

BNU_自我研究 SelfCulturalPsy 2023-05-13

死亡焦虑一直以来都是悬在人类头顶的达摩克利斯之剑。1973年,人类文化学家Ernest Becker提出:人类可能是唯一知道自己最终结局的生物,也是唯一始终生活在恐惧中的生物。心理学研究发现,七岁左右的儿童就已经开始形成死亡的观念,明白死亡并非如睡眠等暂时性状态,是生命的彻底毁灭。



来自赖希曼大学、亚利桑那大学等不同院校的八位学者探讨了当个体意识到自己与其它动物并无差别时,该用怎样的力量去应对死亡,文章于2021年12月29日发表在Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin上。研究者通过六项子研究,来探究什么样的力量可以帮助我们应对死亡。

首先,研究者要求被试填写“自我与动物感知相似性”量表(perceived similarity of the self to animals, PSSA),即评价一个人在多大程度上认为自己与其它动物有多相似。在对896名美国学生进行的初步研究中,研究者发现,PSSA得分较高的个体(认为自己与其他动物并无差别)对创造性尤为关注,而对国家的认同度较低。另一项针对422名美国成年人子研究也发现,较高PSSA得分的个体更倾向于参与艺术等创造性活动。

在随后的研究中,189名以色列犹太人参与了线上实验,并被随机分为两个组别。实验组(n = 93)被要求反思死亡,如“当你想到自己的死亡时,你会产生什么样的情绪”、“当你的肉体死亡后,你认为会发生什么”等,控制组(n = 96)则被要求思考身体疼痛的经历。结果显示,在面对有关死亡的问题时,高PSSA的个体更倾向于将创造力作为应对死亡焦虑的武器。出乎意料的是,在面临身体疼痛问题(控制组)时,低PSSA的个体反而更关注创造性,其原因也尚未明确。






首先,研究者在The Current Research部分,简明扼要地介绍了每个研究的目的。

We tested Hypothesis 1 by examining whether high-PSSA individuals, as compared with low-PSSA individuals, attach more importance to being creative and achieving unique accomplishments (Study 1), engage in more creativity related subjects such as the arts (Study 2), and score higher on trait openness (Study 5). In Studies 3 and 4, we tested whether mortality salience (compared with a control condition) increases the importance attached to being creative among high-PSSA individuals. We tested Hypothesis 2 by examining (a) whether high-PSSA individuals score higher on trait anxiety and neuroticism than low-PSSA individuals (Study 5), and (b) whether high-PSSA individuals would have higher levels of DTA and state anxiety after experiencing a threat to their sense of creativity compared with a nothreat condition (Study 6).



These results partially supported Hypothesis 1: PSSA was positively associated with caring about being creative, but it was not associated with caring about achieving unique accomplishments. Our results also suggest that PSSA had unique predictive power beyond other related variables. Nevertheless, we continued to examine other variables in the subsequent studies to further establish the discriminatory validity of PSSA.


Still, to fully test Hypothesis 1, and investigate the role of terror management in the PSSA-creativity link, we needed to conduct an experimental study manipulating mortality salience.


Overall, these findings supported our hypothesis that high-PSSA individuals are motivated to use creativity as a terror management strategy. Although it remained unclear why in the control condition, low-PSSA individuals cared slightly more about creativity than high-PSSA individuals, the findings were otherwise fully in line with our predictions.

Study 4 was a preregistered replication of the findings from Study 3, using an international sample of participants from the online platform Reddit.com.


These results provide a cross-cultural replication of the findings from Study 3, using an international participant sample and with slight variations in the methodology.

Study 5 was designed to examine Hypothesis 2 in a correlational design by asking participants to complete self-report measures of PSSA, trait anxiety, and neuroticism.


The results lend some support for Hypothesis 2a, as PSSA was positively related to trait anxiety, although not to neuroticism. This study did provide more support for Hypothesis 1a, as PSSA was positively associated with openness, and this correlation would remain significant with the Bonferroni correction. Finally, by comparing with other potentially related variables, the results further established evidence for the discriminatory validity of the PSSA measure.

Study 6 tested Hypothesis 2 experimentally. If high-PSSA individuals are indeed more anxious and care more about their creativity, then they should also experience more anxiety after a threat to their creativity.


Lifshin, U., Greenberg, J.,Syropoulos, S., Leidner, B., Helm, P. J., Sullivan, D., ... & Mikulincer,M. (2021). Perceived Similarity of the Self to Animals, Creativity, andAnxiety—: A Terror Management Analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672211063260.

