

外语学术科研网 语言科学 2021-09-19


The Modern Language Journal (MLJ) is an international refereed journal dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among researchers and teachers of all modern foreign languages and English as a foreign language (L2). The journal is particularly committed to publishing high quality work in non-English languages. Its publication focus is further defined by linking the findings of research to teaching and learning in a variety of settings and on all educational levels.

Sociocultural Theory (SCT) proposes that higher forms of consciousness, as Vygotsky described them, result from our engagement with the world, a process that is mediated through interaction with others and our use of available resources, notably language. Vygotsky himself understood the theory to have profound implications for how we think about learning and development and how we might create educational environments. Since the 1980s, SCT has been vigorously pursued by L2 scholars, mostly in Western countries. More recently, East Asia has witnessed considerable interest in SCT as a framework for researching foreign language teaching and learning and as a basis for designing new practices. The aim of this proposed special issue is to publish original research articles that reflect the most recent advances in SCT-L2 research carried out in East Asian contexts, where the theory’s contributions to meeting unique challenges are matched by the importance of that scholarship to promoting the theory’s own development.

James P. Lantolf and Matthew E. Poehner will serve as the guest editors for the special issue. East Asia SCT Group (established in May 2019 at Xi’an Jiaotong University) will assist them. We welcome proposals for original research on different languages by scholars working in East-Asian educational institutions (Abstracts from scholars working outside of the East-Asian context will not be considered).

Suggested Topics

(not limited)

🔹 Dynamic Assessment

🔹 Concept Based Instruction

🔹 Zone of Proximal Development

🔹 Private Speech

🔹 Internalization

🔹 Perezhivanie

🔹 Teacher Development

🔹 Computer Assisted Language Learning(CALL)

🔹 SCT and other theories of SLA

Important Notes

🔹 Submitted abstracts should be in English with no more than 400 words.

🔹 Include an author’s bio info with name, title, institution (East Asia only), research interests, email and address.

🔹 Email abstracts (and Manuscripts if abstracts are accepted) to the email address:sla2019xjtu@163.com.

🔹 Please keep in mind that acceptance of abstracts is not a guarantee that manuscripts will be accepted by the guest editors. Also, final decision for inclusion of any manuscript and acceptance of the proposed special issue rests with the Editor and Editorial Board of the MLJ.

🔹 While abstracts that focus on English as a foreign language will be considered, the MLJ’s primary focus is on languages other than English. We thus encourage submissions from a wide array of second languages, including Chinese, Korean and Japanese as second languages.

Important Dates

🔹 Abstract Submission Deadline: May 30, 2020

🔹 Decision on abstracts: July 30, 2020

🔹 Invited Paper Submission Deadline: October 30, 2020  

🔹 Notification of paper Acceptance: March  2021

🔹 Possible Publication Date: January 2022 (to be confirmed)

Guest Editor Bios

🔹 James P. Lantolf is the Greer Professor Emeritus in Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University. His research focuses on sociocultural theory and second language development in classroom settings. He has been visiting professor at several international universities and currently holds honorary professorships at the University of Hong Kong and Xi’an Jiaotong University in China. In 2016 he was named Yangtze River Professor in Applied Linguistics at Xi’an JiaoTong University.

🔹 Matthew E. Poehner is Professor of World Languages Education and Applied Linguistics in the College of Education at the Pennsylvania State University. He is Associate Editor of the journal Language and Sociocultural Theory and is most recently co-editor (with J. P. Lantolf) of the Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development.

Professor Poehner has published numerous articles and book chapters, and his work has appeared in journals including TESOL QuarterlyThe Modern Language JournalLanguage Teaching ResearchInternational Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, andInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics.

The Modern Language Journal

                                             East Asia SCT Group

                                             January 6. 2020

中 文 版



本次委托美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学James Lantolf和Matthew Poehner作为客座主编,东亚社会文化理论研究联盟(2019年5月在西安交通大学创立)将做好协助工作。欢迎符合条件的学者不吝赐稿。


🔹 动态评估

🔹 基于概念的教学

🔹 最近发展区

🔹 私语/内语

🔹 Perezhivanie(情感体验)

🔹 基于社会文化理论的教师发展

🔹 基于社会文化理论的计算机辅助语言学习

🔹 社会文化理论和其它SLA理论


🔹 英文摘要不超过400字;

🔹  附上作者简介,包括名字、学术身份/职称、单位(仅东亚地区)、研究兴趣,邮箱和地址;

🔹 接收邮箱:sla2019xjtu@163.com

🔹 摘要接受并不表示论文全文能被接受,《现代语言杂志》期刊部编委有最终决定权;

🔹 虽然英语作为外语方面的研究会被考虑,但该期刊较为关注其它语种(如汉语、韩语和日语等作为二语),欢迎该方向作者赐稿。


🔹 摘要截止日期:May 30,2020

🔹 接收通知日期:July 30, 2020

🔹 全文提交日期:October 30, 2020   

🔹 全文接受日期:March 2021(具体待定)

🔹 初步出版日期:January 2022(具体待定)


🔹 James P. Lantolf(詹姆士·兰道尔夫)是美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学应用语言学系Greer(格里尔)荣休教授,主要关注社会文化理论和课堂环境下的二语发展。他曾任多所学校的客座教授,包括香港大学和西安交通大学等,2016年荣获中国教育部“长江讲座教授”殊荣,就任于西安交通大学外国语学院。

🔹 Matthew E. Poehner(马修·珀纳)是美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学世界语教育和应用语言学系教授、《语言和社会文化理论》(Language and Sociocultural Theory)期刊副主编。他发表数篇期刊论文和专著章节,论文发表期刊包括《TESOL季刊》、《现代语言杂志》、《语言教学研究》、《认知教育和心理学国际期刊》、《应用语言学国际期刊》等知名期刊。2018年与James Lantolf和Merrill Swain(梅丽尔·斯温)共同主编《劳特利齐社会文化理论和二语发展手册》。








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