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而我今天看的这篇,发表在【科学】期刊上的Synteny and Collinearity in Plant Genomes. 不得不说【科学】的版面宝贵,估计里面的一句话等于普通期刊的3句了。为了理解这些长难句,我不得不拿出了我当年学习理解考研英语的架势来。
Accordingly, accurate identification of orthologs across eutherian taxa is relatively routine, and deduction of synteny and collinearity is often straightforward with best-in-genome criteria (4), identifying one-to-one best matching chromosomal regions in pairwise genome comparisons
Angiosperm (flowering plant) genomes fluctuate remarkably in size and arrangement even within close relatives, with recurring wholegenome duplications occurring over the past ~200 million years accompanied by wholesale gene loss that has fractionated ancestral gene linkages across multiple chromosomes (5).
Accordingly, (1)accurate identification of orthologs across eutherian taxa is relatively routine, / and (2) deduction of synteny and collinearity is often straightforward with best-in-genome criteria , / identifying one-to-one best matching chromosomal regions in pairwise genome comparisons
第一个句子先分为两个部分(1)和(2),这两个部分用and连接,所以句型是相同的,都是主谓补结构(S+V+C)。 然后第(2)部分中,还有一个黄色部分比较烦人,这是一个减化形容词从句,具体一点就是现代分词词组,形容前面的best-in-genome criteria.
(1)Angiosperm (flowering plant) genomes fluctuate remarkably in size and arrangement even / within close relatives, (2) / with recurring wholegenome duplications occurring over the past ~200 million years (3)/ accompanied by wholesale gene loss(4)/ that has fractionated ancestral gene linkages across multiple chromosomes
(1). 被子植物基因组在大小上变化非常显著,并且即便在较近的物种中也有重排现象。
(2). 这是在过去2亿年间不断发生的全基因组重复
(3). 这伴随着大规模基因组丢失
(4). 这种基因组丢失使得同一个祖先的基因谱系分散在不同的染色体上。