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Update:Patrick Brown已经连夜宣布辞职!据说是在安省保守党内部紧急会议之后,Brown本人随即宣布辞职,距离他开发布会否认性骚扰指控仅仅过去了3个小时。

安省保守党领袖Patrick Brown今晚刚刚召开紧急新闻发布会,否认早先两位女士针对他本人担任国会议员期间的性骚扰指控。

“这些指控是假的。” Brown在Queen's Park对记者说,

他们中的每一个人。 我会尽我所能为自己辩护,用我所能掌握的一切手段。 我无法推测我的指控者的动机,我只能说他们所说的话完全是不真实的。“

布朗说:“任何人都觉得自己是性骚扰的受害者,或者以任何方式感到受到威胁,这是不行的。 “我们需要推进全国各地消除性暴力和性骚扰的工作。 到处。”

他建议他会起诉他的控告者:“我知道舆论法庭行动迅速。 我已经指示我的律师确保这些指控在他们应该在的地方得到解决:在法庭上,“他说。

英文原文如下“Every one of them. I will defend myself as hard as I can, with all the means at my disposal. I can’t speculate on the motive of my accusers, I can only say they what they are saying is categorically untrue.”

“It’s never OK for anyone to feel they have been a victim of sexual harassment or feel threatened in any way,” Brown said. “We need to move forward to eradicate sexual violence and harassment across the province, across the country. Everywhere.”

He suggested he will sue his accusers: “I know that the court of public opinion moves fast. I have instructed my attorneys to ensure that these allegations are addressed where they should be: in a court of law,” he said.


《Naked Truth》最先公布Patrick Brown相关辞职消息。

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来自THE STAR.COM报道Patrick Brown resigns as PC leader amid sexual misconduct allegations








Hours after a tearful press conference where he denied the allegations, Brown released a statement saying he could not continue as party leader with an election a little more than four months away.

In a statement early Thursday, Brown said he could not continue as party leader with an election a little more than four months away.

“After consulting with caucus, friends and family I have decided to step down as leader of the Ontario PC Party. I will remain on as a MPP while I definitively clear my name from these false allegations,” he said at 1:25 a.m.

“I’m confident the president of our party and caucus will convene an expedited process to elect my successor who I look forward to working with.”

In a separate statement, Deputy PC Leaders Sylvia Jones and Steve Clark said caucus members agreed Brown had to go.

“We unanimously agree that Mr. Brown cannot continue serving as the leader. Mr. Brown is entitled to a legal defense and due process, but he cannot lead us into an election as a result of these allegations,” they said.

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PC Leader Patrick Brown held a late night press conference Thursday at Queen's Park where he denied allegations of misconduct, but later issued a statement saying he would step down.  (RICK MADONIK / TORONTO STAR) | ORDER THIS PHOTO  延伸阅读:本号独家线索:网友分析土豆试图修宪!被女王阻止。




她的夫家家族也不错,来自美国纽约,毕业于普林斯顿,现在是Blackstone Canada 的Chairman。夫婿的父亲是Harper's Magazine 的总编,自己曾是一家网络媒体的CEO。

群友留言:她老公家族不是不错啊,而是很厉害啊,他父亲是Legendary journalist and writer, 毕业于耶鲁和剑桥,他的great great grandfather 是Texaco (现在是Chevron 的子公司)创始人。





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