
全球征集 | ​红土地——2020第二届田野双年展(自贡)

田野双年展 田野双年展 2021-09-26


Revitalizing the countryside by contemporary art has become a new thought and practice. For example, the First Field Biennale (Guang’an) which was held in 2018 with the theme of “Heimat”(a German word for “homeland”), has drawn great attention both home and abroad and has made great progress in promoting the local tourism economy and cultural construction. On the one hand, it fills the blank of the art history with contemporary field art samples; on the other hand, contemporary art has led the cultural practice in China’s rural construction and transformation with its innovative spirit.

Since then, the art-involved road of rural revitalization has been in full swing across the country. Now the Second Field Biennale (Zigong) with the theme of “Lateritic Land” is on its way again. This Biennale is going to select by solicitation and invitation 15 great artists from home and abroad, take the red soil land in Lede Town, Rong County (Zigong) as art creation space, and certainly light up the countryside again, contributing the best effort of contemporary art to the cause of building a new countryside. 

红土地  Lateritic  Land


The 2nd Field Biennale (Zigong) 2020

主题阐述(Theme Interpretation)



For the soil in Lede Town, Rong County is rich in iron and aluminum and looks reddish, it is called the “Red Land”. In every bright spring March, besides yellow pieces of rape flowers, the field is a massive area of gorgeous and wonderful red land. Numerous photographers and tourists are attracted here to pay a visit or take photographs every year. The biennale is going to be held in March, with the very purpose to present the best local feature. We believe that all the artists, inspired by this red land, will create their own unique works with their distinct style and personal imagination, drawing on local resources. When pieces of art works spread out in the scattered fields, it will be like icing on the cake, adding a strong color to the “Red Land”. With the involvement of the contemporary art, the charm of the land will be more fully presented to all visitors. 

The artists of this Biennale will create on the field for half a month. Let us turn the Filed Biennale into a real biennale with both countryside style and international view. Let us set up a new sample for the contemporary filed art and make the Biennale a more contemporary art practice that participates in rural construction and promotes rural cultural transformation in China.

组织成员(Organization Members) 


一山   四川省雕塑学会顾问、当代艺术家

Yi Shan   Consultant of Sichuan Sculpture Institute 、Contemporary Artist

贾方舟  著名策展人、批评家

Jia Fangzhou   Curator、 Critic


巴德·艾克曼斯   比利时皇家美术学院院长

Bart’d Erckermans   President of Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Belgium

亨利·琼博    刚果美术家协会主席

Henry Djombo   Chairman of Congo Artists Association

向   理   明天文化创始人

Xiang Li   Founder of Tomorrow Culture

贾廷峰   太和艺术空间董事长

Jia Tingfeng   Chairman of Taihe Art Gallery

张鹏飞   中青旅城投集团董事长

Zhang Pengfei   Chairman of  CYTS City Investment Group

陈   炯   北京设计学会艺术乡村设计专委会主任、中国人民大学艺乡建艺术振兴乡村研究中心主任

Chen Jiong  Director of Art and Rural Design Committee of Beijing Design Society, Director of Study Center for Revitalizing the Countryside with Art of Renmin University of China


张子康  著名策展人、中央美术学院美术馆馆长

Zhang Zikang   Curator, Director of Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

何桂彦  著名策展人、四川美术学院美术馆馆长

He Guiyan   Curator, Director of Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

隋建国   著名当代艺术家、中央美术学院教授

Sui Jianguo   Contemporary Artist, Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

崔灿灿   著名策展人

Cui Cancan   Curator

克劳斯·梅维斯   著名策展人、德国汉堡美术馆前馆长

Claus Mewes   Curator, former Director of Hamburg Art Museum of Germany 

桑   弗    意大利前文化中心主任

Vincenzo Sanfo   Former Director of Italian Culture Center

执行策展人(Executive Curators):


Zhang Changshou、Wang Zhigang、She Yu      

活动统筹(Event Coordination):


Long Xiaoyi、Xi Junzhen





Host:Rong County Buddha Culture Travel Company Ltd.

