科技持续进步,农业也得益于此继续机械化,用更少的人力获得了更多的产品。在 1946 年,美国有将近六百万从事农业活动的家庭;这个数字在 2000 年下降至不到两百万,但我们生产了更多的农产品。在二战后,世界上其他工业国家从战争的创伤中逐步恢复,也参考了美国工业化中的经验,而他们的工人也愿意接受比美国工人更低的工资。

Our technology continued to advance and we began to produce more farm and factory products with fewer people. In 1946 we had 6 million farm families and by 2000 there were scarcely 2 million, producing more agricultural products. As industrialized nations recovered from the war and as other nations learned to industrialize, workers abroad were prepared to work for salaries lower than American workers. With technology advances and reduced transport costs, goods produced abroad could be sold in the United States at low prices, benefitting our consumers. By 2010 there were only 13 million jobs in manufacturing, a loss of 7 million jobs since 1980. As a result of the loss of agricultural and manufacturing jobs that supplied relatively stable employment, the communities around those factories and farms also lost income.


America has made considerable progress since my youth, --in education, science, and technology but we have not handled well the transition away from the relatively stable large-scale industrial and agricultural employment base that helped support the surrounding communities. America has developed a sizeable service sector, but incomes are too unequal. Some businesses and business leaders have grown very rich but pay workers very little. Our nation has spent too much on the military and military activities abroad and not enough on modernizing our infrastructure and providing universal medical care.


America lacks a national educational system to provide quality education with a standard common perspective for the entire population. In my youth, America had several national TV stations. Cities had a very small number of newspapers which provided common sources of information to broad groups of people. With the growth of the internet, people who have similar views can now rely on information from sources that agree with their point of view. We don’t get the same information and differences in peoples’ perspectives have hardened.


In World War II many blacks fought in our military along with whites, and after World War II, finally, we began slowly to provide programs to reduce discrimination against blacks. Women also gradually found more opportunities in the workplace. Poor white males who had fewer opportunities in factories and farms than in previous decades and who saw some black children get scholarships to universities where they could not afford to send their children are upset at the elite who support a system where they lack good wages and dignity.



You young people embarking on your careers must of course acquire skills to help you earn a living. In a world continuing to change rapidly, you cannot expect that the skills you learn as a young adult will prepare you for work decades later as the economy and technology change. After you learn skills, you must remain ready to adapt.


To manage the rivalry between China and the United States, we need people in both countries who acquire empathy for the people in the other country and seek to work with them. I have enjoyed good friendships with many Chinese and enjoy working with them. Chinese who study in the United States and Americans who study in China and make friends across national lines can be an enormous asset for helping our two countries work together. 


I believe we are practicing a higher patriotism, a recognition that each of our countries needs good relations with the other country. It may not be easy for you to maintain such ties in the decades ahead but I hope you will find a way. Our two countries and the rest of the world very much need your participation and your leadership, and somehow for anyway for our two countries to work together better. 


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