
《心理新青年》对话美国著名心理学家Susan Fiske教授(上篇):我的社会心理学之旅

心理新青年 心理新青年 2019-07-04


Susan Fiske教授




1. 嘉宾简介

Dr. Susan T. Fiske is Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology and Professor of Public Affairs at Princeton University. She received her Ph.D. at Harvard University in 1978. Professor Fiske's research addresses how stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination are encouraged or discouraged by social relationships, such as cooperation, competition, and power. She has written more than 350 articles and chapters, as well as authored and edited many influential books in the field, including the Annual Review of Psychology and Handbook of Social Psychology. She is amember of the National Academy of Sciences and has won numerous awards for her contributions to the field of social psychology.



2. 采访题记

The world is currently undergoing tremendous economic and cultural transitions. As social scientists, what roles can social psychologists play in this fast-changing dynamic? How to utilize our own research to contribute to the innovative scientific development and meaningful societal progress in a unique way?



3. 采访正文




《心理新青年》: First of all, we really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule and accepting our interview invitation! We noticed you studied Social Relations at Radcliffe College, and then pursued Psychology and Social Relations for your Ph.D. We are curious about your career path and the stories behind it. Why did you pick psychology in general? And how did you become interested in stereotyping research in particular?



Susan Fiske: There are several reasons why I went to the field of psychology, and in particular stereotype research. My research trajectory is influenced by both sides of my family, where I lived, and the time when I came of age. Both my mother and grandmother went to Radcliffe, which was Harvard’s sister college. My mother's diploma even says in Latin: “this is just as good as a Harvard degree.” When I attended high school, pretty much all of the Ivy Leagues were male only. Then I applied to Radcliffe, a women’s college, and graduated from “Harvard Radcliffe”. These changes for women are part of the theme why I got into the field.


One side of my family is interested in constructive problem solving about social issues in gender as well as ethnicity. My great grandmother and my grandmother both worked for women's suffrage. They would never say they were “suffragettes,” because that’s too diminutive and they would rather say they were “suffragists.” My mother worked in a non-partisan group in the city of Chicago that promoted dialogues and facts in politics. She was part of the League of Women Voters, which was the group that was formed after women had the right to vote. The other side of my family influence is my father, Donald Fiske, who was a methodologist and a psychometrician. He published the most cited article in the first one hundred years of Psychological Bulletin (Campbell & Fiske, 1959), the classic method paper on convergent and discriminant validation by the multi-trait-multi-method matrix. So in a way, I combined my parents’ interests. In addition, my brother Alan Fiske, who’s a cultural psychologist, is also a family influence.

我母亲一方的家庭对如何建设性地解决性别和种族问题很感兴趣。我的曾祖母和我的祖母都致力于妇女投票权益的工作。她们永远不会说自己是“争取选举权的妇女”,因为那听起来太微小了,她们宁愿说自己是“主张扩大妇女参政权的人”。我母亲在芝加哥的一个无党派团体中工作,该团体倡导政治领域的对话和事实。她是女性选民联盟的一名成员,这是一个在妇女有了投票权之后成立的社会团体。我的另一方面的家庭影响,来自于我的父亲唐纳德ŸŸ菲斯克,他是一位方法学家和心理测量学家。他在《心理学公告》中发表了一篇一百年来被引用次数最多的文章(Campbell & Fiske, 1959), 该文章提出了一个经典方法,即采用多质-多法矩阵进行聚合分析和辨别验证。所以,在某种程度上,我结合了我父母的兴趣。另外,我的兄弟艾伦ŸŸ菲斯克,是一名文化心理学家,他也是我的一个家庭影响来源。

My locations also influenced my research. I grew up in Hyde Park in Chicago (also Obama’s neighborhood), which is a stable, racially integrated community. When I went to school in Boston, it was a shock, because I saw far less ethnic variety in Boston. It was very segregated. Even though Chicago was segregated too, in my experience as an elementary school kid, for example, I went to school with all different kinds of people. But when I got to Boston, suddenly the experience was all white. As a white Anglo person who was used to something different, it was a shock. And I couldn't figure out why it was different, because Boston is such as progressive city. So it seemed strange, and I wanted to figure out why.


The times also made a difference. I came in the age of 1970s, in the Vietnam protests and civil rights era. I wanted to make the world a better place, but I didn't want to do it by just having opinions---you have to have evidence. I realized that I would have to go to graduate school and get the tools to represent voices that were not being heard. Therefore, my whole background and my family influence all prompt me to study stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. It was clear to me even then that who you are informs what youthink is interesting to study. The problems you pick, what you call them, how you label them, how you study them, and the conclusions that you draw are influenced by who you are. Of course, then you have to defend your position in the marketplace of ideas and scientific peer reviews and so on.


At the time that I was an undergraduate, there were hardly any female psychologists or female social psychologists specifically. And this influenced the research approaches. Just as an illustration, there was a phenomenon called “field dependency” versus “field independence.” For example, if you're in a dark room and they tilt the chair you're in, do you pay attention to cues about the walls or you pay attention to your internal cues? Women and minorities were claimed to have “field dependence” and men and majorities were claimed to have “field independence”. But I thought, why don't you call it “field sensitivity”? Which sounds better? So that’s an instance of how your identity affects the way you label it and interpret it. As one of the few women psychologists at that time, I was seeing all these individual differences, particularly in gender classes---and unfortunately their labels all made women look bad. And I just thought this is not okay. Somebody with a different point of view has to come along. 


