“网络研讨会Webinar” 系列学术论坛
“网络研讨会Webinar” 系列学术论坛第四讲
Lecture 4---第四讲
Zoom ID: 518 618 7718
In this lecture, he explores the notion of extended embodiment and its consequences for our understanding of the conceptualization of space and time and for the development and evolution of language. Embodiment extends beyond the corporeal human body, encompassing the humanly made world of cultural artefacts, amongst which should be counted language itself. Language and other artefacts are the bearers of human cultures, and broadening the scope of embodiment theory “beyond the skin” reinforces the cultural dimension of cognitive linguistic theories. He builds upon his cross-linguistic and cultural comparative research into the cognitive and linguistic domains of space and time to demonstrate how extended embodiment integrates cognitive and cultural perspectives in linguistics and cognitive science. He argues that this approach unifies developmental, ecologicaland evolutionary dynamics of language and thought, and provides a new perspective on issues on issues of linguistic relativity.
Dr. Chris Sinha
“网络研讨会Webinar” 系列学术论坛第五讲
Lecture 5---第五讲
Zoom ID: 518 618 7718
Esther Geva is Professor of School and Child Clinical Psychology in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)University Toronto. Esther’s research, publications, and teaching focus on typical and atypical development of L1 and L2 language and literacy skills in students coming from various bilingual, immigrant, refugee, and minority backgrounds, and on cross-cultural perspectives on children’s psychological problems. Esther has published numerous articles and chapters in these areas, presented her work internationally, and served on numerous advisory, policy, and review committees in Canada, US, and Europe, concerned with literacy development in minority/L2 students, including the National Literacy Panel. Esther supervises graduate students who work with culturally and linguistically diverse children and their families in the OISE Psychology clinic. Esther’s research and teaching led to the publication of a book targeting primarily school and clinical psychologists: Psychological Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children and Adolescents: A Practitioner's Guide (2014; Springer; Judith Wiener, co-author), and another book targeting teachers who have L2 students in their classroom: Key Concepts for the Language Classroom: Focus on Reading (2015; Oxford University Press; Gloria Ramirez, co-author).
“网络研讨会Webinar” 系列学术论坛第六讲
Lecture 6---第六讲
Zoom ID: 518 618 7718
The lecture shows how the relationship between gesture and speech contributes to communication impairments in ASD, and how it can be used to facilitate successful communication.
Laura M.Morett is a doctor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, assistant professor of Educational Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Alabama. She conducts research on the cognitive and neural bases of gesture and its relationship to spoken and written language in the context of learning. She investigates these phenomena in typical development as well as populations with psychiatric and neurological disorders. Methods that she uses include behavioral techniques, eye-tracking, EEG, MEG, and fNIRS.
第一章 具身语言理论基础
第一节 具身语言哲学基础
第二节 具身语言神经生理基础
第二章 具身语言研究综述
第一节 具身语言的理论发展
第二节 具身语言的实证依据
第三章 具身语言研究方法
第一节 神经科学研究方法
第二节 计算科学研究方法
第四章 具身词法研究
第一节 词语感知的具身证据
第二节 具身词法与镜像神经元
第五章 具身语义研究
第一节 具身语义记忆表征
第二节 神经计算语义中心
第六章 具身语法研究
第一节 具身视角切换
第二节 具身句法的歧义消解
第七章 具身语音研究
第一节 具身韵律链条
第二节 语音统计学习
第八章 具身语篇研究
第一节 语篇心理模型
第二节 构建具身情境模型
第九章 具身语言教育观
第一节 具身语言教育理念
第二节 具身阅读
第十章 具身语言未来与展望
第一节 具身语言未来面临的四个问题
第二节 儿童语言学习的具身模拟发展前景