

2017-10-10 福州大学研究生教育

瑞典皇家科学院宣布,将2017年诺贝尔经济学奖授予芝加哥大学金融和行为科学教授Richard H. Thaler,表彰其在行为经济学领域的贡献。

Richard H. Thaler

Thaler教授生于1945年,1974年获得美国罗彻斯特大学经济学博士学位,指导老师是Sherwin Rosen。主要研究领域是行为经济学、行为金融学与决策心理学。



Thaler曾客串出演《大空头》,在电影中,他在拉斯维加斯的一家赌场,向人解释什么是“担保债务凭证”。其代表著作有《赢者的诅咒》和《准理性经济学》。另有和哈佛大学法学院教授卡斯·桑斯坦(Cass Sunstein )合著的行为经济学类书籍《助推》(Nudge)。









2012年度诺贝尔经济学奖颁给了对市场主体“配对”问题做研究的两位美国学者。评委会主席、新宏观经济学创始人克鲁赛尔(Per Krusell)评价:“此次经济学奖中,金钱不再是研究活动的主角,尽管其确与人息息相关,但并非生活的全部,而人成为了主体。”


Press Release: The Prize in Economic Sciences 2017

9 October 2017

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2017 to

Richard H. Thaler

University of Chicago, IL, USA

"for his contributions to behavioural economics"

Integrating economics with psychology

Richard H. Thaler has incorporated psychologically realistic assumptions into analyses of economic decision-making. By exploring the consequences of limited rationality, social preferences, and lack of self-control, he has shown how these human traits systematically affect individual decisions as well as market outcomes.

Limited rationality: Thaler developed the theory of mental accounting,explaining how people simplify financial decision-making by creating separate accounts in their minds, focusing on the narrow impact of each individual decision rather than its overall effect. He also showed how aversion to losses can explain why people value the same item more highly when they own it than when they don't, a phenomenon called the endowment effect. Thaler was one of the founders of the field of behavioural finance, which studies how cognitive limitations influence financial markets.

Social preferences: Thaler's theoretical and experimental research onfairness has been influential. He showed how consumers' fairness concerns may stop firms from raising prices in periods of high demand, but not in times of rising costs. Thaler and his colleagues devised the dictator game, an experimental tool that has been used in numerous studies to measure attitudes to fairness in different groups of people around the world.

Lack of self-control: Thaler has also shed new light on the old observation that New Year's resolutions can be hard to keep. He showed how to analyse self-control problems using a planner-doer model, which is similar to the frameworks psychologists and neuroscientists now use to describe the internal tension between long-term planning and short-term doing. Succumbing to shortterm temptation is an important reason why our plans to save for old age, or make healthier lifestyle choices, often fail. In his applied work, Thaler demonstrated how nudging – a term he coined – may help people exercise better self-control when saving for a pension, as well in other contexts.

In total, Richard Thaler's contributions have built a bridge between the economic and psychological analyses of individual decision-making. His empirical findings and theoretical insights have been instrumental in creating the new and rapidly expanding field of behavioural economics, which has had a profound impact on many areas of economic research and policy.

More information, please visit the Nobel website: https://www.nobelprize.org

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