
心理语言学线上论坛| Xingcheng Ma 博士、Cynthia Siew 教授讲座

分享 语言科学 2022-07-15

Speaker: Xingcheng Ma
Title: Effect of word order asymmetry on the cognitive load of English-Chinese sight translation—Evidence from eye movement data
Time: 15:00 – 16:30, 13 July 2022 
           (Beijing, Hong Kong time)
Venue: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/779556638

Talks on the forum can also be viewed live, using the below QR code: 

Effect of word order asymmetry on the cognitive load of English-Chinese sight translation—Evidence from eye movement data

Xingcheng Ma
Southeast University, China

Whether language-specific differences pose additional constraints has been a question of significant debate in interpreting studies. One typical indicator of language specificity, also considered as a major obstacle for interpreting, is word order asymmetry: the degree of similarity between source and target language in word orders may have the effect of either increasing or decreasing cognitive load during interpreting. In this talk, I will present an eye-tracking study on the effect of word order asymmetry from a cognitive perspective by manipulating the degree of structural difficulty and the availability of context during English-to-Chinese (EC) sight translation. A within-subject experiment was designed for 23 MA translation students who sight translated sentences with different degrees of structural asymmetry from English into Chinese in both single-sentence and discourse contexts. To measure their cognitive load, participants’ eye movements during translation were recorded using an eye tracker. Three major findings were generated: (1) The effect of word order asymmetry was confirmed on both sentence-based and word-based processing; (2) Contextual information did not contribute to less effortful processing in the discourse context (as indicated by more fixations and longer regressions); (3) Segmentation was used far more frequently than restructuring to address asymmetric structures. It is expected that these findings will enrich our understanding of the cognitive mechanisms involved in interpreting between languages that are structurally very different, as well as offering suggestions for improvements to interpreter training. 

About the speaker
Dr. Xingcheng Ma is an associate professor in School of Foreign Languages of Southeast University. She holds a PhD in Translation and Interpreting Studies from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her dissertation is an eye-tracking experimental study of the effects of word order asymmetry on cognitive processing during English-to-Chinese sight translation. Her research interests include empirical approaches to translation process research, cognitive processes of interpreting and translation and corpus-based interpreting studies. As the sole or first author, her writings have been published in some of the leading peer-reviewed international journals (e.g., SSCI and A&HCI indexed) in translation and interpreting studies (e.g., Across Languages and Cultures, Interpreting, Target, Babel) as well as CSSCI journals such as《外語教學與研究》(Foreign Language Teaching and Research) and《外國語》(Journal of Foreign Languages). 

Virtual Psycholinguistics Forum:

Speaker: Cynthia Siew
Title: An Introduction to Network Analysis for Psycholinguists
Time: 14:00 – 15:30, 10 Aug 2022 
           (Beijing, Hong Kong time)
Venue: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/779556638

Talks on the forum can also be viewed live, using the below QR code: 

An Introduction to Network Analysis for Psycholinguists
Cynthia Siew 
Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore

Network Science is a branch of complexity science that uses methods from graph theory to study the structure and dynamics of complex systems from a wide range of topics, such as the Internet, social networks, and ecological systems. The aim of this tutorial is to showcase how methods from Network Science can be useful for understanding language systems; in particular, how various forms of linguistic information are organized in the mental lexicon and how different network measures can provide information about the micro-, meso-, and macro-scale structure of language networks. The tutorial will begin with a gentle introduction to the field of Network Science and provide examples of its application in recent psycholinguistic studies. This is followed by a demonstration of how to conduct basic network analysis and network visualization in R (using the `igraph` package).

About the speaker
Cynthia Siew is currently Assistant Professor of Psychology at the National University of Singapore. She was previously a Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, UK, from 2017 to 2019. She graduated from the University of Kansas, USA, in 2017, with a PhD in Cognitive Psychology. Her research focuses on using network science methods to quantify cognitive and lexical representations in the mental lexicon and semantic memory. Through a combination of experimental and computational approaches, she examines how the structure of cognitive systems influences lexical processes that operate in those systems, and the development of mental lexicon and semantic memory across the lifespan. 
Website: http://hello.csqsiew.xyz/ 

Virtual Psycholinguistics Forum:

本文来源: 港中文语言处理实验室

心理语言学线上论坛 |  Xin Wang博士讲座

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