Exhibition Time: 2020.3.15—4.15

Exhibition Place: the Red Land, Lede Town, Rong County, Zigong, China

创作要求(Requirements of Creation) 



1.Requirements of works: 1) originality, 2) locality,  3) interactivity

2.Because of the exhibition is going to be held in the field, all the works are required to have a proper size and be realizable within a cost budget. The works should be associated with local landscape, resources and culture in a form that facilitates the interaction with local villagers as much as possible. Works should not only reflect their contemporary expression, but also be in line with the international standards, and their artistry should reach or be close to the international standard.

征集范围&评选方式(Range of solicitation & way of selection)


The Field Biennale of this year will be open to and soliciting works from the whole world. The organizing committee will invite a professional jury to vote on the shortlist.

作品奖励及制作方式(Work Creation)


The organizing committee will provide materials and production costs according to the work plan, and will organize local villagers and students from professional colleges to assist in the completion. The organizing committee will also provide basic transportation, accommodation and foods.



profile of the author、phone number/email address +name of the work+material of the work+size of the work+work renderings+explanation of creativity

+process specifications+acceptance standard








Solicitation: from the date of publish to Feb. 8, 2020

Selection: Feb. 11, 2020 – Feb. 16, 2020

Press Conference: Feb. 20, 2020

Setting Dates: Feb. 25, 2020 – Mar. 10, 2020

Artworks Acceptance: Mar. 11, 2020 – Mar. 14, 2020

 Opening Ceremony: Mar. 15, 2020

知识产权约定(Intellectual property agreement)




1. Upon inclusion in the shortlist, it is deemed that the organizer has the rights to promote, publish, exhibit and recommend the implementation of the works.

2.The creator must be the original author of the design and enjoy the copyright in accordance with the law. The creator assures that the proposed design does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other organization or individual. In the event of any dispute, all legal liability and losses to the organizer shall be borne by the designer. 

3. After the application of the works, the creator is obliged to modify and perfect the works in accordance with the requirements of the organizers, and negotiate the works presented in a high-level manner.


*The organizer has the final say on the event.


联系人:张老师   15101130219  王老师 13124722947


Contact person:Mr.Zhang 15101130219  Mr.Wang 13124722947

Email address: tianyezhanlan@126.com



Place of exhibition: (fish pond, rice,vegetable,field)


Review of 2018 the first field biennale (Guangan)


The first field biennale was held in Sichuan Guangan on the 16th. December in 2018.Field biennale follows the direction of rural development history together with all the dots involved to present the historical artist version of cultural development.Its aim is to let the contemporary art to light, to activate, to revitalize  the construction of new country, using the contemporary art context to activate Chinese traditional cultural gene, not only just present our original cultural but also promote the upgrade by the new form of art performance, contribute our efforts to the new rural construction. Realize a cultural practice leaded by contemporary art to rural construction and transformation. Facilitating the fast development of cultural tourist economy.

幕前具有本地特色的舞狮表演(Lion show)

总策展人一山致开幕词(Total planner do the opening speech)

前来参加开幕式的当地村民(Local residence)

观众行走在宝箴塞周边的木栈道上(Audience on the wooden path)

在Jacob Dahlgren作品中互动的小盆友(Kids interacting with Jacob’s works)

展览现场 -王度作品《龙女的玉簪》

(Exhibition site –“ jade hairpin of the dragon lady” by Wangdu)

展览现场 尹秀珍作品《南极》前    (Exhibition site: the Antarctic by Yinxiuzhen)

展览现场 - 焦兴涛作品《望乡》 (Exhibition site: hometown by Jiaoxingtao)

洪易 牛 不锈钢钣金 2018 (The bull stainless metal 2018 by Hongyi) 

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Mobile:15101130219     13124722947

Email address: tianyezhanlan@126.com

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