2021年3月20日,全国政协常委,北京大学中外人文交流研究基地主任,北京大学国际关系学院原院长、教授贾庆国在第22届“中国发展高层论坛”专题会“中美经贸协定何去何从”上发表题为“China’s commitment to the phase-one trade deal with the US and the way to address the economic relations between China and the US” 的英文讲话,对中美贸易在科技、经贸领域的现状与未来作出了分析与展望。小i整理了中英文发言全文,与读者分享~
The first phase of the trade agreement was not implemented in full. According to a Peterson Institute report, in 2020, “China's total imports of covered products from the United States were only $99.9 billion, reaching only 58 percent of the commitment.” However, that is not a testament of bad faith on China’s part. As Tom Vilsack, US Secretary of Agriculture said, that the trade deal allows for market conditions to dictate how much Beijing is required to purchase from U.S. farmers. The Covid pandemic would qualify as a material market condition that would impact how much China has to buy.[1] The US high-tech export restrictions have also contributed to less Chinese purchase of US products. Therefore, China has made good on the commitment it made as part of the phase one trade deal.
Will China continue to honor its commitment in the trade deal? If the US still insists, China is likely to do so. The reason I ask the question is that while most part of the deal is consistent with the free market principles, the part that requires China to purchase a specific quantity of American products to address US trade deficit goes against the spirit of such principles. As some Americans point out, it smacks of managed trade and does not serve the long-term interests of the US.
How should the two countries tackle with their economic relations whether trade or investment in the future? There is much controversy on this question in both countries, ranging from decoupling, to decoupling, to reassured interdependence, all in the name of national security.
According to the decoupling argument, in the age of internet of things, the technological tentacles have penetrated deep into the work and life of people, whether it is office or bedroom. With the 5G, it becomes almost impossible to control the flow of information. This development poses increasingly serious security risks to all. Under the circumstances, countries have to have minimum trust in order to stay connected. Since China and the US lack such trust, they have to decouple their economies.
According to the selective decoupling argument, in the age of globalization, countries have developed huge stakes in trade and investment. This is especially true for China and the US. Some aspects of trade and investment pose unacceptable security risk while others are not. Under the circumstances, total decoupling is both too costly and unnecessary. Therefore, the wise policy is to decouple those economic activities that are deemed essential to one’s security while staying connected in other economic activities.
According to the reassured interdependence argument, neither decoupling or selective decoupling can solve security risks problem and the cost of decoupling, whether it is total or partial, is unacceptable. The best approach, it claims, is to address the security risks directly themselves. This means trying to identify the risks, develop norms of behavior, and agree on monitoring mechanisms and punitive measures for violation through negotiation and consultation. In addition, countries should try to focus on sectors or industry they have comparative advantage and make them indispensable for other countries to ensure against international blackmail.
On balance, the last approach appears to make more sense. It addresses the problem of security risks while keeping the benefits of trade and economic relations.
In a word, a country should take the risks seriously and take necessary measures to address them. In the meantime, it should not exaggerate the risks and adopt counterproductive measures. That is to say, it should avoid the practice of throwing out the baby together with the bath water.
It is my hope that China and the United States can agree on the reassured interdependence. However, given the current atmosphere and the way the interactions between the two countries unfold, it is quite difficult. However, if it is the right thing to do, there is no harm to have a try.