


Stéphane Polis (éd.)

Guide to the Writing Systems of Ancient Egypt

What do we know about the writings of ancient Egypt, two hundred years after Jean-François Champollion deciphered hieroglyphs? This Guide answers the question in an easily accessible format, presenting the current state of knowledge on the different scripts that were used in the Land of Pharaohs. The reader will find over fifty articles written by specialists, presenting the diversity of scripts in time and space, explaining their main organizational principles, and describing the main contexts in which they were used.

The Guide begins by offering an overview of the scripts of Egypt, from the appearance of hieroglyphs up to the introduction of Arabic writing. It then explores the multiple aspects of hieroglyphic writing: the number of glyphs and their classification; the relationship between written glyphs and figurative representations; the organization in space and the materiality of hieroglyphs; the relationship of hieroglyphic writing to spoken language; as well as the play on symbols and other so-called enigmatic uses. Finally, the Guide focuses on the main uses of writing in ancient Egypt. Learning how to write, the use of movable and monumental material, inscriptions on objects and graffiti, the destruction of writing and systems of symbols are all practices that are considered. The use of writing for specific purposes—such as administrative, funerary or magical—or in specific socio-historical contexts is also adressed.

Deux cents ans après le déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes par Jean-François Champollion, que sait-on des écritures de l’Égypte ancienne ? Ce Guide des écritures répond à la question, en exposant de manière accessible l’état de nos connaissances sur les différentes écritures qui furent utilisées sur la terre des pharaons. Le lecteur y découvrira plus de cinquante notices rédigées par des spécialistes, qui présentent la diversité de leurs manifestations dans le temps et l’espace, en expliquent les grands principes de fonctionnement, et décrivent leurs principaux contextes d’emploi.

Le guide propose dans un premier temps un panorama des écritures d’Égypte, depuis l’apparition des hiéroglyphes jusqu’à l’introduction de l’écriture arabe. Il explore ensuite les multiples facettes de l’écriture hiéroglyphique : le nombre de signes et leur classification, la relation entre signes d’écriture et représentations figurées, l’organisation spatiale et la matérialité des hiéroglyphes, l’adossement de l’écriture hiéroglyphique à la langue orale, ainsi que les jeux sur les signes et autres emplois dits énigmatiques. Enfin, il s’intéresse aux principaux usages de l’écrit en Égypte ancienne. Apprentissage de l’écriture, utilisation des supports mobiles et monumentaux, inscription des objets et graffiti, destructions de l’écrit et systèmes de marques sont autant de pratiques envisagées. L’emploi de l’écriture à des fins particulières – administratives, funéraires ou magiques, par exemple – ou dans des contextes socio-historiques spécifiques est également abordé.



Laurent Coulon


The Languages and Writing Systems of Ancient Egypt:

Chronological and Terminological Guidelines

Stéphane Polis

1. Two Centuries after Champollion: The Background to Deciphering 18

Stéphane Polis


2. The Origins and Earliest Developments of Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing 34

Andréas Stauder

3. How Does the Hieroglyphic System Function? 42

Stéphane Polis

4. FOCUS The Frequency of Graphemic Functions in Egyptian Writing 50

Stéphane Polis

5. Ptolemaic Writing 52

Christophe Thiers

6. Cursive Hieroglyphs 58

Tobias Konrad

7. Hieratic 62

Pierre Grandet

8. FOCUS Abnormal Hieratic 70

Koen Donker van Heel

9. Demotic 72

Didier Devauchelle

10. Coptic 80

Esther Garel

11. Cuneiform in Egypt: The el-Amarna Letters 88

Laurent Colonna d’Istria

12. Greek in Egypt 92

Jean-Luc Fournet

13. Latin in Egypt 98

Bruno Rochette

14. FOCUS Arabic Writing in Egypt 102

Naïm Vantieghem

15. The Egyptian Origin of the Alphabet 104

Ben J.J. Haring

16. Egyptian Writing Systems in the Sudan 112

Claude Rilly

17. The Western Perception of Hieroglyphs,

from Classical Antiquity until Decipherment 118

Jean Winand

18. The Hieroglyphic Repertoire 126

Philippe Collombert

19. Inventing the Signs of a Figurative Writing System 133

Pascal Vernus

20. FOCUS How Many Hieroglyphs? 138

Philippe Collombert

21. The Egyptian Classification of Hieroglyphs 140

Joachim Friedrich Quack

22. The Sign as an Image… 144

Dimitri Laboury

23. … or the Image as a Sign 150

Dimitri Laboury

24. Reading Statues 154

Renaud Pietri

25. The Spatial Organisation of Hieroglyphic Texts 158

Serge Rosmorduc

26. The Materiality of Hieroglyphs and its Typographical Transposition 166

Dimitri Meeks

27. FOCUS Outside the Standards of Beauty:

An Example of Local Hieroglyphic Style from Asyut 174

Andrea Fanciulli & Martina Landrino

28. Printing Hieroglyphs with Movable Type Technology 176

Peter Dils

29. FOCUS Encoding Hieroglyphic Texts 180

Jorke Grotenhuis & Mark-Jan Nederhof

30. Adjustment of the Ancient Egyptian Writing System

as a Reflection of Language Change 182

Frank Kammerzell

31. Group Writing and Vocalisation 188

Marwan Kilani

32. From Determinatives to Classifiers :

Categorisation in the Ancient Egyptian Writing System 192

Orly Goldwasser

33. Enigmatic Spelling: Alienating, Encrypting, Sportive 200

Daniel A. Werning

34. Wordplay and Sign Play 208

Antonio Loprieno


35. Learning to Write 212

Annie Gasse

36. Portable Written Media: Papyrus, Ostraca, Writing Boards

and Leather Rolls 218

Fredrik Hagen

37. FOCUS Seals, Sealings, and Writing in Ancient Egypt 226

Philipp Seyr

38. Writing as Monument 228

Luc Gabolde

39. FOCUS The Damnatio Memoriae: Remembering to Forget

via the Power of the Image 232

Simon Connor

40. Inscribing Objects 234

Alexis Den Doncker

41. FOCUS Non-Textual Marking Systems in Ancient Egypt 240

Daniel Soliman

42. Graffiti, Dipinti and Secondary Epigraphy:

Transformation of Space and the Self 242

Andreas Dorn & Chloé Ragazzoli

43. FOCUS Paratextual Marks 248

Aurore Motte & Nathalie Sojic

44. Writing in Funerary Contexts: The Neutralisation of “Animate”

Hieroglyphs in the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts 250

Bernard Mathieu

45. Royal Funerary Compositions of the New Kingdom 254

Susanne Bickel

46. The Book of the Dead and its Graphic Registers 258

Florence Albert

47. Writing to the Dead 264

Sylvie Donnat

48. Writing and Administration in the Pharaonic Period 268

Pierre Tallet

49. Writing, Medicine and Magic: On the Modus Scribendi of Diagnoses,

Therapies and Incantations 274

Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert

50. Writing in Balat 280

Laure Pantalacci

51. Writing during Ancient Desert Expeditions 284

Vincent Morel

52. Writing at Deir el-Medina 288

Dominique Lefèvre

53. Writing at Tebtunis in the Graeco-Roman Period 294

Claudio Gallazzi

Timeline 298

Map of Egypt 299

Glossary 300

Bibliographic References 304

General Bibliography 308


ISBN 9782724708738

2023 IFAO

Collection: GIFAO 4

Langue(s): anglais

1 vol. 360 p.

26 € (839 EGP)