I broadened my goal to under-represented people besides women: immigrants, for example, as I think the overall trend in the world is globalization. We will see more people doing different kinds of things, visiting different places, being friends and marrying each other and working together. I think that's the way of the future. And I think it's healthy. I would say those are the main influences on how I went into the field.




心理新青年》:Your Stereotype Content Model (SCM) model has been extremely popular and influential among Chinese social psychologists, and many researchers have been applying your theories in their own studies. As some pointed out, Chinese culture emphasizes morality and ethics (e.g. filial piety, universal benevolence, and harmony). What are your perspectives on the development of SCM and its applications in differing cultural context?



Susan Fiske: As a preamble to this question, a Chinese Professor said to me that modern Chinese culture is a dynamic mix, and it's changing. We have data on this part. For example, respect for older people is a traditional value in China, as well as in other East Asian and South Asian countries. But when we measure ageism, it's actually worse in East Asia than it is in the West. And our results suggest it's because of people's concerns about resources. In the old days in the U.S. and in China, people would take care of the old people, and they would live in their children’s house. But now there's more concern, at least at the group level, about paying for all these old people. In the U.S., people worried about baby boomers being a burden on the economy. And in China, I don't know what the situation is, but maybe with the one-child policy there was more anxiety about how people are going to support the older people. So I think people can feel simultaneously fond of their grandparents and worried about the whole society and how it is going to handle the elderly.




So people all over the world, including the U.S. and China, stereotype older people as warm and well-intentioned (deserving help) but simultaneously as incompetent to contribute (requiring resources). This kind of ambivalent stereotype is typical of what the SCM finds. Disabled people and children also are viewed as warm but incompetent, requiring care. The other kind of ambivalent SCM stereotype is competent but cold. All over the world, rich people are stereotyped this way, as you know, Sherry, from our recently published paper.



Warmth consists of morality and sociality, which are highly correlated. And competence consists of capability and agency, which are highly correlated. So you can think of the SCM as having four clusters of groups, the two kinds I just mentioned, plus the warm-competent ideal citizen and the low-low opposite (societal outcasts). With regard to the universality of SCM, on one level, it seems to be quite universal in the sense that if you ask people about the groups in their society, the two dimensions (warmth and competence) spread the groups out, and the resulting map meets the "eye ball test". You look at it, it makes sense, and people from the culture also think it makes sense.



There are a few exceptions to the four quadrants. Sometimes it’s more of a vector than it is a cloud of points. And sometimes the ambivalent quadrants go away. Specifically, there are three main considerations. First, lack of ambivalent stereotype quadrants happens in more equal countries, countries that have the big social safety net like Switzerland and the Scandinavian countries. Groups are either us (part of the nation, high on both dimensions) or not (low on both).


Second, lack of ambivalence happens more if a country has a civil war or international war, because the distinction between “us” versus “them” would be stronger there. But if a country has got a lot of inequality, like the U.S. and China, we are more likely to observe all four quadrants. And I think it's because the society has to explain why some people are poor and deserving and some people are poor and undeserving.


Third, the first time when we studied East Asian cultures was in Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea. The high-warmth, high-competence quadrant was missing in all three cases. What in Western cultures would be a high-high quadrant was changed to a more neutral and modest space in these East Asian cultures. To me it fits the lessons from cultural psychology: in East Asian cultures, it is traditionally mature to be modest (humble and neutral) about yourself and your own groups; the stereotypic arrogance of some Americans looks babyish and not very mature. So those are the three main considerations: equality, peace, and maybe an East-West difference.



《心理新青年》:Stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice exist everywhere around the world. What would you recommend social psychologists do to bridge or promote the conversation between theories and applications?



Susan Fiske: I think teaching about this material is really important because colleges and universities all around the world train people who will be the leaders in charge of things. Teach diversity. From a pragmatic point of view, diversity can be profitable. Business needs to have variety. Because if you want to have a diverse customer base, you need to have a diverse employee base to anticipate what those clients want. There's creativity in hybrid vigor. And I think there's also a moral reason to teach diversity. It's just the right thing to do. Become more global and accept it.








Susan Fiske教授:





《心理新青年》著名心理学家系列专访之第八期,我们将继续邀请到美国普林斯顿大学Susan Fiske教授,与大家娓娓道来在她成就非凡的学术生涯背后有哪些不为人知的艰辛故事,以及她对中国社会心理学领域广大学生学者的建议和祝福。精彩内容,敬请期待!


4. 采访团队



























5. 特别声明

本次著名心理学家专访由《心理新青年》编辑部制作呈现。具体分工如下:吴珏彧、胡晓檬起草提纲、吴珏彧实施采访,吴珏彧、胡晓檬转录文本、编辑修改,Susan Fiske博士审校,编辑部其他成员王浥濛、徐以安、孙卉、徐艺珊、杨涛、姜聪佼对此文亦有贡献。本文知识产权归《心理新青年》编辑部所有,未经授权,严禁转载。如需转载,请联系编辑部商讨授权事宜。


6. 关于我们

《心理新青年》编辑部创办于2017年1月,作为【人格与社会心理学华人青年联合会】的旗帜性传播平台,本微信公号旨在从心理学视角出发,以人格与社会心理学领域的理论基础和实证依据为依托,倡导“立足中国,影响世界”(China roots, global impact)的理念,促进心理学知识与思想的科学传播,尤其是人格与社会心理学的经典与前沿研究成果,服务于当下处于快速变革与文化变迁中的华人社会,推动心理学科学研究与社会大众日常生活的紧密结合与成果转化。


7. 联系我们

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