回到本源,正本清源。 Back to the origin. “源,水泉本也。” 【说文解字】Yuan: the roots of water and spring. 源,为始,万物之源;是来自从前的、祖先的智慧以及学识。Origin — the beginning, the beginning of everything: the past, the ancestors, their wisdom and knowledge. 源头,是追溯到茶树品种的原产地,是尊重自然选择, 是寻求真实。Origin: to trace back the birthplace of each varietal. To respect the laws of nature. To seek the authentic.
源头,是返璞归真,上古天真,Origin is a return to the simple, the innocent. 初生婴儿般,以松为常。Like the new-born babies — relaxation is the natural state. 源头,是善护念,是守着初心,以此去实现这一生的无限可能。Origin is the heart — what you were born with — the unique soul and gift of mission to fulfill in this lifetime. 乡 土Xiang Tu
乡 - 乡村、故乡 Xiang - village, hometown 土 - 土壤、土地Tu - soil, earth 乡土 - 是一个与源头有关的意象。Together, Xiang Tu is an origin concept. 家乡、故乡、土地、根:是生命开始的地方,是万物之源。The hometown, the mother town, the earth, the roots, the One that nurtures,where everything (the life) begins, the origin.
民谚里的 “乡土 ”Similar Concepts and Proverbs of Xiang Tu 水土不服 -Shui Tu Bu Fu, not adjusting well with the soil and water (new environment). 一方水土养一方人 -Yi Fang Shui Tu Yang Yi Fang Ren, the kind of water and soil raise the kind of man. 落叶归根 -Luo Ye Gui Gen, the fallen leaves go back to the roots. 茶 说Cha Shuo
茶 - 人在草木中(上中下为草字头、人、木字底)When written, the mandarin character for tea (Cha) shows human beings walking between the grass and woods, showing the original relationship of human beings and nature. 说 - 表达、传达Shuo - to talk, communicate, deliver. 茶说 - 茶的表达在其香气、滋味,从深山到桌边,从鲜叶到杯茗。Cha Shuo, tea communicates itself through aroma and tastes, from the mountain to the table, the fresh-picked leaves to the cup. 茶性发于水,每每,带着自然的讯息,与人在天地之间交互。With the encounter of water, each time, tea brings a memory from nature, to engage with human beings in the universe.
从舌尖开始,探索人文。A journey starting from the palate to explore humanity. 在茶汤的棉柔细长里,明心见性。In the ups and downs of tea, the heart is revealed. 个体的集体记忆鲜活起来。The collective memory of individuals comes alive. 缘于茶, 心心相印。For the Yuanfen with tea, we resonate with one another, with the past, the ancestors, nature. 溯茶源,归至本处。Tracing back the origin of tea, one finds heart. 茶是祝福。Tea blesses. 茶是启发。Tea inspires. 茶是滋养。Tea nurtures.
手不离杯,杯不离茶,日日是好日。Hands with cups, cups filled with tea, every day is content. 乡土茶说,您味蕾之旅的朋伴。Xiang Tu Cha Shuo, a companion on your journey starting from the palate.
Website: XiangTuChaShuo.com Email: info@xiangtuchashuo.comInstagram: Xiang Tu Cha Shuo