MDPI News | Medicine & Pharmacology Science学科CiteScore 2020新鲜出炉
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2021年6月3日,爱思唯尔正式公布了2020 CiteScoreTM。MDPI出版的300余个期刊中,共有172个期刊被Scopus数据库收录,其中158个期刊收获CiteScore 2020。小编第一时间根据Scopus数据库统计了MDPI 分学科领域的期刊CiteScore,今日为大家推送医学与药理 (Medicine & Pharmacology) 学科类,快来Pick你的期刊吧!
Medicine & Pharmacology
Journal Name | CiteScore 2020 |
Antibiotics | 2.8 |
Biomedicines | 3.6 |
Cancers | 4.4 |
Current Oncology | 3.8 |
Dentistry Journal | 2.2 |
Diagnostics | 1.4 |
Gastroenterology Insights | 0.2 |
Geriatrics | 1.8 |
Infectious Disease Reports | 2.4 |
International Journal of Neonatal Screening | 2.1 |
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease | 0.6 |
Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology | 1.7 |
Journal of Personalized Medicine | 3.0 |
Marine Drugs | 6.4 |
Medicina | 1.7 |
Methods and Protocols | 1.7 |
Pediatric Reports | 0.9 |
Pharmaceuticals | 4.6 |
Pharmaceutics | 4.7 |
Scientia Pharmaceutica | 4.1 |
Tomography | 3.1 |
其中Dentistry Journal,International Journal of Neonatal Screening,Scientia Pharmaceutica 3个期刊CiteScore近两年连续增长,以下为增长情况一览表。
Journal Name | CiteScore 2018 | CiteScore 2019 | CiteScore 2020 |
Dentistry Journal | 0.3 | 0.9 | 2.2 |
International Journal of Neonatal Screening | 1.2 | 1.4 | 2.1 |
Scientia Pharmaceutica | 1.8 | 2.9 | 4.1 |
MDPI News | Chemistry & Materials Science学科CiteScore 2020新鲜出炉
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