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我很高兴能够在此与诸位分享以“拯救生命、保障民生”为主题的全球智库市政厅会议(Global Town Hall Meeting)报告。该报告记录了通过穿梭于不同国家、地区和不同社群,结合不同学科知识来应对这场疫情危机的人们以及他们所贡献出的卓绝努力。我们欢迎诸位为报告提供评论和建议。
2020年4月7日,5月18日和6月30日,全球各地的智库专家齐聚云端,参加三场线上市政厅会议,展现了他们支持抗疫的信念和决心。在此,我想对国际规划委员会(International Planning Committee),各工作组的联合主席以及全球智库共同体致以感谢。在这次艰苦卓绝的时刻,他们齐心协力为全球抗疫贡献智慧。在三场市政厅会议中,每场会议都有来自87个国家和地区的智库专家赴会。诸位在市政厅会议中的积极参与彰显了智库的价值与重要性,承担了智库作为专家、思想和行动共同体的重要社会责任。
宾夕法尼亚大学劳德研究院(Lauder Institute)
詹姆斯 · 麦甘博士(Dr. James G. McGann)
此外,智库项目要特别感谢加拿大国际治理创新中心(CIGI),他们为我们提供了人员与技术支持以使得我们的线上会议能够顺利进行。就本研究项目方面来说,市政厅会议是由麦甘博士的研究实习生马利克·刘易斯(Mariko Lewis)、阿丽莎·沃兹沃斯(Alisa Wadsworth)、玛丽安娜·加尔西亚(Mariana Garcia)、 本杰明·柯思科(Benjamin Kosko)等人组织和运营。而这篇报告则是在市政厅和出版团队的帮助下完成的。在此,我们还要感谢:露西·柏普科(Lucy Popko)、安德鲁·奥尔纳(Andrew Orner)、伊塔利亚·梅思娜(Italia Messina)、乔丹·布罗德(Jordan Brodeur)、麦卡·盖茨(Micah Getz)、比安卡·赛尔宾(Biana Serbin)、萨米雅克·利卡(Samyak Leekha)以及卡洛琳·康登(Caroline Condon)。
1、约翰·艾伦(John Allen)
President, Brookings Institution (United States)
“In this moment, when political leadership is being literally crippled by COVID-19, think tanks have a critical role to play in informing policymakers and, ultimately, guiding humanity towards a safer and brighter future. Indeed, our community has never been more important than it is today, and as with so many things, we’re stronger together. The severity of the global COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented, and we must – together as a community – rise to the occasion.”
2、梅丽莎·里奇(Melissa Leach)
Director, Institute of Development Studies (United Kingdom)
“The COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis of massive proportions and will have major long-term social, economic and political impacts in countries all over the world. Think tanks globally have an absolutely vital role to play in generating the diverse and collaborative knowledge, action and leadership needed to bring an end to the outbreak and build back more equitable and sustainable societies.”
3、 戴尚志(Simon Tay)
新加坡国际事务研究所主任Chairman, Singapore Institute for International Affairs (Singapore)
“With the spread of COVID-19 to Europe and the USA, many are reacting late and with a sense of panic. While national governments must act, consultation and dialogue are critical in managing cross border flows of people, medical equipment and other essentials. In our region, ASEAN needs to move and work with other partners in the global effort against a global pandemic. Think tanks are nudging governments to give attention to priority issues and to take the right steps."
4、瓦苏·贡登(Vasu Gounden & Cedric de Coning)
Founder and Executive Director ACCORD (South Africa)
“The COVID-19 pandemic is resulting in unprecedented social, economic, and political dislocations across Africa. The ensuing security and development challenges will be complex and will require accurate information and knowledgeable analysis. Think tanks will therefore have to be at the forefront of providing evidence-based research, analysis, and policy advice to allow decision-makers to respond proactively and timeously to save lives and manage scarce resources.”
5、凯伊·詹姆斯(Kay Coles James)
President and CEO, Heritage Foundation (United States)
“Think tanks and global thought leaders like those in the Global Think Tank Town Hall play a critical role in informing and assisting policy makers in developing solutions to save both lives and livelihoods during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s reassuring to know there’s a global network that shares their expertise to address the tough issues we face.”
6、王栋(Wang Dong)
Executive Director,
Institute of Global
Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU), Peking University (China)
"Our world is being tested by the unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether or not the international community can overcome this challenge in the spirit of cooperation and partnership will speak volumes about the future world we will live in. It is heartening that the global network of leading think tanks and thought leaders assembled at the Global Think Tank Town Hall are committed to pooling their expertise and resources in search of a truly collaborative response."
7、 迈克尔·考克斯(Michael Cox)
Founding Co-Director of LSE IDEAS and Professor of International Relations (United Kingdom)
"This crisis has brought out both the best and the worst amongst peoples and nations. Our job as committed citizens of the world must be first to hold our own governments to account, but secondly never to lose sight of the simple but obvious fact that the only solution to this crisis - and the many others we face - is through greater international cooperation and a recognition of our common humanity, rather than retreat behind ever higher walls and closed borders."
8、贡蒂尼·达米安·兰科安德(Gountiéni Damien Lankoandé)
Executive Director, Groupe de recherche et d’analyse appliquées (GRAAD Burkina), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
"With COVID-19, Africa is learning many lessons. Among the most crucial lessons, there is the need to deeply rethink the continent's development models. This necessarily involves a change in development paradigms and original models that are better fitted to the realities of the African continent. In this sense, Think Tanks have a central role to play. But this role can only be truly assumed as a group. It is in this way that this Global Think Tank Town Hall initiative makes sense. I have confidence in the future thanks to this group philosophy.”
9、罗辛顿·P·梅德霍拉(Rohinton P. Medhora)
President, The Centre for International Governance Innovation (Canada)
“The importance of the G20 became more pronounced in a fight against a different kind of contagion, financial contagion. There will be no bigger challenge than the economic fallout from coronavirus. While it is an imperfect organization, the G20 will need to balance discussion and action. It is a grouping of the most significant economies in the world, and has two that must speak to each other to make progress – in this time of crisis they may have no choice.”
10、卡米拉·鲍施(Camilla Bausch)
Scientific and Executive Director, Ecologic Institute (Germany)
“Humans are part of both the natural and the social environment. We have an obligation to create and protect an environment that fosters well-being and resilience. We have to do so in the face of the Corona crisis, in the face of the climate crisis, in the face of the many challenges this modern, crowded, beautiful planet faces. This is why the recovery and stimulus packages around the world must be forward looking, embrace the changes we want to see, and build a future we want to live in.”
11、加布利尔·杜阿尔特(Gabriell Duarte)
Researcher, ASIES (Guatemala)
“In most countries, existing inequalities and the urgent need to reduce them have been exposed. The crisis caused by COVID-19 is an important call to Think Tanks around the world to work hand in hand with governments and other sectors of society in the formulation and implementation of public policies and programs to face the damage and achieve the resilience that sustainable development demands.”
12、法哈德·阿尔图基(Farhad M Alturki)
Chair, T20 Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia)
“T20 Saudi Arabia is committed to bringing evidence-based policy recommendations to the attention of the G20 leaders on timely and relevant issues for G20 and non-G20 countries. To that end, the T20 community has responded to the current crisis, precipitated by this ongoing pandemic, by creating a special task force that will investigate the impact of COVID-19. As the T20 platform is formally nested within the G20 framework, it provides global think tanks with the opportunity to present multiple perspectives to G20 leadership, while 7 respecting everyone's views. I would like to emphasize that the T20 has always valued an inclusive, democratic and open process of collating ideas, which is what makes it credible and legitimate.”
13、亚历山大·戴钦(Aleksandr Dynkin)
President, Primakov IMEMO, (Russia)
“The COVID-19 pandemic is a universal threat to the Earth. Figuratively speaking it could be compared with extraterrestrial attack. This provides a unique opportunity for promoting cooperation in a post-Corona world. However, blindly following the old “end of history” narrative could bring the world order to the new bipolarity of the XXI century. This path dependence substantially decreases not only post-Corona economic growth recovery, but also humanity resistance to the future pandemics, as well as climate change prevention. Forthcoming online and planning offline meetings of G5 leaders (Permanent members of UN SC) could potentially reverse this counterproductive trend towards a divided world.”
14、卡里姆·埃纳奥伊(Karim El Aynaoui)
Managing Director, Policy Center for New South PCNS (Morocco)
“In these challenging times, we have all had to adapt to the role that befalls us to protect the health and welfare of our communities and nations. This collective responsibility has come at a dire cost, but one I am certain we are all prepared to bear. I am inspired by the way in which the think tank community has come together, with kindness, strength and concern for the common good. Such an initiative as the Global Think Tank Town Hall gives me great confidence that we will get through this, together – as we always have.”
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